The War of Resistance

Chapter 708: crossing (1)

"The War of Resistance Against Mountains (

The carriage started running again, but this time there was already one car missing.

That was the carriage that was driven by Shang Zhen to attract the Japanese plane. Shang Zhen escaped, but the two horses were blood-stained by the Japanese plane!

It turns out that there is water at the other end of the mound. According to the southerners, it is called a pond, but according to the northeasterners, it is a water bubble.

When the Japanese plane flew away and the soldiers rushed over to look for Shang Zhen, they finally saw Shang Zhen coming out of the bubble like a ghost.

How big can a puddle called a pond be? Both horses were pierced by machine guns from the plane, and the blood stained the entire puddle red.

When Shang Zhen emerged from the pond, the blood flowed down his long hair in locks, from head to toe, there was no spot on Shang Zhen's body that was not red.

In this way, isn't he just like a ghost, a ghost in "Water Margin", the red-haired ghost named Liu Tang!

But now in the carriage, Shang Zhen had already taken off his clothes.

It's winter now, Shang Zhen fell into the water bubble in order to avoid the plane, and his cotton-padded jacket and trousers have been stuffed.

Fortunately, when they were making clothes, since there is water everywhere in the Northeast, Wang Laomao and the others really bought a few more sets, and this time they can be changed by Shang Zhen.

"It's only a short while before you change your clothes. Can't you let the carriage run after you're done?" Ju Hongxia, who was also on the carriage, said to Shang Zhen angrily.

No matter how cold the winter in AH is, it is still around zero degrees now. Shang Zhen is now only taking off his big pants. There is no way, the space on the carriage is small and there are women, otherwise Shang Zhen will definitely take off his pants .

The wind brought by the carriage when it ran was blowing the naked Shang Zhen, no matter how good Shang Zhen's physique was, he was still shivering by the wind, this feeling is indescribable!

But Shang Zhen felt intuitively that the Japanese planes were coming, and the Japanese infantry would appear soon. If they don't hurry up now, they may not be able to rush across the Huaihe River.

"It's quite meaty!" Ju Hongxia smiled as she looked at Shang Zhen who was putting on a cotton coat.

That's not so fleshy, Shang Zhen is no longer the original thin hemp rod, although the muscles on his body are not exaggerated, but the pectoral muscles, abdominal muscles and deltoid muscles, in short, there should be lumps on his body There is no shortage of places!

Shang Zhen didn't dare to offend "Old Aunt Wang", so he quickly turned his face away.

But this twist of his gaze collided with Gao Yuyan's resentful gaze.

Gao Yuyan's nose was no longer bleeding, and it was only now that Shang Zhen recalled that he bumped Gao Yuyan when he sat up in sleep, but what could he say? How could he have time to find out the details?

Ju Hongxia was originally a flirtatious woman, but since she followed Wang Laomao, she has learned the pungentness of Northeast women. She laughs and scolds like a fuss, and Shang Zhen can't afford it!

But Gao Yuyan's careful thinking about Shang Zhen can be seen by Hu Zhuzi's tiger play, so how could it be impossible for Shang Zhen to know it well?

Although Shang Zhen hasn't married Leng Xiaozhi yet, for a person like him, a promise is more important than Mount Tai, and it's no different for him to marry Leng Xiaozhi, so Gao Yuyan can't afford to offend him. !

Since both left and right were in a dilemma, Shang Zhen had no choice but to bow his head and put on the cotton trousers again.

But anyone with life experience knows that it is not so easy to put on cotton pants when the body is wet.

For a while, Shang Zhen was in a hurry, but he had never been so embarrassed in a battle that couldn't be spared!

At noon, several horse-drawn carriages connected end to end and finally rushed into a city called "Bengbu" on the south bank of the Huaihe River.

"Stop!" Someone in a carriage ordered, so several long "wows" sounded.

"Let those women sit in a carriage, and the rest of them will be responsible for protection, and run to the pier!" The leader ordered loudly.

That person was Shang Zhen. So far, Shang Zhen and his group finally arrived in Bengbu.

When they arrived here, through questioning the people here, Shang Zhen and the others finally figured out that this was still the territory of the national army just before they arrived, but this morning the Japanese army's plane came over and bombed, and the Chinese army here withdrew!

The Chinese army withdrew, and the Japanese army would arrive soon. How could Shang Zhen and the others be careless?

Shang Zhen and the others wanted to follow in the footsteps of the Chinese army that had already withdrawn, but once they were bitten by a snake for ten years, they were afraid of well ropes, and they didn't know which department the Chinese army stationed in this area belonged to. Well, if they are treated as Japanese scouts again, their strength can wipe them out in an instant!

Therefore, they still planned to cross the Huaihe River.

And if you want to cross the Huaihe River, you need to take a boat.

This time they found out clearly that it was Mr. Wang who "forced" him with a gun to ask the question.

The Chinese troops here retreated hastily, but at the Bengbu Wharf, there were many large and small boats stopped!

The situation was urgent, and Shang Zhen and the others had no time to complain about the army that withdrew without knowing the numbers. They had to cross the river by boat before the Japanese army.

It's just that when they appeared on the street, they caused a panic among the street people.

Pedestrians on the street are afraid to avoid it, and the sound of closing the door of each house is "boom" and "boom" Even an old lady with small feet who has inconvenient legs threw the basket and sat on it. on the street!

It's no wonder that the common people are afraid, originally they thought that the national army would be guarding here, but who would have thought that thousands of troops would withdraw as soon as they said they would withdraw, leaving the entire people of Bengbu behind.

And Shang Zhen and his group arrived later, each of them was in a hurry to cross the Huaihe River in time, but in the eyes of the common people, they were vicious and evil?

How could this not arouse people's associations, isn't this the arrival of Japanese devils disguised as Chinese?

But from Shang Zhen's point of view, how can they have the time to explain to the people who they are now?

Their expressions are also fully alert, all their soldiers' guns are held up, and the bullets are all loaded!

But! They are also cowardly in their hearts!

How would they know if the retreating army left any people in Bengbu City, what if some **** Chinese suddenly attacked them unidentified people?

At the same time, they have to guard against Japanese scouts!

The common people don't understand that the national army regards itself as the Japanese army, and the Japanese army regards itself as the national army. How can they feel that they are enemies of the world in private when they enter this strange place?

"Use the 38 big cover to go up to the front and go up to both sides, and put all the ones that use our guns inside. Be careful, and do it if you see something wrong!" Old Mao Wang ordered again.

Old Mao Wang is not Shang Zhen, he can't control so much, if the Chinese army dares to shoot at them, then he will definitely not wait to die, or he would rather attack the people first!

Under the full alertness of Shang Zhen and the others, they ran towards the edge of the Huai River, and what would be waiting for them next?

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