The War of Resistance

Chapter 692: Gunslinger's Training (2)

"The War of Resistance Against Mountains (

Just when Bai Zhan was still talking, Shang Zhen's gunfire finally rang out.

The part of the bullet that kills the enemy is the bullet head. As for the shell behind it, it is filled with gunpowder. The deflagration of the gunpowder gives the bullet enough thrust.

A bullet is undoubtedly extremely small. Everyone can imagine the scene of the 6.5mm caliber rifle bullet of the Japanese 38-type rifle spinning in the air. It is impossible to see it with the naked eye, and in the end the bullet Whether it can hit the target can only depend on the target's reaction.

It's just that 500 meters is a bit far away. Shang Zhen knew that the Japanese army was marching in a column. He shot past, not to mention killing or injuring a Japanese soldier. As long as the bullet hit the vicinity of the Japanese army, the Japanese army would definitely die prostrate.

So after the shot, Shang Zhen vaguely saw that the Japanese soldier was lying on the ground. He didn't care, he pulled the bolt to eject the shell, pushed it again, and aimed the rifle at the yellow shadow in front again.

After a while, the gunfire rang out again, and then Shang Zhen put away his rifle and hid behind the stone to wait and see.

It would be great if Wang Laomao’s binoculars were in his own hands, Shang Zhen sighed, and then he heard messy gunshots, and even the sound of the Japanese army’s crooked machine guns firing, and some bullets happened to be right where he was hiding. One side of the stone flew over and made a "clang" sound.

This shot should have been hit randomly by the little devil, Shang Zhen deduced.

The reason is very simple. Now the Japanese army can only judge where the bullets are coming from. As for where he is hiding, the Japanese army cannot see at all. After all, the area of ​​this rocky beach with slopes is definitely not small. One person is one point, and the world a person faces is a plane, and it is too difficult to find the point of shooting in this plane!

Sure enough, the Japanese army's shooting was indiscriminate. Just when the Japanese army's gunfire was slightly quieter, Shang Zhen put his rifle back up again.

By this time, the Japanese troops who were originally on the dirt road had dispersed, and most of them should have hid in places where they could hide by the side of the road.

To Shang Zhen's delight, he still saw a figure of a Japanese soldier lying on the dirt road.

That one should have been hit by me, otherwise he is not a tiger, why didn't he dodge?

Now that the Japanese army is hiding, it is naturally not as easy to find as they were walking in the middle of the road just now.

However, Shang Zhen believed that the Japanese army would appear soon. The reason was that he only fired two shots. Even if he hit both shots, it would not scare the Japanese army.

As for the Japanese army turning around, it is almost impossible.

Shang Zhen had seen the terrain beforehand, and now he was on the rocky beach on the left side of the Japanese army's advancing road, and there was a bad depression in front of the rocky rocks.

Before Shang Zhen went down, he knew that if he stepped on that place, he would sink into it, and the Lanchi Pond was still very big, so it was impossible for the Japanese army to make a detour from the other side of the Lanku Pond within half an hour.

On the other side of the road, although there are mounds and forests, it is the place where Wang Laomao and the others had ambushed before.

Although Wang Laomao and the others have already retreated, who can guarantee that Wang Laomao and the others will not hide there. If the Japanese army makes a detour, they may be shot again.

Sure enough, after a while, Shang Zhen saw the khaki figures of the Japanese army. There were not many figures, but they should be coming towards him.

Shang Zhen instinctively aimed again.

At this time, he didn't know, and because he was far away, he couldn't see clearly, but the dozen or so Japanese soldiers on the road were already running with guns.

The reason is that Shang Zhen's two shots actually hit a Japanese soldier.

In fact, Shang Zhen had previously overestimated the difficulty of shooting at a target 500 meters away.

The Japanese army marched in a column on the dirt road. He was shooting group targets. As long as he shot the bullets at the crowd, there was still a high chance that a Japanese soldier would be shot, even though the one he hit was not what he was aiming at. the one.

The Japanese army already regarded Shang Zhen's shooting as harassment again, but they thought that Shang Zhen's marksmanship was more accurate, and they just didn't want to make unnecessary "jade pieces", so they sent a dozen people forward to **** it from a small mound. .

When they got to the small mound, they could look for the person who shot them coldly again, instead of seeing no one in the empty mountain now, but hearing the sound of the gun.

It's just that Shang Zhen didn't know this at this time, but he still took aim.

Shang Zhen's current position is not very high, what he sees is still a figure, it's too far away, no matter what, Shang Zhen shoots again, and then he doesn't go back to retrieve the gun, but shoots three times in a row. gun.

The magazine of the 38-type rifle can only hold five rounds of bullets, and anyone who changes it will have to retract the gun and reload the bullets.

But Shang Zhen didn't want to, so he left the gun in place and didn't want it anymore, but he went to the back under the cover of the stone.

This time, Shang Zhen and the others seized a lot of guns, except for one. Shang Zhen asked the soldiers to transport the remaining ten rifles to this rocky beach. He picked a dozen positions and put one in each position. , anyway, it’s useless to have too much, and you don’t want it after you finish playing.

He really wanted to leave a few rifles for the people in the But if you look at the folk customs of this place, which is by no means tough, then forget it, not to mention that they still gave away the guns of the big family. The master has been killed, if this gun falls into other people's hands, they will plot against them again.

When Shang Zhen picked up a rifle again, he couldn't see the Japanese soldiers again, but then he realized that the Japanese soldiers who rushed out in front should have reached some hidden position, so he pointed the gun at the one in front. Little earth bag, sure enough, he soon discovered that there were Japanese soldiers there.

Isn't it just a cross screen? Shang Zhen understood that the Japanese army behind them should continue to charge forward under the cover of the Japanese army behind the mound in front.

Thinking of this, Shang Zhen's heart moved, and he shouted: "Bai Zhan! Bai Zhan chicken, you shoot twice!"

Shang Zhen seldom has the habit of calling others nicknames. He is not that kind of strong leader, but he is an exception when he calls Bai Zhan, just because the genius knows what Bai Zhan's real name is. If he is really an orphan If not, then he himself would not have a name, but Bai Zhan's name was given to him by Wang Laomao and the others.

As for the name, it was originally a code name, and Bai Zhan himself didn't mind, and Shang Zhen naturally didn't have any psychological burden to call him Bai Zhanji.

After Shang Zhen shouted, he pointed his rifle at the mound, which was about 400 meters away from here, and this time he was going to hit the spot.

Shang Zhen calmly spotted a point on the mound and began to aim, but at this moment, Bai Zhan's shout of "Got it" came from not far away.

Bai Zhan didn't have any psychological burden anymore. The blind shooting of the Japanese army earlier knocked the back of his head, and he had already decided to take revenge.

But after Bai Zhan agreed, seeing the Japanese army appearing on the dirt road at the front, the Japanese army behind him started to move forward.

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