The War of Resistance

Chapter 651: rendezvous

The gunshots ahead were not too intense, they were sometimes dense and sometimes sparse.

However, Shang Zhen was not very worried about the risks arising from the battle.

After all, the Japanese army had just occupied Nanjing City, and the large Japanese army might not be able to take care of the search and suppression of the small Chinese army.

As for the puppet army, it's not that Shang Zhen underestimated them, they are just scumbags, they can bully the weak, but they will be bears (counseling) when they encounter tough ones.

Shang Zhen and the others followed the gunfire.

"We have to run a hundred miles from Nanjing, right?" Yu Zuolong asked Shang Zhen as he walked.

"It's more than a hundred miles." Hulu, who was walking in the front, answered.

"It's more than a hundred miles away, and it's not easy to meet our people." Yu Zuolong sighed.

"When did you join the gang, who and you are ours?" Bai Zhan came to trouble again.

Just as Yu Zuolong wanted to say something against Bai Zhan, Shang Zhen turned his head to look at Bai Zhan, and Bai Zhan, who was curling his lips just now, immediately put back the grinning mouth.

Bai Zhan is not afraid of Shang Zhen, but he is afraid of the group of people who are about to rendezvous with Shang Zhen. It is better not to provoke Shang Zhen now, after all, if we really rendezvous, Shang Zhen only needs one sentence, then Bai Zhan will have "good fruit" have eaten!

"I can assure you that within a hundred miles to the southeast of Nanjing City, there are almost any villages with words painted with white ash." Shang Zhen said in a low voice.

At this time, Shang Zhen already had a warm feeling in his heart, he had never forgotten his brothers, and his brothers had never forgotten himself.

"Tell me, why are you so sure that this 'nettle' is our people looking for you?" At this time, Gao Swift finally asked curiously.

"You can ask them when we meet later." Shang Zhen smiled and still refused to say.

Although there are only more than 30 people in their group now, but Shang Zhenna used to be called a company commander, so he wouldn't say his nickname that doesn't make it to the stage.

After walking forward for a while, Shang Zhen said, "Okay, stay here, don't go any further."

All five of them hid behind a small hill and poked their heads to look ahead.

Shang Zhen judged that the gunshots came from this side, but although the terrain here has been undulating, they are still more than 300 meters away from the nearest hill.

If Shang Zhen was leading veterans now, he would naturally continue to move forward, but not now.

Yu Zuolong is okay, Hulu only knows how to shoot but has never fired a single shot, Gao Yuyan is a young woman, needless to say, as for Bai Zhan, she is not a clue.

"You are all hiding here, Yu Zuolong and Hulu, the two of you are responsible for protecting Gao Swift, I will go forward." Shang Zhen said, after finishing speaking, he got up with the box cannon and was about to go forward.

"Then what am I doing?" Bai Zhan asked anxiously.

"You can be a deserter as you like, but don't be a traitor." Shang Zhen stood up without turning his head.

"I—" Bai Zhan, who was always eloquent, almost choked on Shang Zhen's words!

Speaking of insults is not limited to someone pointing at your nose and scolding your father and scolding your mother. There is also a kind of "ignoring".

Rao Bai Zhan has always been as thick-skinned as the city walls of Nanjing, but he was also blushed by Shang Zhen's words and Yu Zuolong's contempt next to him.

"It's not bad, I still know how to blush." ​​At this time, Yu Zuolong gave him a sentence in a nonchalant manner.

"I, dammit!" Bai Zhan, who had always called himself an elegant thief, was finally forced to speak foul words.

However, Shang Zhen, who was already running down the hill at this time, turned around and ran back.

"What's wrong?" Yu Zuolong asked hurriedly.

Shang Zhen didn't answer but stretched out his hand and said, "Rifle!"

At this time, the gourd hurriedly said "oh", and handed over the rifle.

This rifle is a 38-type rifle, which was seized by Shang Zhen and the others when they raided the house of Dahu Li at night.

Shang Zhen glanced at the rifle, seeing that the gourd hadn't even been loaded yet, he fiddled with the breech bolt and put the gun against his shoulder, aiming forward.

Seeing Shang Zhen's incomparably skillful movement of holding the gun, Hulu glanced enviously and then looked forward.

But at this time, the other four of them knew why Shang Zhen came back.

There were trees on the hill in front of them, and because the leaves had all fallen, all they could see were the branches, but seeing two people walking through the gap between the trees, they ran towards them.

"Don't shoot, it's probably one of our own." Shang Zhen instructed.

He just lay there with the rifle and took aim.

At this time, Bai Zhan still looked unhappy, Hulu still looked at him with envious eyes, and Gao Swift's eyes were admiring.

Gao Yuyan is an intellectual, and her seventh brother is a colonel of the Air Force. Before Nanjing was occupied by the Japanese army, she would write an anti-Japanese article in the newspaper from time to time.

But she didn't know what the anti-Japanese soldiers were like on the battlefield, and sometimes she wrote it entirely by imagination.

And since Shang Zhen rescued her, the image of the anti-Japanese soldiers became vivid and flesh-and-blood in her eyes.

Shang Zhen has an ordinary appearance, and usually doesn't talk much, so he's a silent person among the crowd.

But the moment Shang Zhen touched the gun to fight, his whole temperament changed.

His reactions are quick and reasonable, every small movement has a deep meaning of fighting, and his eyes are sharp and focused on fighting.

Now Gao Yuyan still remembers the burst of quick shots that Shang Zhen used to save her, it really dazzled her at that time, because of the tension of the battle, she naturally had no time to think about it.

But now she thought about it, how could a soldier use his gun so fast, so brilliantly?

At that time, Shang Zhen's flowing movements somehow reminded her of a woman knitting a The knitting needles shuttled nimbly in her hands, as if she had spirituality!

At that time, it was Shang Zhen's dynamic beauty, but now Shang Zhen is full of static beauty according to the aim of the gun, just like a statue of the "Discus Thrower" of the Greeks that she has seen.

However, Gao Yuyan thought again, how beautiful the discus thrower of the Westerners is, what does it have to do with us Chinese? If I have the opportunity to learn sculpture myself, I will use Shang Zhen as a model and call it "Fighting the Invaders"!

Gao Yuyan is not an ordinary woman, she is from a scholarly family and has received a Western education. She has seen naked male models, and now she is already thinking about the strength and lines of Shang Zhen's tendons under his tattered clothes .

There is a saying in later generations called "the man at work is the most attractive", but applying it now, the way Shang Zhen is aiming at this time is the most attractive in the eyes of a little girl like Gao Yuyan.

All of a sudden, Gao Yuyan's gaze towards Shang Zhen became obsessed.

She was so obsessed that she even forgot the time, and she woke up when Shang Zhengao yelled "little dustpan, here".

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