The War of Resistance

Chapter 643: unexpected lantern

Hulu is very familiar with Li Dahu's family.

Their house was originally a blacksmith shop. Unfortunately, their house was the one that Li Dahu said was almost killed when the Japanese army passed by.

Hulu happened to be away that day and he was lucky enough to survive.

Since he wanted revenge, he naturally had to investigate the situation first, and the result of his investigation was that a small group of Japanese and puppet troops lived in Li Dahu's house today.

They are all from the village, and Hulu is very familiar with Li Dahu's high-rise compound, so after he introduced the layout of Li Dahu's house to Shang Zhen, Shang Zhen was only afraid of the dog in this house.

However, Shang Zhen also knows what dogs are most afraid of, one, people who specialize in killing dogs. Two, the thief.

It is said that people who kill dogs for a living have an evil spirit in them, even the fiercest dogs can only tremble when they see such a butcher.

And thieves have to enter other people's houses if they want to steal something, so there must be a way to deal with dogs, and Bai Zhan is undoubtedly such a thief.

The dog has been solved, and it is not difficult to climb the wall and enter the hospital.

Bai Zhan put the hook from Hulu's house on the top of the wall, and Shang Zhen, Hulu, and Yu Zuolongmeng climbed over the wall by climbing the rope.

The three squatted at the base of the wall, and Shang Zhen looked to the right. Under the night sky, there was a dark building that looked extraordinarily tall. It was a turret.

According to the information provided by Hulu, there were two sentries in that turret, one was the guard of Li Dahu's family, and the other was a puppet soldier.

Usually, there is only one guard in Li Dahu's house, but this time the Japanese and puppet troops have settled in. Of course, the Japanese and puppet troops will add a sentry post of their own.

The Japanese and puppet troops who stayed at Li Dahu’s house included more than 30 puppet troops, and there were only six Japanese soldiers. The son of the traitor Li Dahu said that they escaped from Nanjing City following the imperial army’s search and suppression. The remnants of the national army were crushed.

From the perspective of the strength of the enemy and the enemy, Shang Zhen and the others are only four fighters including Bai Zhan who is unwilling to charge forward. They should not launch a surprise attack on these Japanese and puppet troops.

Shang Zhen is definitely not just taking the risk because he promised Hulu to help him avenge him.

The more important reason is that since he broke out from the city of Nanjing, Shang Zhen also had an evil fire in his heart!

Our Chinese army was bullied by the Japanese army again. In the process of breaking out from Nanjing City, he did not take advantage of the Japanese army.

He took Bai Zhan Yu Zuolong first to find the Jiangwang Temple guarded by the 112th Division, but it was too late when they got there. gone.

As for his own gang, they didn't even look at them!

At that time, Shang Zhen and his group were forced to separate, and the separation was very sudden. They just said before leaving the city that they were going to Jiangwang Temple, and there was no agreement at all on the specific place to meet.

And being forced to separate was fine, but Shang Zhen's ears were not cleared by that dead chicken.

From time to time, Bai Zhan whispered in Shang Zhen's ear, where did Wang Laomao's gang go, and why didn't they turn around to respond after the officer (referring to Shang Zhen) stopped? Is this still a brother in adversity? And so on, wait.

Although Shang Zhen reprimanded Bai Zhan again, Shang Zhen is also a human being, so why would he not want someone from his own company to come over and take care of him? Old Mao Wang and the others haven't shown up so far. Shang Zhen doesn't think like Bai Zhan, but he But he was really **** off by Bai Zhan's incendiary hook!

And Shang Zhen decided to fight here, although he has the evil fire in his heart, but he is not lacking in the idea of ​​making some noise so that Wang Laomao and the others can come over.

However, the above is only Shang Zhen's original intention, and Shang Zhen's thoughts are too much.

He didn't remember which book he had seen a sentence with the same meaning, called "Soldiers are also fatal".

When the enemy and the enemy fight, either you die or I die. When a person dies, he dies, and everything in the world becomes empty. Isn't this the same as "a soldier is a murderer"?

If Shang Zhen wanted to make something happen here, with his always cautious character, how could he not go through comprehensive consideration.

Hulu is very familiar with the layout of the courtyard of Li Dahu's house, how many Japanese and puppet troops, which house they live in, where the guard post is, and the big fierce dog.

Hulu is a local, and he is also very familiar with the terrain of the villages dozens of miles away in Fangyuan. No matter how the battle goes, Shang Zhen and the others have a way out! It is absolutely impossible for the Japanese and puppet troops to chase and run around after the incident.

Moreover, there is one thing that Shang Zhen didn't mention to Bai Zhan and Yu Zuolong at all, that is, when he saw the gourd for the first time, he couldn't help but think of the second fool.

Erhanzi was his brother, who died in battle with the Japanese army, but Gourd's broad-shouldered, broad-backed figure and dull personality were somewhat similar to Hanzi's.

Anyway, he is the only one left in the Hulu family, Shang Zhen decided to bring Hulu back to his group, he is sure that his group can definitely see the shadow of the second fool in Hulu

But now, as Shang Zhen wished, they successfully dealt with the watchdog of Li Dahu's house, and now they need to get rid of the sentinel on the turret.

The sentry on the turret must be eliminated.

This is a battle, of course Shang Zhen hopes that the less noise the better when attacking and killing the Japanese puppet army, but after all, killing the enemy is not about stealing things like Bai Zhan. Yin Treasure can escape at night.

If there were Japanese and puppet soldiers warning during the killing process, then the sentry on the turret would directly threaten the retreat of the three of them who entered the courtyard.

Of course, the job of killing the sentries belonged to Shang Zhen.

Shang Zhen is a veteran, but he is not a scout, and his experience of touching the whistle is also very limited, but can he rely on others for this matter?

In the eyes of Yu Zuolong and Hulu, Shang Zhen is a hero, but Shang Zhen himself knows that he is not a hero.

But who is he going to talk to? He must lead by example!

Shang Zhen confessed to Yu Zuolong and Hulu in a very low voice, and then he grasped the weapon he used to touch the whistle and moved towards the dark turret under the night sky.

The stairs to the turret are made of wood, and there will be a hollow sound when stepping on them. Shang Zhen has already asked the calabash beforehand.

Just when he reached the bottom of the ladder and reached out to touch the wood, he suddenly heard a "squeak" sound from the door not far away in the night.

Where is that sound?

Shang Zhen frowned. When he came out, he asked Hulu to talk about the layout of the Li family's high mansion. The place where the door rang must be the house where the puppet soldiers lived, right?

Shang Zhen hesitated for a while, but he turned around and dodged under the rising ladder instead of going up the ladder.

Maybe it's just a puppet army who got up to urinate in the middle of the night, but it may also be a puppet army who came out to check the post, after all, we must be careful.

What happened next made Shang Zhen feel helpless, but this puppet soldier did both.

After a while of peeing, there was a shout: "Li If you dare to sleep, I will break your dog's legs!" And then the footsteps But Benjiaolou came.

Is it really Chagang? Do we need to get rid of this guy together?

Shang Zhen, who was hiding under the ladder, thought.

Now the Li family compound is completely dark, if this puppet soldier from Chagang goes to the turret, Shang Zhen thinks that he can kill him silently.

But who ever thought that the next trouble would come again.

"Li Liuzi, you motherfucker, get up!" the puppet soldier scolded as he walked, and the voice was only thirty meters away from where Shang Zhen was hiding.

And just when Shang Zhen was about to make a move, he heard the door of the turret above his head rang, and then the same voice came: "Platoon leader, I didn't sleep. It's so cold here, can I sleep?"

Can't sleep because of the cold? Shang Zhen said inwardly.

At this time, the puppet platoon leader who came to check the post said again: "Didn't you say that there are lanterns on the turret? Why aren't they lit? Is it time to save money on the lamp oil?"

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