The War of Resistance

Chapter 617: The Last Armorer (2)

If the defense of Nanjing hadn't been fought, if there hadn't been this big defeat, and the army was still in an organized and well-organized state, Fang Zhiping would never have said that.

If he dared to say that, not to mention military law, his mouth would be swollen by someone sent by his boss!

German mechanic, domestically speaking, it is the pride of the Central Army, and from the perspective of the war with Japan, it is the pride of the Chinese army.

If an ordinary soldier dared to say such outrageous words, what would it be?

But the question is, isn't the battle defeated now?

What is more terrible than the defeat of a national army?

That is, not only did they lose the battle but dare not admit that they were defeated, they still did not admit that their skills were inferior to others. China's military affairs are too much influenced by non-military affairs.

For example, to fight the Japanese devils, you must charge bravely in the face of the Japanese devils, or charge bravely regardless of casualties and costs. At a certain period, it became a kind of political correctness.

If any commander dared to say that he could not fight like that, and that the loss would be too great, then a big hat would fly over and say, you are afraid of the Japanese, you are afraid of war!

In this way, does the commander dare to say that the soldiers are not allowed to charge up? If he still sticks to his views, then his official title will not be kept.

Therefore, under the so-called political correctness, those soldiers who were originally regarded as ants launched a charge one after another against the aircraft, cannons and heavy machine guns of the invaders.

Bravery is certainly heroic, but has anyone ever thought that this style of play is more like a character described in a famous foreign novel in the Middle Ages, riding a bad horse, holding a broken shield in his left hand, and a straight shield in his right hand? A long gun, and then launched a brave but desperate charge towards the windmill!

Big people in this world generally don't dare to tell the truth, only small people have no scruples, just like the little boy in the emperor's new clothes, he told the adults that the old emperor was wearing nothing, he is Naked!

And now, Fang Zhiping is like this, to put it bluntly, the battle has been fought like this, and he is likely to die soon, so why is he afraid to say it?

"Our 88th Division fought in the Battle of Songhu." Right next to the firewood pile that was still emitting faint green smoke, and under the flare that the invaders hit overhead, Fang Zhiping began to narrate.

"Perhaps you don't know, the Songhu war was initiated by us Chinese first." Fang Zhiping said surprisingly.

For example, the reason for the battle of Songying is well known to future generations as long as they have studied history, but for Yu Shangzhen and the others who are just fighting at the bottom, most of them don't know.

"What's wrong with provoking it first? Active offense is better than passive defense." Shang Zhen said while observing the movement in the distance.

"Of course there's nothing wrong with taking the initiative to attack, but that's not how wars are fought!" Fang Zhiping said with a surprised glance at Shang Zhen.

The reason why he was surprised was that he didn't expect Shang Zhen, an inconspicuous soldier wearing a narrow Japanese military uniform, to know "active attack" and "passive defense".

It is very rare among Chinese soldiers nowadays to know "active attack" and "passive defense", and it is even rarer to be able to tell the advantages and disadvantages of active attack and passive defense.

"It's not like that, how did you fight?" Yu Zuolong asked beside him.

"Since we are attacking the Japanese devils, when our regiment is fighting the Japanese devils, we will charge upwards with guns under the orders of the superiors.

You think about the firepower of the little devils, heavy machine guns, crooked machine guns, grenades, and mortars, all of which have sealed the front tightly, wouldn't it be dead to go up? That's really forcing people to pile up! "Fang Zhiping's next words carried some obvious emotion.

"Isn't that how the battle was fought? What's the trick?" Yu Zuolong couldn't help but shuddered imagining the tragic scene of Chinese soldiers collapsing while charging bravely, but he was helpless, just because he thought so Yes, isn't that how battles are fought?

"Fart! What you say is the same as those officials! You are just a soldier." Fang Zhiping was immediately **** off by Yu Zuolong's words.

Fang Zhiping's words were so rough that Yu Zuolong's face changed, but he was about to say something when he looked at Shang Zhen but turned back to look at himself, so he didn't have the same attitude as Fang Zhiping. At the same time, he suddenly realized that there was something wrong with what he said just now, and this was something he only thought of after being with Shang Zhen.

"Who said he can only be a soldier, don't you say it? Is his statement the same as those who are officials?

Since it is the same as being an official, why can't he be an official? Contradictory! "At this time, Bai Zhan caught Fang Zhiping's language problem.

Just didn't wait for Fang Zhiping to speak, Shang Zhen

But he had already said: "Fang Zhiping, keep talking, ignore him." Then Shang Zhen looked at Bai Zhan and said, "It's still the same sentence, if you talk too much, you can make a living for yourself!"

Bai Zhan clicked his lips and remained silent.

In Bai Zhan's impression, Shang Zhen had never scolded anyone, but everyone under Shang Zhen's subordinates listened to him, and what he was afraid of was Shang Zhen's trick!

"Then why the **** is he just charging from the front with a foolish mind? Don't you know how to make a detour, don't you know how to attack from the side? Don't you know how to use explosives to blow up the side wall of the little devil's stronghold?" Fang Zhiping said angrily.

Fang Zhiping's words left Yu Zuolong speechless.

Yes, this road is blocked, can't we change the road? As Shang Zhen said, why do you have to defend your position and charge? If you use other methods, you may kill more devils!

"What the **** is a German weapon I don't know how to use some weapons. No matter how good the weapon is, you can fight the little devil head-on? No matter how hard your weapon is, you can beat the little devil. ?” Fang Zhiping was indignant.

"The artilleryman bombarded the little devil. After the bombardment, the infantry all went up. No, they had to dawdle. They didn't rush when they should, and they rushed blindly when they shouldn't!" Fang Zhiping He said foul language again, and the foul language he said turned out to be the same as that spoken by people from the Northeast, which shows the grievance in his heart.

But this is not over yet, Fang Zhiping went on to say: "Don't you know? We also have tanks, and you can use them well! The result is that the tanks rushed forward by themselves, and the infantry behind did not follow. Come on! Then what's the use of your tank?"

As soon as Fang Zhiping finished speaking, Shang Zhen, who had already turned his head away to observe the situation in the distance, changed his face.

Needless to say, although Shang Zhen has experienced many battles, he will not participate in battles against the enemy and ourselves like the Battle of Songhu. It doesn't matter if he is afraid or has a firepower phobia, Shang Zhen doesn't fight that kind of battle anyway!

So he was not very clear about the specific situation of some wars. He only knew that the Northeast Army used to have tanks, but he didn't think that the Central Army also had tanks. Think about it, the Central Army is also rich Master.

How terrible is the tank, do you need to ask? When Japanese tanks attacked Chinese infantry on flat ground, it was often a unilateral slaughter.

And the Chinese army has tanks and cannons, but they can't use them well. What a tragedy!

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