The War of Resistance

Chapter 592: Crushed

Where's your gun? "Shang Zhen, who was running towards Nanjing city under the threat of the rout, asked Bai Zhan.

"No!" Bai Zhan answered naturally.

"Oh." It was only then that Shang Zhen remembered that last time they wanted to shoot Bai Zhan, but Bai Zhan didn't want it.

"Even if you are a thief, you can save your life with a gun." Shang Zhen said, "Can't shoot a gun?"

"Then you can't give me the gun." Bai Zhan said.

"I didn't intend to give it to you either, I will in a while." Shang Zhen replied.

After that, the two of them stopped talking and ran after the soldiers.

What Bai Zhan said just now implied that he still knows how to shoot, and seeing the mess in front of him, he also plans to ask for a gun.

He's not stupid, of course having a gun can save his life in this situation.

But Bai Zhan heard what Shang Zhen meant, and Shang Zhen didn't intend to give him his gun.

Shang Zhen now has two guns, a 20-gun box cannon, and a flower mechanism. Both guns are good, so how could Shang Zhen give it to him?

I also don't know what Shang Zhen meant by "it will be there in a while".

"Aren't you planning to go through the exit?" Bai Zhan asked again after the two ran with the rout soldiers for a while.

"No matter which door you take, you can't go from the north." Shang Zhen replied in a low voice.

"Why?" Bai Zhan asked.

"Silly you, there is the Yangtze River to the north, so I don't think it's safe to go from the north." Shang Zhen replied.

"Then why are we running around with the big soldiers in front?" Bai Zhan asked again.

"It makes sense." Shang Zhen stopped his pace when he said this, and by this time the two of them had already run to the entrance of an alley facing the street.

And at this time, they looked at the street again, and there was an endless stream of Chinese officers and soldiers retreating from the direction of Guanghua Gate.

Shang Zhen frowned, what he was worried about finally happened, but he saw another retreat!

Although Shang Zhen is still young, he is already a veteran, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The officers and soldiers who had previously risked their lives and fought **** battles with the Japanese army suddenly issued an order to retreat, and the retreat turned into a rout again.

With tens of thousands of troops, shouldn't there be a careful retreat plan if they retreat? Shang Zhen thought.

Which army retreated first, and which army was responsible for covering behind, just like when hundreds of thousands of troops began to retreat on the Songhu battlefield, the 67th Army of the Northeast Army, which was responsible for covering, was wiped out. But in any case, there is a battle plan, and what is the chaos in front of him?

Shang Zhen has never been an extreme person, but seeing the situation at this time, he cursed inwardly like an old hat who is used to speaking foul words, the commander who commanded this defense battle must have been fooled by the door. Draw the bow, or get kicked by the donkey!

"Hey, Bai Zhan, are you going to haha?" Shang Zhen was thinking about it, when Bai Zhan turned around and ran towards the street.

"The soldier threw a gun!" Bai Zhan replied.

The soldier threw a gun? Shang Zhen looked forward, but there was a soldier getting up from the ground.

I don't know why the soldier ran slowly, but he was the last one.

This man, when he was under pressure, he became more nervous, but he fell again, so when he got up again, he didn't even want the rifle that fell on the ground, but just jumped forward.

How can this look like a soldier? Shang Zhen sighed again, saying that a soldier could lose his gun, but this kind of thing happened right in front of him. Why! wrong!

But it was at this moment that Shang Zhen suddenly realized something, and then he shouted: "Bai Zhan come back quickly!"

What did Shang Zhen realize? He suddenly realized that the soldier was so flustered that the Japanese army might not be far away.

If you want to say that Bai Zhan is thin and thin, but this is a thief, and he runs so fast! In the blink of an eye, he jumped forty to fifty meters away!

People who run fast can hear the sound of "woo-woo" in their ears.

Bai Zhan was so focused on picking up the rifle that he didn't hear Shang Zhen calling him.

And just when Bai Zhan ran to the place, picked up the gun, turned around and ran back, he heard the gunshot of "he he he" and he happened to see Shang Zhen using the flower mechanism Shoot him in the back!

If you say that Bai Zhan's body is lean, but his reaction is extremely fast!

It's normal to think about it, so how can thieves be an ordinary profession! An excellent thief also needs talent plus hard work and hard work!

Bai Zhan saw Shang Zhen shoot with his own eyes, so how could he not have guessed what was going on behind him.

So when Shang Zhen was still shooting "he he he", he shrank back like a thin monkey.

Shrinking his head, it was naturally because he was afraid that the Japanese soldiers behind him would shoot him in the head.

Jumping feet, he was afraid that the bullets from the Japanese army would cut off his calf again.

As for the part in the middle of his body, he really didn't care about it, it was just his instinctive reaction to flinch.

At this moment, if Shang Zhen's subordinates saw his appearance like this, they would definitely say, oh, this shriveled **** is better than Hou Kanshan, and dead monkey than a dead monkey!

Bai Zhan ran desperately into the alley, and he never stopped listening to the short bursts of "him" from the flower mechanism in Shang Zhen's hand, but those who ran in front of him were also heading towards the alley. Even though some of the soldiers drilling in the room looked back, they did not shoot, but they continued to drill forward!

Oh my god, how many Japanese devils came behind this, scaring the soldiers so much that they didn't dare to turn around and resist!

But now it seems that Shang Zhen is still reliable, and he really will never leave him!

Bai Zhan had no time to look back in order to escape, but he didn't know that from the time he picked up the gun and ran back until he rushed into the alley, the flower mechanism in Shang Zhen's hand was like whack-a-mole. The one who showed his head was knocked down by Shang Zhen.

But I don't know why these Japanese soldiers were so brave and fearless this time, but they kept rushing forward. When Bai Zhan rushed into the alley, Shang Zhen just emptied all the bullets in the magazine of his flower mechanism!

It was only then that Bai Zhan had the time to look back, and he saw several people in yellow military uniforms lying on the ground in the street ahead, no need to ask, they were all beaten to death by Shang Zhen.

"These southern barbarians are really dishonest. If you cover them, no one will help you!" Bai Zhan scolded angrily.

Bai Zhan speaks with a Beijing accent, he is a thief who came over from Beiping.

Beiping naturally belongs to the north.

In terms of regional discrimination, China has such a vast territory. Perhaps since the Song Dynasty, northerners have used to call southerners Nanmanzi.

The reason why it is the Song Dynasty is because at that time, Yue Fei in the Southern Song Dynasty led the Yue family army to fight against the Da Jin country in the north, and the people of the Da Jin country called the Yue family army "Little Nanman".

Whether this evolution of appellation contains regional discrimination will not be discussed here, but now northerners have the habit of calling southerners Xiaonanman, just as later generations of southerners call northerners' heavy industry barbecue.

Although sometimes they just talk happily to each But sometimes they are really angry.

Now when Shang Zhen heard Bai Zhan say that about the southerners, he saw that there were actually retreating soldiers looking at them, so he said, "Don't talk nonsense, the southerners also have heroes, and the northerners also have bears." !"

The reason why Shang Zhen said this was not just because he had other soldiers beside him, but because he had been fighting for several years, and he really believed so.

It's just that who would have thought that after he finished speaking this fair word, he would hear a soldier next to him say "Oh!" Shang Zhan and Bai Zhan heard the sound and looked, and saw the soldier who said "Oh" looked at Shang Zhen and suddenly smiled After a while, it was obvious that what Shang Zhen said had already won his favor.

"Brothers, let's shoot the little devil a few times, don't let the brothers in the north underestimate us!" This was the soldier who shouted.

What surprised Shang Zhen was that this soldier was really good at speaking, and the dozen or so soldiers beside him really raised their rifles.

It's just that those people were turning around and heading to the alley, Shang Zhen listened carefully for a while and suddenly shouted: "Run, I heard the movement of the little devil's tank!"

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