The War of Resistance

Chapter 582: dilemma

Latest URL: Another day.

The sound of cannons outside the city of Nanjing or the explosion of the Japanese army hitting the city wall of Nanjing was already clearly audible. Who would have thought that the city of Nanjing was besieged by the Japanese army!

The Chinese defenders felt unprecedented pressure and built barricades everywhere.

And in a dilapidated warehouse, there was a group of stragglers whose mouths were still not idle.

And in the midst of the discussion among the crowd, someone suddenly said loudly that it was Hu Zhuzi: "If you want me to say, our group of people were not very aggressive before, but this time they are very aggressive."

If Hu Zhuzi speaks nine out of ten times, he is wrong, so he is often robbed by others.

But if you want to say Hu Zhuzi, it is Hu Zhuzi. He was robbed by others, although sometimes he would be like a **** fighting, blushing and yelling at others, but when he felt that what others said was reasonable, he would be silent. Silent.

It's just that this time when Hu Zhuzi said this, no one came to rob him, and everyone else was speechless.

That's right, this time it's going all out, or some people are going all out.

So it's self-evident who has got the most energy, and everyone has a steelyard in their hearts.

So Old Mao Wang's face became displeased, but he had nothing to say.

In the end, it was Hou Wangshan who broke the silence, just because he discovered the embarrassment of Old Mao Wang.

"If you want me to say, get more explosives. If the little devils enter the city, we will use explosives to blow them up!" Hou Wangshan said.

In fact, Hou Wangshan was just looking for something to say, and was just trying to change the topic for Old Mao Wang in good faith, but who would have thought that someone would take it seriously when he said this.

"I think it's okay, let's tie more grenades, just like when I was a child, I saved gunpowder for small firecrackers to make big firecrackers, which will kill you!" The one who agreed was Bai Zhan.

As Old Mao Wang said before, Bai Zhan is just a code name for the skinny man in front of him, and it doesn't matter what his real name is.

In fact, what Old Hat Wang said that day also has another meaning, that is, no matter what your name is, you will die if you go to the battlefield, so it doesn't matter what you call it.

Although some people will leave their names in history and be remembered by future generations, the vast majority of Chinese soldiers who sacrificed for the country are still unknown.

Although Shang Zhen and the others suspect that Bai Zhan is a thief, there is no doubt that Bai Zhan has seen the big world when he was a child. In today's China, anyone who dares to say that he played firecrackers when he was a child is either the young master of a landlord, an old wealthy family, or a capitalist. son.

And after Bai Zhan was "taken in" by Shang Zhen and the others, he immediately became lively.

His essence is more of a man of the rivers and lakes, no matter whether he is a thief or a busker, or simply sells the golden gun that does not pour the powerful pills, this does not prevent him from being familiar with everyone.

"Old Uncle Wang, do you think I'm right?" Bai Zhan, who also understood the matter, took the initiative to ask Old Mao Wang.

It's just that he never thought that he would hit the horse's hoof when he flattered this time.

"Damn your grandma!" Old Mao Wang, who was choking on Hu Zhuzi's words and his face was full of displeasure, finally found a vent, so he opened his mouth and cursed, "No matter how good you are at bombing, it's useless! Some little devils fell from the sky, and the bombs shot out of the cannon are so powerful?

In the firecrackers, it is black powder, and it is okay to shoot a pheasant or a rabbit. What the devils use is explosives, which are yellow, and they are called TNT!

You still have to fight in the streets with people, they fire cannons, they set up the cannons, once the tanks rush in, one cannonball can knock down your house! "

There is no doubt that Old Mao Wang's statement is correct, coupled with the majesty he has built up among the soldiers, everyone is silent, so Bai Zhan, who is full of embarrassment, can only smile embarrassingly.

The Chinese army played at home, and the Japanese army played away.

With the consistent style of the Japanese army, they don't care about the life and death of the Chinese people, so they can use all kinds of heavy weapons and even chemical weapons such as gas bombs.

But what does the Chinese army have? The newspaper said that just a few days ago, the Chinese Air Force had a fierce battle with the Japanese Air Force.

According to the newspaper, the fight was quite intense in the first few days, but there was no news after that. Old Mao Wang estimated that China's air force was almost exhausted by the Japanese army.

Old Mao Wang's reprimand made the soldiers even more speechless, and there was a trace of solemnity in the air.

And in the corner of the warehouse, Chu Tian sat with the female student who had already pretended to be a female soldier.

The female student had never seen such a scene with soldiers, her face was a little pale, and her fingers were tangled together, showing the tension in her heart.

Chu Tian really wanted to stretch out his big hand to comfort his sweetheart, but he didn't reach out after all.

It's just because Hu Zhuzi said just now that some of them have been aggressive these days, so is he going to continue to be arrogant now?

And to say that the only one among these people who is not influenced by Wang Laomao is Ju Hongxia.

Ju Hongxia, who was sitting beside Wang Laomao, stared at Wang Laomao with shining eyes.

In front of other people, Ju Hongxia never concealed her admiration for Old Mao Wang. Her affectionate eyes seemed to say, look at this old man I am looking for, he is so mighty, brave, and domineering. leak!

The sound of cannons still came faintly from all directions, as if to overthrow the ancient city of Nanjing.

What the old hats Wang didn't know was that there were more than a dozen Chinese officers and soldiers lying sparsely in the trenches on a position outside Nanjing City at this time.

And all around them were the corpses of their companions, and there were only so many officers and soldiers left in the entire company.

Now they have run out of bullets, and the flank positions have been occupied by the Japanese army, and the most terrible thing is that the Japanese army also knows that they don't have many bullets.

So what to do? And what they did just now was to connect the fuses of their remaining grenades with a rope, and then they quietly watched the Japanese soldiers coming up from all around.

After a while, when the Japanese army walked to the position with guns, there was a sudden explosion, which was like a circular minefield. When the smoke of the explosion dissipated, no matter whether it was the invaders or the resisters, they all fell on the ground. on the ground.

"I seemed to hear something when the artillery stopped just now. What was that sound?" Little Dustpan whispered on a water tower not far from Guanghua Gate.

Shang Zhen shook his head, but he didn't understand what was going on with the explosion.

Shang Zhen raised his binoculars and tried to look towards the place where the explosion sounded, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything because the city wall blocked his sight.

It was a step too late for Shang Zhen to figure out the city of Nanjing. By this time, he already felt that the situation was not good.

He told his soldiers, take one step at a time, that is what he said, but in fact he also imagined various possibilities for the development of the battle situation.

From the current point of view, it is the best to be able to escape from the city of Nanjing, and the worst thing is that they guarded the city of Nanjing and finally had a street battle with the Japanese army.

Shang Zhen didn't want to fight street battles with the Japanese army. With the little guns and ammunition in their hands, they might lose them in two hours.

Besides, Shang Zhen can think that the most important thing in street fighting is the grenade. After all, whoever appears on the street will be shot, but the explosives in their hands are really limited.

The reason why Shang Zhen kept Bai Zhan in his group was because he thought that if Bai Zhan was really a thief, he should be familiar with the terrain of Nanjing City.

Not to mention that they used the terrain to deal with the Japanese army, it would be great to be able to rely on Bai Zhan's familiarity with the terrain and the city to get out of trouble.

It's just that at this point, regrets are meaningless, and Shang Zhen can only focus on the present.

Because of this, he climbed up this water tower with a small dustpan.

Water towers are always tall because drinking water needs to be delivered to the surrounding areas.

It's just that the top of this water tower has been blown up beyond recognition by Japanese the defenders didn't set up lookout posts here.

Shang Zhen took advantage of this opportunity to go to the water tower, hoping to find a way out of the city.

Looking at the black smoke rising continuously on the city wall ahead, it was the artillery fire of the Japanese army.

This was the first time Shang Zhen had seen the Japanese army use such heavy artillery fire.

Although the city wall of Nanjing is very strong, Shang Zhen doubts that if the Japanese army does not count the consumption of ammunition, the city wall of Nanjing will probably be blown down!

It's not a good way to wait so hard for the opportunity to get out of trouble, Shang Zhen racked his brains thinking there.

And just when the Japanese bombardment stopped, Shang Zhen suddenly had a new idea, so he waved his hand and called the little dustpan over and gave instructions in a low voice.

After listening to Shang Zhen's instructions, the little dustpan got off the water tower and ran back, while Shang Zhen still held up the binoculars to observe the battle ahead.

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