The War of Resistance

Chapter 579: out of town

The latest website: "We belong to the 112th division and want to go out of the city and return to the construction!" Shang Zhen replied loudly.

What he just answered was silence and scrutiny.

After a while, an officer of the Central Army who was standing outside the Guanghua Gate replied coldly: "This is Guanghua Gate!"

Shang Zhen and the others were taken aback by the officer's answer. This is an irrelevant answer!

But people didn't answer the question, but Shang Zhen and the others were still anxious because when the little dustpan went back to inform his people to leave the city quickly through Guanghua Gate, the city gate had already been laid with several rows of bricks.

"We belong to the 112th division. We were ordered to enter the city, and now we request to leave the city and return to the construction!" After a while, Shang Zhen said loudly again.

It's just that the Central Army officer standing opposite him replied with a cold expression: "This is Guanghuamen!"

Doubts arose from the minds of Shang Zhen's soldiers. What does this kid mean when he always says this is Guanghua Gate? Can't he understand Chinese?

It's just that Shang Zhen had seen from the officer's eyes that there was absolutely no room for accommodation, so he waved his hand and said, "Go, run forward, let's go to the Taipingmen!"

Then Shang Zhen turned around and left first, and the soldiers under him could only turn around and follow Shang Zhen helplessly, resentful in their hearts.

"What does Nei (that) dog day mean?" Old Mao Wang asked Shang Zhen in a low voice as soon as he walked away.

"The 112th Division is stationed at the Jiangwang Temple outside the Taiping Gate, and the Taiping Gate is to the east." Shang Zhen replied in a deep voice.

As soon as Shang Zhen answered, Old Mao Wang understood.

The officer of the Central Army stopped them from leaving the city, which meant that this was their defense zone, and your Northeast Army was going to the East Gate of Peace, so why did you still make a detour from the south?

Maybe the officer has a military order, or maybe the officer himself has some kind of bad opinion of the Northeast people. Anyway, if they don't let them pass, then Shang Zhen can only take them to Taipingmen.

During the war, where did the convenience for others and oneself come from, and people knew who Shang Zhen and his group were?

"Why didn't I know that Division 112 was outside the Taiping Gate?" After walking for a while, Old Mao Wang asked again.

Shang Zhen didn't answer Old Mao Wang, but hurried forward.

"Hey, Shang boy, I'm talking to you!" Old Mao Wang was not happy.

Shang Zhen didn't look at Old Mao Wang, but finally said, "You're very busy."

"I-Twenty!" Shang Zhen's words almost choked Old Mao Wang, who was also hurrying on his way, to the point of choking!

This time, Old Mao Wang didn't ask any questions, and he couldn't ask any more.

If he dared to talk about Shang Zhen, Shang Zhen would definitely answer him, I didn't want to tell you, but you forced me to say it!

Yes, Old Mao Wang is very busy, busy but not serious.

If you want to be serious, there are three unfilial acts and no offspring is the biggest, and he is anxious to sow the land. Isn't this a serious thing?

To say it's not serious, in this dangerous city, Shang Zhen is thinking about how to get everyone out, but he is lying on that big bed all day long, isn't that not serious?

At this moment, Old Mao Wang realized how outrageous it was for him to be with Ju Hongxia Gulu these days!

Even though he had always been thick-skinned, he still felt embarrassing. After all, he was embarrassed to run side by side with Shang Zhen, so he slowed down a little.

Old Mao Wang naturally understood Shang Zhen.

Shang Zhen usually looks reticent, but it doesn't mean that this kid is a fuel-efficient lamp.

If this kid has been holding back on something for a while, he will definitely act a little "extraordinary". For example, when he was in the army, this kid deliberately went to trick Hou to watch the mountains and smell his urine after he was on duty at night. !

Isn't that because the dead monkey at that time always ran on and bullied Shang Zhen?

It's just that Wang Laomao involuntarily slowed down his pace to think about his thoughts, but he didn't notice that the little dustpan that was rooted behind him also deliberately slowed down.

The group of them ran for a while, and the old hat Wang heard the little dustpan beside him asking in a low voice: "Old man, what's the matter, can I still marry a wife in this life?"

I think that Old Mao Wang is not the great fairy in the Northeast who can see things, how could he figure out whether the little dustpan can marry a wife in this life, the little dustpan is asking him now, it is clearly a run on him, people are still waiting His old hat's little daughter-in-law gave birth to a daughter!

You little bastard, at this time you also come to run on me! Old Mao Wang cursed inwardly but didn't dare to speak out, what time is it, if he pretends to be a kid and scolds the little dustpan again, he will lose his face.

So Old Mao Wang could only give the little dustpan a hard look.

However, when he stared at the little dustpan, he could only see the smiling face of the little dustpan!

"Actually, I listened to what you guys said just now, Uncle Wang!" It's just that the little dustpan didn't mean to let Old Hat Wang go.

This time, Old Mao Wang was really **** off by the little dustpan. He was just imagining how his hair would explode like a pinched rooster, but his reaction was only in the calculation of the little dustpan.

"Old Uncle Wang, that little boy didn't come out with us this time!" said the little dustpan in a low voice.

"Huh?" Old Mao Wang, who was about to scold the little dustpan, was stunned for a moment, but he didn't react for a while.

The little dude that the little dustpan mentioned naturally refers to Chutian. Although Shang Zhen and his group are similar to stragglers, they have never worked alone in a gang. What the little dustpan said, Chutian did not come out with them this time What does that mean?

Old Mao Wang looked forward, backward, left and right, didn't he? As expected, Chu Tian was not in their queue.

"That kid has an affair with a female student from the neighboring bungalow, and the kid didn't come out when we shouted outside the house!" The little dustpan whispered.

Hearing what the little dustpan said, Old Mao Wang understood what the little dustpan was talking about.

"Since that kid doesn't want to be with us anymore, if the city of Nanjing is really breached, let that kid befriend him and become a mandarin duck with the same fate." Old Mao Wang said angrily.

Hearing what Wang Laomao said, the little dustpan took a meaningful look at Wang Laomao, then turned around and said: "Hello, mother-in-law!" Then he quickened his pace and walked forward.

Ju Hongxia is a female soldier, so naturally she followed at the end. Although she heard Wang Laomao say that the little dustpan called him the father-in-law, but the little dustpan suddenly called her mother-in-law and made him blush~www.wuxiamtl. com~ And at this time, Old Mao Wang wanted to understand what the little dustpan gave him a meaningful look, which obviously means that you and my mother-in-law are not a pair of mandarin ducks with the same fate?

At this point, no one in the team spoke, and under the leadership of Shang Zhen, everyone hurried towards the direction of the fire gate.

But when they were about to arrive at the gate of emergency, they saw that there were groups of soldiers on both sides of the street making a warning sign beside the street. Not to mention pedestrians on the road, even the officers and soldiers did not move!

"Brother, what's wrong, why don't you let him go?" When Qian Chuan approached a soldier standing with a gun on the corner of the street and asked, the soldier glanced at him, but he just swiped the rifle in his hand. Don't let the money pass by, but they didn't say anything.

Qian Chuan'er was an old man, seeing that he was ignored, he looked around, took out a box of cigarettes in his pocket, and secretly handed them over.

"The commander is on a trip, and he is catching young men. If you don't want to be recruited, hurry up and leave." Seeing that Qian Chuan'er stuffed the cigarettes into his pocket, the soldier finally said in a low voice.

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