The War of Resistance

Chapter 562: What flowers are still singing across the river

This is the third day that Shang Zhen and the others lived in this small western-style building.

Wang Laomao is like the ancient emperor, once he has a beautiful woman, he will never go to court early.

He and Ju Hongxia lived in the attic, and even the meals were sent up by Shang Zhen.

The attic is basically a platform on the second floor space, with only a row of guardrails on it, and you have to climb a ladder to go up to the attic.

There is no wall in the attic, so where is the door? That's not sound proof at all!

People are valuable to have self-knowledge.

So Shang Zhen moved from the luxurious big bed on the second floor with the painting of bare thighs and other things to the first floor.

As for Wang Laomao and his Meijiao Niang, who is more than 20 years younger, it doesn't matter whether they are doing somersaults on the big bed, or they are still tossing Shang Zhen in the attic.

But today at dawn, some soldiers discovered that Shang Zhen had joined them in laying the floor.

Who can't figure out this shit?

Qin Chuan smiled and asked: "Oh! Boss, why did you sleep here last night? Come down and haha! Isn't it good up there!"

When Qin Chuan said that, the other soldiers laughed along with him.

Shang Zhen glanced at Qin Chuan and said solemnly, "I'm afraid there will be rats in the middle of the night."

When Shang Zhen said this, the other soldiers naturally laughed even more.

With this kind of thing, who would watch the excitement and be afraid of something big? Guan Tiedou joked, "Then I'll go to sleep on that big bed!"

Just when a soldier said, "It's really embarrassing", Shang Zhen categorically shouted: "No one is allowed to go up!"

The face on the battle is very serious, just like a military order.

Just when the soldiers thought that Shang Zhen was serious about Guan Tiedou's joke, Shang Zhen suddenly smiled and said: "Anyone who dares to go up will definitely be deaf when he hears the sound of the rats fighting. What should not be seen?" Dioramas must have corns!"

With a sound of "coax", all the soldiers burst out laughing.

As soon as the laughter stopped, Qin Chuan deliberately shouted again: "I've got the money, I've got the money, I'm going to buy some pork kidneys!"

Ma Tianfang, who is Qin Chuan's consistent partner, then asked, "You buy pork loin haha?"

Qin Chuan replied: "I'm going to be a waist slut, so I can make up for Old Uncle Wang!"

As the saying goes, it is more joyful for the old Wang to marry his wife. Although the joy of these soldiers is not the same as that of the old man Wang, all the soldiers laughed so hard that their intestines hurt!

It's just that the soldiers are very lively, only the little dustpan is silent.

At this time, there was naturally a diligent person teasing the little dustpan: "Why don't you talk?"

The little dustpan said leisurely: "Why should I talk? I'll just wait, I'll just wait for my old Uncle Wang to create my daughter-in-law!"

"You have something to look forward to this time!" The people next to him knew that the little dustpan was a joke, so they naturally continued to tease.

But at this time, there was also someone who didn't understand the style, Ma Erhuzi suddenly sneered and said: "I said, boy, you shouldn't recognize your old Uncle Wang as your father-in-law, you should recognize him as your father!"

Someone next to him asked "why", and the little dustpan also looked at him.

Ma Erhuzi replied: "What father and son, your godfather found you a young godmother, and you insist on marrying his daughter.

Hehe, after 20 years, you and your wife will be with—" Ma Erhuzi said this, and pointed upstairs, "It's no different! "

Ma Erhuzi's words made everyone stunned for a moment, but then everyone reacted.

Old Mao Wang went to find Ju Hongxia, and now she is an old cow eating young grass, and the little dustpan said she was looking for Old Mao Wang's daughter, wouldn't it be the same in twenty years?

What Ma Erhuzi said was a bit rude, but before the little dustpan could speak, Hu Zhuzi rang again: "Specially harming the big girl of Huanghua!"

Hu Zhuzi, who chased love, also understood what Ma Erhuzi meant.

"What are you talking about? The old mother-in-law of the little dustpan is not a big girl!" Ma Erhuzi objected.

"Who is inside, Xiao Dupan's daughter-in-law is a big girl!" Hu Zhuzi's tiger spirit came up again.

Speaking of which, it's off track.

Hu Zhuzi's words immediately made the little dustpan anxious, he jumped up from the floor, pointed at Hu Zhuzi's nose and cursed: "What are you farting?"

The little dustpan calls Old Man Wang the old man, that is running on Old Man Wang. It was originally a kind of joke among soldiers, but who would have thought that Old Man Wang really met the woman he liked now, and he was so devoted to her. Build little people there!

When Xiao Dupan made such a joke back then, he never thought that such a thing would really happen now.

And that Huzhuzi blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. The Japanese devils are the ones who harmed the big girl of Huang Hua!

The anger of the little dustpan has been hooked up by Hu Zhuzi, how can he finish after saying one sentence? But he pointed at Hu Zhuzi again and continued to curse: "Hu Zhuzi, you are a bully, believe it or not, I will slap you?"

If it was someone else, seeing the little dustpan in a hurry, it would have passed without making a sound, but if it wasn't for talking about tigers, he didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said.

Hu Zhuzi only knew that the little dustpan was scolding him now, but how could he be that kind of person? So he also jumped up and cursed: "You little bastard, who are you talking about?"

When the matter developed to this point, the two of them would naturally make do with each other. If it weren't for the Northeast people's temper, if they wanted to fight, they would definitely fight within three sentences.

Shang Zhen had no choice but to intervene when a gag and joking incident got to such an extent.

"Shut up!" Shang Zhen shouted.

Hu Zhuzi was the one who listened to Shang Zhen the most. When he saw Shang Zhen speak, he stared at the little dustpan and fell silent.

It's just that he is silent, but it doesn't mean that the little dustpan is silent.

But at this time, the little dustpan said again: "You are a fool, if the second fool is still there, look at the two of us and beat you to death!"

The little dustpan really just said this sentence casually, but when he finished saying this sentence, not only he was stunned, but everyone in the room was stunned.

Erhanzi is already dead.

But all of them seem to feel that Erhanzi has not left, and sometimes when they are resting, they seem to see Erhanzi smiling at them foolishly, or silently wiping their beloved in the corner. machine gun.

Some people and certain things are destined to be unforgettable, not to mention those brothers who once trusted their lives.

In a wordless silence, Shang Zhen sighed silently and said: "Little dustpan, you go out with me for a few laps."

After Shang Zhen finished speaking, he got up and left, and the little dustpan also stood up and walked out with his head sullen. At this time, everyone saw that the little dustpan's eye circles were red again.

Shang Zhen and Xiao Dupan went out, and the soldiers in the room looked at each other in blank silence.

But the silence was only for a moment, and then several people said to Hu Zhuzi at the same time: "You **** is playing and throwing!"

"What's wrong with me?" Hu Zhuzi was still not At this time, Qiu Bo angrily scolded Hu Zhuzi and said: "If you say you are a tiger, you will be a tiger, and you will be caught every day. !"

Hu Zhuzi fell silent, he knew that he must have made a mistake again, otherwise it would be impossible to cause public anger.

It was originally a joke, but now it is extremely embarrassing.

But in any case, an internal conflict has disappeared.

But at this time, Chen Hanwen looked up at the upstairs, and suddenly sighed and said in a low voice: "Ah, the merchant woman doesn't know the hatred of subjugation, and she still sings the old garden flowers across the river! It's sad!"

"No!" Chu Tian said at this moment.

"What's wrong?" Chen Hanwen disagreed, he felt that there was nothing wrong with his memorization, and it was just right to use such an ancient poem to describe Old Mao Wang.

"It's a business woman who doesn't know the hatred of the subjugated country, and she still sings the flowers in the backyard across the river!" Chu Tian corrected.

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