The War of Resistance

Chapter 15: fifty one

At this moment, Shang Zhen and the others all knew that they had misjudged.

Who's wrong? Look at the shopkeeper's eyes!

According to what Shang Zhen and the others discussed, they wanted to rest for a few days, and they didn't want to directly find the troops of the Northeast Army to join them.

After fighting one after another, they knew the cruelty of positional warfare. Since they had their own style of play, why did they fight with the Japanese army, which had superior firepower?

Judging from the effect of the battle, the one who killed the most Japanese troops in this way saved the best.

Of course, from another point of view, this does not prevent them from being afraid of death. What they pursue is life and death, not death together!

It's just that now Shang Zhen and the others are really poor and have no money left.

Although they also swiped watches and other things on the Japanese soldiers when they were cleaning the battlefield, it is obviously unrealistic to exchange those things for their board and lodging expenses.

They also know that this is the city of Nanjing and they cannot use force, so they thought of such a trick, saying that the various atrocities of the devils are not exaggerating, that is to tell the truth, the owner of this inn should run away! So they can stay in this inn first.

The people who always went to the battlefield had a murderous look, but obviously they didn't show any murderous look in front of the shopkeeper. On the contrary, in the eyes of others, he was just a bunch of stragglers dressed in rags.

The seemingly decent entertainment of the shopkeeper was actually obedient, and he went to report to the official instead.

Where is Nanjing City?

Nanjing City is the capital of China nowadays.

In ancient times, it is at the feet of the emperor, at the feet of the emperor, the owner of the inn has seen the world, obviously Shang Zhen and the others did not bluff him!

It's just that those who should come will always come. Since the other party has already found someone to come, they can only accept the call.

The door opened, and soldiers with rifles filed in and dodged on both sides, and then their rifles were pointed at Shang Zhen and the others.

At this time, the man with a rough voice and a loud voice appeared on the stage. The man had a box cannon on his waist and stood in the middle with his hands on his waist.

His situation is like the ancient county magistrate coming out on the stage, and the yamen servants hold their ground on both sides.

Although Shang Zhen and the others are in the lobby of this inn, how many people can be accommodated in this lobby, the room is already packed to the brim in a short while.

It's just that although the room is full, it's like a confrontation between the two armies, but the scene has already calmed down.

That person originally planned to continue shouting, but he shut up when he saw Shang Zhen's posture, because although Shang Zhen's clothes were torn, they couldn't hold back the weapons that Shang Zhen and the others were carrying!

And Shang Zhen and the others naturally also looked at the man opposite. The man looked twenty-six or seven years old and was a captain officer. The cap badge was very big, which was different from ordinary soldiers. Shang Zhen and the others guessed that this man should be It's the gendarme.

What do gendarmes do? Shang Zhen and the others had already dealt with the military police when they were in Xi'an.

Gendarmerie is equivalent to the police in the army and manages military discipline.

"Aren't those who came down from the front line awesome? If you are acting like a demon like you, wouldn't the city of Nanjing be messed up long ago?" the captain said.

At this time, Shang Zhen took a step forward.

As soon as Shang Zhen stood so far, none of them said a word, and even those who were just about to answer, they all held their words in their stomachs, such as Old Mao Wang, such as Qian Chuan'er.

This is the city of Nanjing, although Shang Zhen and the others only found out after entering Nanjing that the Republic of China actually moved its capital to Chongqing.

At that time, Shang Zhen had mixed feelings in his heart.

The Republic of China is no different from the ancient dynasties, they were all beaten by foreign devils and moved to the capital.

Even he was thinking, whether it is the Sixty-seventh Army, the Fifty-seventh Army, or other Chinese troops fighting **** battles in front, what is the point of this? Can't you even keep your own capital? In the end, will the capital also become a lost Guanshan?

Of course, this is just Shang Zhen's inner thoughts, he will never say it, but the matter before him needs to be resolved after all.

The reason why Shang Zhen decided to deal with the captain himself was because he knew that although this place was no longer the capital, it was by no means a place for these stragglers to play tricks.

Don't look at the other party, only a dozen or so people came in.

But can people like myself fight with others? That is absolutely impossible!

It's not a question of being able to fight but not being able to fight. If they dare to bring down these ten or so people, then the opponent may come to a hundred people. what to do?

Or, if they arrest people like themselves and send them directly to the front line as death squads with guns, do they have anything to reason with? It didn't make any sense at all, so what's the point!

Shang Zhen knew very well that his own group of people, even though they were part of the regular army, did not make major mistakes, but made minor mistakes.

The Northeast Army itself is a force full of banditry. As far as Wang Laomao Qian Chuaner, including Guan Tiedou who joined later, which one is not banditry?

Now he heard that the captain in front of him was dissatisfied with what he said to him, but he had become polite, so he didn't want to be ignorant of flattery!

So, those who know the current affairs are heroes, Shang Zhen did not try to exaggerate some irrelevant things like Qian Chuan did before, but instead he said: "Sir, we just want to take a break, and we don't want to be a demon.".

"Ha!" The officer laughed angrily when he saw Shang Zhen's appearance, "You are not acting like a demon, how did you persuade the shopkeeper to move?"

"Report sir, that's not what we said, isn't there a propaganda notice outside? Tell the people to evacuate Nanjing!" Shangzheng replied again.

Now the Japanese army has basically taken down the outlying strongholds outside Due to the influx of a large number of suburban people and Chinese officers and soldiers who are deploying defenses, the entire Nanjing city is already in panic.

And just after entering the city, Shang Zhen really saw some notices about letting the people evacuate Nanjing in time, and the big seal of the NJ city government was stuck on it!

"Which department do you belong to? Are you planning to stay in the hotel? But why didn't I see that you guys are ready to pay?" the captain looked into Shang Zhen's eyes and asked forcefully.

At this point, the two men talked about the root of the problem.

Just because the captain is related to the shopkeeper?

The shopkeeper told him that a group of "shrimp soldiers and crab generals" came and wanted to eat and live here for free, so the captain hurried over with his people.

"Pay the money, then we really don't have it now." Shang Zhen replied.

"Aren't you trying to tell me that there is a life-threatening policy for asking for money? You want to be a rascal in front of me. I think you are going to die!" the officer sneered.

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