When it got dark, the soldiers responsible for blowing up the Japanese tanks set off.

According to Qian Jun's observation, seven Japanese tanks plunged into the anti-tank trench.

Two of the tanks still smashed together, while the other five crashed in separately.

As a result, the seven tanks of the Japanese army were relatively scattered, and they were pulled out a distance of sixty to seventy meters in the anti-tank trench.

In order to ensure the suddenness of the attack, the Qian army was divided into six blasting teams, and the explosives used were naturally cluster grenades.

In order to ensure that the Japanese tanks could be blown up safely, there were soldiers who opened the way in front, and Shang Zhen and the others were divided into six groups and followed the blasting group to provide fire cover.

Naturally, Shang Zhen had no objection to this arrangement of the Qian army.

It's agreed, they are covering evenly, so rushing to the front is undoubtedly the most dangerous.

The people of the Qian army are death squads in order to blow up tanks, but Shang Zhen and the others are not.

It's no wonder that Shang Zhen and the others cherish their lives.

If Shang Zhen and the others want to be a death squad, they can start from September 18th.

There is absolutely no shortage of soldiers who died with the enemy in this war, but it is too rare to be able to destroy the enemy and save your own video!

Anyone can imagine that the Japanese tanks are not so easy to bomb.

Although the Japanese tank trapped in the anti-tank trench is the tiger whose teeth have been pulled out, there must be Japanese protection around the tank, and this night attack is not easy to fight.

Shang Zhen and the others followed the team. Although they didn't release the safety of their guns, they also paid close attention to the movement ahead.

Once the front strikes, they must provide fire support.

It's just that Shang Zhen didn't know it at this time, and the small dustpan disappeared in one of their groups.

It was Chen Hanwen who found the little dustpan missing, and the two of them were put into a group. Originally, the little dustpan followed Chen Hanwen, but gradually Chen Hanwen didn't hear the footsteps behind him.

It's just that at this time the team had already reached the valley between the two mountains, Chen Hanwen couldn't talk to find the little dustpan, so he could only secretly guess in his heart why the little dustpan disappeared?

Fortunately, the battle didn't happen, and the little dustpan should be fine, so Chen Hanwen could only talk about it to comfort himself.

After the valley, you have to climb up the slope, and the anti-tank trench that trapped the Japanese tanks is right next to the top of the mountain.

The mountains here are relatively flat, and the slopes are gentle. Otherwise, the Japanese tanks would not be able to rush up, and the Qian army walking in the front is naturally extremely careful, because they may be discovered by the Japanese army at any time.

It's just that no matter how careful you are, what should come will eventually come.

Just when the team was marching to a certain position on the hillside at a certain moment, there was suddenly a loud shout from the Japanese army, followed by gunshots, and then there were loud gunshots, and the red line of countless bullets appeared in the dark night. walked through.

Shang Zhen and the others who followed behind and were in charge of covering, whenever there was a flash of gunfire in front, they immediately shot short shots.

Because they were prepared in advance, the moment the enemy and the enemy exchanged fire, the firepower of the Chinese army gained the upper hand.

At this time, the enemy and us were already very close, and the former soldiers rushing to the front threw out the grenade. In the sound of the explosion, the officers and soldiers of the Qian army rushed forward regardless of life and death.

Again, in the entire War of Resistance Against Japan, most of the Chinese army was incomparable to the Japanese invaders in everything, such as weapons and equipment, combat literacy, logistics equipment, etc., and the only thing that could be compared with the Japanese invaders, That is the spirit of not being afraid of death!

Among the fragments of the grenade explosion, Chinese soldiers finally rushed up the ridge of the low mountain.

At this time, the Japanese army fired a flare.

A Guizhou soldier saw that he was rushing towards the anti-tank trench before it was too late, but the Japanese army was right in front of him, so he fired the cluster grenade he was carrying without hesitation.

There was a loud "boom", and in the white light of the explosion, the bones of the anti-Japanese fighters and the limbs of the invaders flew into the void at the same time.

The Japanese army never imagined that the Chinese army would adopt such an all-in-one fight, and for a while under the light of the flares, the Japanese army trembled with fear.

And with the explosion of the first bundle of cluster grenades, some soldiers finally rushed to the edge of the anti-tank trench, and threw their own cluster grenades in the same way.

Facts have proved that the small bean tank of the Japanese army may be able to withstand the shooting of guns, but the explosive power of cluster grenades eventually turned it into a pile of scrap iron!

At this moment the entire battlefield is chaotic.

Flares flashed in the sky, and the enemy and us fired each other on the ground.

And because the advance of the soldiers of the Qian army got mixed up with the Japanese army, the thrown grenade drew a black shadow on the ground under the illumination of the flare, and the black shadow moved quickly with the flight of the grenade, showing the death Advent.

This is war.

From the perspective of cosmic space, this is a killing among human beings. But from the perspective of the human race, after all, there is a distinction between justice and injustice.

Because of this, a few years later, when this war became a painful memory for the Chinese people, the descendants of the Great Japanese Empire wrote in their textbooks that when the Japanese army entered China, they were attacked by the Chinese government and people. strong opposition.

The uninvited arrival of one of two neighbors may be called a visit, and the consent of the host may be called an entry.

However, someone who enters with a stick and a weapon is a robber with an open flame, and it is no longer an entry!

But it is precisely because of this that it is difficult for people with conscience to imagine why there are still some people who beautify the aggressors among the Chinese in later generations?

Could it be that the ancestors used their own flesh and blood to build a new Great Wall, but it became a bargaining chip for those who forgot their ancestors to obtain the petty profits rewarded by the descendants of the invaders?

Countless little people in the world still remember being humble and dare not forget to worry about the country, but some so-called elites say that only people who are not well-rounded care about politics.

However, those so-called elites have forgotten that a great man once said that the people, and only the people, are the source of power to create history.

The trend of the world is mighty and mighty, those who follow it will live, and those who go against it will perish, but what is the trend of the world? That is the gathering of countless little people!

In the middle of such a chaotic battle, suddenly the sound of Japanese machine guns rang out, but it was not one machine gun, but four or five machine guns rang out at the same time.

To say that the machine gun used by the Japanese army is the Taisho 11-year light machine gun, which is called a crooked machine gun by the Chinese military and civilians.

His unique idea of ​​feeding ammunition from the pot seems to make the machine gun shoot forever like a heavy machine gun, but it is not the case.

In order to prevent the dust on the battlefield from jamming the bullets, the machine gun needs to be lubricated before loading the bullets.

But the problem is that the lubricating oil itself is easily contaminated with dust, but the lubricating oil cannot achieve the lubricating effect, which increases the chance of the machine gun jamming.

Even so, five or six crooked guns sounding at the same time is quite scary, and the monotonous "da da da" of that machine gun gathers together and becomes a rain of bullets ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ When the machine gun rang In an instant, a soldier of the Qian Army was shot and fell down, and Shang Zhen, who was the covering firepower, was directly suppressed.

At the same time, the flare in the sky burned out, and just as it fell down with peripheral vision, and the second flare just rose and exploded, a figure flashed beside the machine gun position, and then A grenade was thrown into the middle of the Japanese army.

When the man threw himself backwards, his face was caught by Shang Zhen and the others below, and that man was the little dustpan!

"When did he touch it?" Old Mao Wang asked in surprise.

At this time, the grenade exploded, and the Japanese machine gun went silent, and then a Qian army soldier rushed up holding a cluster grenade.

As for how the soldier moved, he couldn't see clearly, but then there was a loud noise after the white light flashed!

"Little dustpan!" Many people on the hillside shouted at the same time, but at this time, who would know the life and death of the little dustpan!

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