The War of Resistance

Chapter 519: "Broken soldiers" experience (3)

"Why don't you talk? Who will talk about it." The pain caused by the war, but Wang Mao insisted on uncovering the scars of others. After the first two soldiers finished talking, the rest of the soldiers fell silent. .

It's just that Chinese people have different temperaments in the north, south, west, and east. Although Wang Laomao persuaded people to say it, they didn't respond to him or say anything.

Old Mao Wang glanced at the few remaining soldiers, and he took out half a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

"There is no distinction between tobacco and alcohol. Is there anyone who smokes? Come and smoke one to relieve your worries. Let's chat and chat. At any rate, we are also your saviors." Wang Laomao tried to persuade.

It's just that he didn't know it himself, but what he said now exposed all the advantages and disadvantages of the Northeast people.

Speaking of the advantages of the Northeast people, the Northeast people are rough and open-minded.

He said that he was with a group of people and he had cigarettes in his pocket, but he would never say that he fumbled for a cigarette from his pocket to smoke by himself, and he would definitely be issued a round.

For another example, when you go out to eat, you either invite me or I invite you. It is said that two people eat in AA system, and Northeast people do not have this habit.

As for the shortcomings of the Northeast people, that is, they love to talk poorly, and they all feel good about themselves.

But the problem is that you think you are doing well, but others may not think you are good, but think you are nagging!

At this time, Old Mao Wang took out the cigarettes and wanted to smoke them for everyone.

Two soldiers in the rout waved their hands to indicate that they would not smoke, but two other soldiers took the cigarettes, and Old Mao Wang graciously lit the cigarettes for the two soldiers with a lighter.

At this time, his mouth was still not idle: "Look! It's a lighter, the little devil's lighter, which I seized on the battlefield." There was no lack of complacent tone when he spoke.

The so-called sparkling lighter refers to the fact that there is a piece of flint on the lighter, which is filled with gasoline, and the small round wheel on it rubs against the flint with your hands, and sparks are generated to ignite the gasoline.

After one of the soldiers took a deep breath and exhaled the smoke, Old Mao Wang said, "Tell me!"

Naturally, this soldier was also young, in his early twenties, he smiled at Wang Laomao's courteous look, and Wang Laomao followed suit.

But then the soldier said seriously: "Thank you brother for the cigarettes, but I really have nothing to say!"

Including people like Shang Zhen and others, who would have thought that Old Mao Wang "filially honored" the two cigarettes of others but would have such a result? It was really unexpected!

Although the kerosene lights were dim, Shang Zhen and the others could also imagine that Old Mao Wang had messed up this time and let others get rid of him. He was probably saying "Fuck me" in his heart in embarrassment at this time!

Yes, at this time someone suddenly said in surprise: "Are you from the 8th Division?"

"Huh?" The soldier who was smoking a cigarette looked over.

Just now he washed the old hat, and there was a slight smile in the corner of his eyes, but now he was stunned, because he recognized the local accent from the accent of the questioner.

"I am also from the 8th Division. My name is He Xiangcai. I belong to the Third Regiment, Second Battalion and First Company." The speaker was He Xiangcai who joined Shang Zhen and his group.

"Oh my god, it's really not easy. Our 8th Division has one more survivor!" At this moment, the soldier who cherished words like gold stood up.

Undoubtedly, He Xiangcai guessed right, this soldier also belonged to the 8th Division, and the meaning in the words has already claimed to be an individual from the 8th Division.

But at this time, Shang Zhen and Wang Laomao suddenly realized.

It turned out that this soldier who had smeared his old cap turned out to be from the same hometown as He Xiangcai. In other words, they were also one of the miscellaneous troops, but Shang Zhen and the others belonged to the Northeast Army, and this soldier, like He Xiangcai, belonged to the Hunan Army.

The reason why the Battle of Songhu is called a battle is because there are many troops participating in the battle, and the numbers of each army are naturally different. It is impossible for officers and soldiers fighting below like Shang Zhenwang Laomao to figure out which number belongs to which department?

There is a saying in Northeast dialect that "when a fellow countryman sees a fellow countryman, his tears are in tears." On the Songhu battlefield where troops from all departments of the country participated, if two fellow villagers met together, it would definitely be a disaster for the rest of their lives.

This time it's all right, there's no need for old hat Wang to ask, He Xiangcai and the soldier just started chatting about their experiences.

"The night I went out, we had a two-dial fight, and I was on the second.

After the first wave of people rushed up, gunshots rang out for an hour or so, and then there was no movement.

When our second group went up again, they continued to fight hand-to-hand with the Japanese army with bayonets.

I fell together with a Japanese devil at that time. The battle was messed up and the gun was gone. The two of us fell into a deep pit and choked each other there.

In the end luckily I strangled the guy.

But the pit was quite deep, and I didn't dare to climb up. If I climbed up, I would be cut down from the top with the **** of a gun, and I would be useless.

I just listened to the Japanese devils above talking, guess our people failed again, the Japanese devils are cleaning the battlefield. "This is what He Xiangcai said.

Shang Zhen and the others naturally listened curiously.

Although it was said that He Xiangcai had been with them for a few days, He Xiangcai was also very tight-lipped and never mentioned anything about his war. This was the first time Shang Zhen and the others heard He Xiangcai talk about his experience.

"Then how did you get out?" At this moment, the soldier curiously asked Shang Zhen and their common question.

"Those Japanese devils probably thought our brother's corpses were in the way, so they threw those corpses into that big pit!" He Xiangcai replied.

When He Xiangcai said this, the audience first felt lucky for He Xiangcai, but then his face changed.

They felt lucky for He Xiangcai, because they could guess that He Xiangcai must have climbed up from below by stepping on the corpses of his brothers.

It is conceivable that a company launched two attacks on the Japanese army successively, and nearly a hundred corpses could completely fill the deep pit.

But when He Xiangcai was alone at the bottom of the pit, the body fell down with a thump, so that He Xiang could not be crushed to death and knocked unconscious, that's really lucky!

It is said that some veterans crawled out of the dead when they But looking at it now, He Xiangcai really lives up to his name, he really crawled out of the dead!

"Does that elder brother still have cigarettes? Give me another one!" He Xiang had just finished speaking, and at this time the soldier called Wang Laomao instead.

"Huh?" Seeing that the soldier asked him for a cigarette, Wang Laomao closed his eyes

"It's okay to ask me for a cigarette, but you have to tell me what your name is?" Old Mao Wang said, but he remembered that this kid tricked him into a cigarette just now.

"My name is Ludi." Na and the soldier finally replied.

Old Mao Wang threw his half pack of cigarettes over, "It's yours, I still have it!"

Also a smoker, Lu Di looked at Old Mao Wang gratefully.

After he took another puff of the cigarette and let it out, this time without being asked, Ludi began to tell his story.

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