The War of Resistance

Chapter 511: Biggest bait Smallest game

In the woods, Shang Zhen led the soldiers to wait in silence, no one spoke as the sadness still lingered.

Erhanzi is a simple and honest person, and a simple and honest person is naturally very popular.

In the current military, it is normal for veterans to bully new recruits, and the first to bully the later.

Although it is said that Shang Zhen and his group do not have veterans beating and scolding recruits, it is like Wang Laomao Qian Chuaner and them. It's not uncommon to scold Guan Tiedou and the others for nothing.

There is no way to do this, who called Wang Laomao Qian Chuaner and their seniority, they broke out from Shenyang Beidaying, and have been fighting from outside the pass to inside the pass.

In terms of seniority, Erhanzi and Wang Laomao are of course the same.

But the second fool is simple and honest to everyone.

In Erhanzi's eyes, there are no old and newcomers, he treats them all equally.

When others offended him, he just smiled foolishly. He will also help others who cannot bear the load that he cannot bear during the march.

How can such a person not be missed?

Amid Shang Zhen's silence, Guan Tiedou stood up and walked into the woods.

"Are you going to Gaha?" A soldier asked.

"I'll go get the dirt for the fool," Guan Tiedou replied.

"Then I will go too." The soldier said.

Just like this, if one person goes, everyone has to follow, but just when everyone started to move, Shang Zhen suddenly said: "Don't go, I have a new idea to fight devils."

It is important to put a handful of dirt on Hanzi's grave, but it is more important to avenge Hanzi, so everyone stopped to listen to Shang Zhen's detailed explanation.

In the distance, the Chinese army is still retreating to the south.

In a forest, Shang Zhen and the others discussed how to count the Japanese soldiers who were always in the dark.

And in another forest in the southwest of the forest where Shang Zhen and the others were, a Japanese soldier was holding up a telescope to observe the forest where Shang Zhen and the others were.

After more than ten minutes, a team of about 20 people walked out from the north of the woods, led by Old Mao Wang, and they were heading north.

Due to the occlusion of the forest, the Japanese army naturally could not see them.

After Wang Laomao and the others walked another few hundred meters, they turned right and went up the road, finally merged into the retreating torrent.

When Wang Laomao and his group turned to the right, they could see the southernmost forest when they turned their heads. This means that if the Japanese army looked at them with binoculars, they would find that they were already far away. go.

But it didn't matter, they were far enough away from the woods at this time, even if there were Japanese soldiers inside, they wouldn't shoot.

Iron-clad battalions and flowing soldiers.

What's more, this is not a camp, the Chinese army is still retreating to the distance, even the 400 or so remnants of the Sixty-seventh Army have retreated southward under the leadership of Army Commander Wu Keyong.

Soon, no one knew that there had been a fight in the woods a few hundred meters down the side of the road.

The Japanese army fired on the road in the woods, while a Chinese team of more than 30 people fought back against the Japanese army.

No one knew that two soldiers were killed in this Chinese team. One soldier had been buried in a new grave in the woods, while the other soldier was still lying on the wilderness outside the woods.

The loving mother didn't know her son had passed away, so Shangsi sent cold clothes for her son. Alas, this is China today.

Half an hour later, in the woods to the southwest, two people dressed as common people came out.

The road is still a few hundred meters away from these two forests. Who would notice these two short-legged people?

And these two people walked towards the forest in the northeast. They stared closely at the forest in the north. Every time they raised their feet, they were very careful when they landed, as if they were afraid of stepping into a trap.

But nothing happened after all, and they walked into the woods with yellow and green leaves smoothly.

The moment they entered the woods, the two of them carefully observed the woods.

At this time, they saw a mound made by new soldiers on the forest glade not far from them, and the Chinese army had already withdrawn.

The two men exchanged glances and whispered a few words.

Then they turned around under the tree, each took out a white towel from their clothes, and waved it to the south.

After a while, more people dressed as common people ran towards this forest from the forest in the south.

The number of people is not many, there are always more than 50 people.

It's just that they are generally not tall, but they are fully armed. Some of them hold box cannons, some hold Type 38 rifles, and even Taisho Type 11 light machine guns, which are called crooked machine guns by the Chinese army. .

Clothes can be disguised, but people's temperament cannot be changed, just because these people are the Japanese scouts who came to kill them, they can also be called the Japanese plainclothes team.

The Japanese army failed to achieve its strategic goal of encircling and killing the Chinese army on the Songhu battlefield, but this did not hinder their pursuit.

Aircraft bombing in the sky is a matter of the air force, and the army of the Imperial Japanese Army will never be idle. They sent many teams to chase after them, and this Japanese team is one of them.

But when the two Japanese scouts saw their own men running over, they retreated into the woods and turned around.

Of course, they did this for vigilance and to prevent accidents, such as Chinese soldiers hiding in the woods.

To say that their idea is absolutely not wrong, but they made a mistake, that is, they should not retreat into the woods.

After they entered the woods, they disappeared from the sight of their own people!

The two Japanese soldiers hid behind the tree, holding the box cannons that Chinese soldiers are accustomed to using, looking at the depths of the woods and still muttering in a low voice. They were talking about the new mound not far from them. They knew it was the grave of a Chinese soldier.

Of course they knew that it was a squad of the Chinese army, and they shot from a distance after entering the woods.

They don't know how many people they killed, but the Chinese soldiers built a grave for their king, which is completely understandable.

But at this moment, the two Japanese soldiers suddenly felt a movement in their heads, and they raised their heads subconsciously, but it was too late after all!

When they each raised their heads, there was a "click" sound above their heads, and they saw the broken branches and the shoes that were smashed from the air and rubbed against the dirt!

The sky will not drop Naturally, shoes will not fall, it is obvious that someone jumped off their heads.

It was too late for the two Japanese soldiers to dodge, the acceleration of gravity caused the weight of the person carried by the big foot to hit their heads directly!

So at this moment, the two Japanese soldiers let out a muffled grunt, and were knocked unconscious by the person who jumped from the tree, and the person who jumped from the tree was knocked unconscious by the reaction force, and then also fell down. fell to the ground.

But those two people immediately got up, and with bayonets in their hands, they directly stabbed the two Japanese soldiers' vital points!

One of those two people was Shang Zhen and the other was Qiu Bo.

And at this time, someone jumped down from several other trees with dense branches and leaves. They were Ma Erhuzi, Guan Tiedou, and Xiao Dustpan!

Shang Zhen was inspired by the Japanese gunmen hiding in the trees, and they adopted the same method this time.

And all of this naturally came from Shang Zhen's calculations.

If they don't go out from this forest, who knows when the Japanese army from the south will come over.

But Shang Zhen and the others didn't want to wait, so this time Shang Zhen made the biggest bait for the Japanese army and set up the smallest bureau.

The biggest bait, Wang Laomao led most of the people away and appeared in the sight of the Japanese army, making the Japanese army think that they had returned to the army.

The smallest round, Shang Zhen and the others only left five people in the woods this time, but they just wanted to attack the coming Japanese army!

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