The War of Resistance

Chapter 501: Battle of Shame (1)

It's still a dark night.

It's just that in the northwest corner of Songjiang County, the red light of flying bullets can be heard from time to time, and the light produced by the explosion of grenades from time to time is like lightning in summer night, which is fleeting.

The Japanese army did not give up their attack on Songjiang County, and they launched a night battle.

At this time, the military headquarters was filled with smoke, and the officers were having a meeting. Because of Chang En's call, Shang Zhen attended the meeting again in a corner.

Naturally, there is no place for him to speak in this kind of meeting, but he has only just listened to what the participants said. Although his face is expressionless, waves have already been stirred up in his heart.

The two teachers he knew were still there, one was Chang En and the other was Zhang.

The teacher surnamed Zhang was wearing a bandage. Seeing that his tone was weak when he spoke, it was obvious that he was seriously injured.

But as for the two officers below the division commander, Shang Zhen himself is not a member of the 67th Army, and he doesn't know these officers very well.

However, when he attended the meeting last time, he still remembered some officers, but most of those officers who had an impression did not come, which gave him a bad feeling in his heart.

"Report to the army commander, our 322 brigade commander Deng was killed in battle, so I came to the meeting because of my humble position." An officer stood up and reported loudly.

At this time, Wu Keyong, who was sitting at the front, frowned as he looked at the officer.

"I remember you are a deputy, right?" Wu Keyong asked.

"Yes, to report to the army commander, I am He Zuoxiu, the deputy head of the 542 regiment. The head of our regiment was killed. Not only the head of our regiment was killed, but also the two heads of our brigade. That's why I came—" The officer couldn't go on.

Wu Keyong didn't speak any more, and waved his hand with a sad face to signal the officer to sit down.

At this time, other officers naturally began to report to him.

It's just that following the officers' reports, Shang Zhen in the corner became more and more shocked, and at the same time, Wu Keyong's face became more and more serious.

Because of the reports given to Wu Keyong by those officers, Shang Zhen knew that up to now, the Sixty-seventh Army had killed three brigade commanders and six regiment commanders!

It was only one day, and the casualties were so heavy that Shang Zhen could no longer express his inner feelings.

But in this oppression, there was another weak voice saying: "Old Deng was also killed."

That person was none other than Master Zhang of the 107th Division.

Wu Keyong waved his hand, signaling the officers to stop talking.

Who is Lao Deng? Shang Zhen was puzzled, as a rookie, he really didn't know the names of these senior generals of the 67th Army.

But at this time, Shang Zhen saw Wu Ke used to touch a cigarette on the table, and when the guard next to him stepped forward to help him light it, Wu Ke's finger with the cigarette was already trembling slightly.

Judging from the meaning of what Master Zhang said, the old Deng he mentioned must be of a high rank, and the army commander Wu Keyong is very familiar with him.

So that old Deng should at least be the chief of staff or the deputy commander of the division.

In Shang Zhen's thoughts, there was a so-called dignified atmosphere that permeated the military headquarters.

But it was an officer who finally broke the silence and stood up and said, "Commander, can we retreat now? There are three days now."

Hearing what the officer said, Shang Zhen couldn't help but move, because retreat is a sensitive topic that everyone cares about.

As far as Shang Zhen knows, the Sixty-seventh Army came on the 6th, and now it is already the night of the 8th, and the order given by the group army above is to stick to it for three days. If you count the time to break through, it can be counted by now It's been three days.

At this point in the battle, there are still about a thousand people left. It stands to reason that retreating is also a reasonable thing.

So after the officer proposed, not only Shang Zhen, but everyone else looked at Wu Keyong who was sitting in front.

Wu Keyong turned his eyes to the participants, but remained silent.

After a while, another officer also stood up and said: "Commander, I think we can retreat now, we always want to leave some seeds for our 67th Army."

As soon as the second officer spoke, another officer wanted to stand up, but this time Wu Keyong stretched out his hand to stop it.

The cigarette in Wu Ke's hand had already had a lot of ash on it, but he didn't notice it.

And the officers under him were also concerned about the most important thing, and they didn't even notice this detail.

Only Shang Zhen, who was a bystander, noticed it, but he opened his mouth but did not speak after all.

So, at the next moment, Wu Ke shook his hand holding the cigarette. It was because the cigarette **** burned his hand, and only then did he subconsciously throw the cigarette **** on the ground.

"You all have this opinion, right?" Wu Ke asked in a low and hoarse voice.

The officer below was silent at first, and then someone responded: "Yes!"

At this moment, Wu Keyong stood up, and he turned his gaze to the window.

Just what can you see from the window? There were heavy curtains covering it, and even a quilt was used to block the outside to prevent the candlelight from leaking out.

Wu Keyong paced in front of his subordinates with his hands behind his back. He walked very slowly, but every step seemed to be on the heartstrings of everyone present, so that everyone in the room could hear Wu Keyong's extremely slight movement. footsteps.

"I understand everyone's feelings." When Wu Keyong turned around, he said slowly, "But! We must persist until midnight!"

Wu Keyong spoke these words really slowly, and his voice was not high, but he was very firm.

In the smoky there seems to be a silent sigh, which is the common sigh of all the people present.

And Shang Zhen sighed in his heart, it really is so.

Since Wu Keyong had already stated his decision, he simply continued to talk.

He looked at his subordinates and said: "Since we have persisted until now, there is no shortage of these few hours.

Since our Sixty-seventh Army of the Northeast Army suffered heavy casualties, and now there are only less than a thousand people left, why bother to fall into the trap because of this last bit of time?

Don't tell me to leave some seeds for our Northeast Army. Our Northeast Army is not only our Sixty-seventh Army, but also other troops. Let's sacrifice one to fight for the Northeast Army. Then the rest of them are our Northeast Army Seed! "

Under Wu Keyong's words, the officers were all silent, and Shang Zhen didn't know whether Wu Keyong could convince his subordinates.

Of course, this is the army and you don't need to be persuaded, so Wu Keyong, the commander of the army, only needs to give orders.

It's just that at this time, when there are only more than 1,000 people left in the 20,000 people, shouldn't Wu Keyong have more explanations?

At this time, Wu Keyong continued to speak, but this time Shang Zhen was a little surprised when he spoke.

"We are all members of the Sixty-seventh Army. No one has experienced September 18th. That is the shame of our Northeast Army. It is a scar on the back of our Northeast Army that will always be poked by someone!

Do you know what the orders received by the Peking University camp were at that time? "

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