The War of Resistance

Chapter 494: 1 **** (2)

Thinking of this, Qi Heng slowly slowed down his swallowing rhythm, and at the same time, his hand touched the grenade tucked under the corpse of the Japanese soldier beside him.

When he ate all the white rice in his mouth, he heard the footsteps of the Japanese army.

Although he has his eyes closed now, he can still think of what the Japanese army looked like when they attacked.

He is not tall, and his face is no different from that of a Chinese, but there is a kind of viciousness that only foreigners have on his face.

They hunched over and carried 38-type rifles with bayonets that were longer than their height.

Their soles are made of rubber, and the thick heels hurt when he stepped on them.

But so what, he can't figure out how many Japanese devils he has killed now, it's already enough, and now he will make money if he kills again!

There are a lot of little devils coming up this time!

Listening to the footsteps, Qi Heng guessed that the little devil fired a lot of flares just now, which means that this attack should be stronger than the previous one, and there will be more little devils coming up!

He heard the sound of the invader's big-toed shoes falling next to his head, and even splashes of mud splashed on his face.

But he held his breath and remained motionless, he didn't even notice that there was still a white grain of rice sticking to his mouth.

But fortunately, the Japanese soldiers who were walking past him or stepping over him did not notice this detail.

Dozens of Japanese soldiers and the three remaining guards on this position are all watching the other party's reaction.

The place where Qi Heng loaded the dead Japanese soldiers was more than 50 meters away from the ditch of our own position, and neither the enemy nor the enemy fired.

The reason why he chose this position was because he was afraid that his two companions would hurt him by throwing grenades. Their own grenades had long been used up, and the explosives they used were all grenades captured by the Japanese army.

The footsteps of the Japanese army passed by his side, and there were still gunshots not far away. Obviously, the Japanese army was not only attacking this position.

But at this moment, Qi Heng couldn't care about whether there were still Japanese troops behind him.

He suddenly opened his eyes. Write to the rear first, if at this time a lagging Japanese army happens to notice him, then he can only accept his fate.

He knew that he couldn't wait any longer, after all, there were only his two companions in that trench.

Just because there were too few of them, Qi Heng didn't expect the three of them to defend the position to repel the Japanese attack, so he took the risk to climb out of the position and use the Japanese uniform to attack the Japanese army. It is undoubtedly the main force in this battle.

Fortunately, there were no Japanese troops behind.

Qi Heng reached out and took out one of the grenades he had hidden under the corpse of the Japanese soldier.

He pulled out the pin and put the small copper cap on the grenade on the **** of the rifle, but just before the grenade was about to be lost, he heard the exclamation of the Japanese army!

Then he heard the "boom" and "boom" explosions of the grenades, and shrapnel whizzed past his head!

No, Qi Heng suddenly realized that there were only two companions in his position, how could he throw so many grenades at the same time?

But then he thought that now was not the time to hesitate, his grenade was still in his hand, spouting white smoke!

So Qi Heng also threw the grenade forward, and at the same time he heard gunshots of "pa", "pa", "he he he".

"Oops!" Qi Heng couldn't help crying out, but fortunately his cry was drowned out by the gunfire.

Qi Heng is a veteran soldier, he could distinguish the gunshot by hearing the sound, it was obviously made by the box cannon and flower mechanism, and his two companions did not have these two weapons in their hands.

At this moment, great joy filled his heart directly, and his side actually came to reinforce the army!

Then why was he hesitating? Qi Heng reached out and took out the grenade from under the corpse of the Japanese soldier. He pulled out the pin and smashed the cap and threw the grenade forward.

Explosions kept ringing, and it only took a moment for Qi Heng toss out all the grenades he found, and then he turned over and lay down on the ground again when he was already on the ground, he wanted to continue to pretend to be dead!

Although he didn't know exactly how many Japanese soldiers there were in this wave, he judged from the footsteps of the Japanese soldiers that there must have been dozens of Japanese soldiers this time.

Even if reinforcements came, plus these few grenades of his own, it would be difficult to wipe out the Japanese army. He had to continue to pretend to be dead!

But just when Qi Heng was about to close his eyes, the flares fired by the Japanese army in the sky dimmed.

Qi Heng suddenly turned over and sat up and took a look forward. It was really strange, he really didn't see a standing Japanese soldier, and the Japanese soldiers who were supposed to be alive had already lay down on the ground.

Just as Qi Heng was thinking about it, he heard the sound of "Boom" and "Boom" coming from behind again, and the Japanese army started firing flares again. In desperation, he could only lie down again.

Under the illumination of the flare, Qi Heng could only close his eyes again, just because he was lying down, he could not look at the blazing light in the dark, otherwise he would not be able to adapt to the darkness.

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then the eyelids are the curtains to the soul.

The flares of the Japanese army are so bright, but my "curtains" don't seem to be thick enough. Why do I close my eyes, but there is still that blazing light in front of my eyes.

Qi Heng lay quietly under the illumination of the flares until the flares dimmed and the Japanese fired new flares.

This went on for about ten minutes, and the Japanese army stopped firing flares after all.

So Qi Heng stared at the sky.

There were still flares rising in the distance, but they were much rarer, and when the flares gradually stopped rising, Qi Heng could see the starry sky in the dark night.

The flares of the Japanese army have not been idle since it was dark, and now we can finally see the starry sky. Even if he is not a petty bourgeoisie with a leisurely mood, Qi Heng can't help but sigh in his heart how beautiful the starry sky is tonight!

Time slowly Qi Heng felt that it was already midnight.

And as the last flare became dimmed, the Japanese army did not shoot out the flare after all. It seems that the Japanese army's strong attack was fruitless, and they finally planned to end today's battle.

And at this moment, Qi Heng heard someone calling his name in the direction of the position: "Qi Heng, Qi Heng, are you still there? Come back to the position!"

If he could know that he was Qi Heng, it was naturally his two companions, and Qi Heng could tell that it was Luan Chaoyue who called him.

Qi Heng opened his mouth, but just as he was about to speak, he subconsciously closed his mouth.

There were dozens of Japanese soldiers who attacked just now, and it is inevitable that there are still some alive. If I responded rashly, the Japanese soldiers would shoot me again!

"Qi Heng Qi Heng, come back quickly, the little devils are already dead!" At this time, someone shouted in front of him again.

Are all the little devils dead? How could it be possible, Qi Heng's first reaction was to not believe it.

"Qi Heng, please answer, it's okay, they held the grenade in their hands for a while before throwing it out!" It was Luan Chaoyue who shouted again.

Did they hold the grenade in their hands for a while before throwing it?

As a veteran, Qi Heng immediately realized what this method of throwing grenades was like. No wonder the explosion sounded when he heard the cries of the Japanese army earlier. It turned out that the grenade exploded on the Japanese army's head.

"I'm here, I'll go back!" So Qi Heng shouted.

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