The War of Resistance

Chapter 491: Supervise the battle with the army commander

"Brigade Commander, it's not that the brothers are afraid of death, we're out of ammunition! It's not worth it to go up with bare hands!" an officer shouted.

"Where's your ammunition?" Duan Wenxiu asked urgently.

"Blown up by the little devil's cannon!" the officer hurriedly said.

"There's so much nonsense, let me do it!" Duan Wenxiu was in a hurry.

Whoever is the soldier feels distressed, you will not go without ammunition? The gunshots of the retreating supervisory team will ring, and you will be dead too.

"Lei Liang! Give them some of your bullets!" Wu Keyong ordered.

However, Wu Keyong's order did not get an immediate response from Lei Liang. When Wu Keyong looked at Lei Liang, Lei Liang suddenly stood up and shouted: "The rest of the people protect the military headquarters, the guards from the company Come on, brothers, follow me!"

No one thought that at this moment, Lei Liang would have such a move.

Wu Keyong frowned but didn't say anything, obviously he acquiesced.

Yes, from Lei Liang's point of view, it would be better for them to go directly to the front line if the bullets were given to the officers and soldiers who had withdrawn from the front, even though going directly to the front line would mean that they would suffer a lot of casualties.

While speaking, the officers and soldiers who retreated from the front were only tens of meters away from Wu Ke and their reinforcements.

Lei Liang and the other members of the guard company charged forward with their guns in hand, and the deputy brigade commander Duan Wenxiu cursed "Damn it" and rushed forward with a wave of his hand. The deputy brigade commander all went up. The retreating officers and soldiers turned around and rushed back.

But at this time, the old hat who had been guarding Wu Keyong looked back, and now there are less than fifty people protecting the army commander Wu Keyong!

What the **** is this called? Old Mao Wang scolded secretly.

The people on the front line retreated, a deputy brigade commander rushed back with his people, and the army commander's guard company rushed up again.

Isn't this so eye-catching?

Make it as if my group of people are afraid of death!

Northeast people have a word called good (hào) face, which means that people must cherish their own face and must not be looked down upon by others.

If you ask Mr. Wang what he is afraid of, Mr. Wang is also afraid of death, but he has a better face!

And this good face raised to a sufficient height is called the dignity of a soldier.

Sometimes Wang Mao knows that death is worse than life, and he knows that the enemy is too powerful to defeat him and escape temporarily, which is not embarrassing!

But sometimes, I would rather die without dignity!

Feeling a fever on his face, Old Mao Wang habitually looked at Shang Zhen. It was when he saw Shang Zhen was staring ahead.

There were indeed more than 30 soldiers left in front, and they were a little hesitant, as if they wanted to charge but didn't charge forward.

Those soldiers also came back with the retreat, but they have no weapons in their hands now.

It is said that a gun is the life of a soldier, how can a soldier lose his gun? The theory is this theory, but the situation on the battlefield is changeable, and no one can guarantee that the gun will not be lost.

Wang Laomao looked at the army commander Wu Keyong again, and saw that Wu Keyong had already frowned, which was a sign that he was going to get angry again.

Military orders are like mountains and cannot be desecrated. If the soldiers in front do not move forward, Wu Keyong will definitely order to shoot.

At this moment, Shang Zhen suddenly shouted: "Give them our short guns!"

Shang Zhen and the others are all armed with two guns, and now the recruit Guo Baoyou still has a **** box from the Japanese army in his hand!

At this moment, Old Mao Wang had no time to think, and instinctively pulled out his box cannon, and threw their short guns forward with the others.

And Wang Laomao also saw that Shang Zhen threw out his 20-gun box cannon.

Oops, what a pity wow!

Wang Laomao felt emotional in his heart, but then he thought wrong! It is a pity that our own people used the box cannon to hit the Japanese devils, but other soldiers used this gun to fight the Japanese devils, so how can it be called a pity?

But, but, but, what the hell! Wang Laomao felt mixed feelings in his heart.

At this time, the returning officers and soldiers picked up the short guns on the ground, and finally turned around and rushed forward. Old Mao Wang secretly glanced at Shang Zhen's face again. Shang Zhen acted as if nothing had happened, but he was lying on the ground and looking ahead with a mirror.

Wang Laomao admired Shang Zhenshang more and more. This kid's calmness is really amazing!

In later generations, it is said that someone has done a scientific experiment, saying that the human brain is only 1% developed, and that the old man surnamed Ai who invented the theory of relativity is only 4% developed.

Of course, we don't know how he got that percentage, but that's what we mean, for example.

In fact, for the vast majority of people, there is not much difference in intelligence, the difference is only in what aspect people use their minds on.

Old Mao Wang pays too much attention to his own safety and is more sensitive to personnel matters, that is to say, whether he is taking advantage or suffering a disadvantage.

But Shang Zhen paid more attention to the situation on the battlefield, so he kept silent most of the time, but his mind was not idle.

The gunshots ahead quickly rang out, and amidst the gunshots, Shang Zhen couldn't help sighing, and put down the binoculars.

He wanted to know the situation ahead, but there was a forest in front of him that blocked his vision.

Now that the battle has been fought, the situation of the Sixty-seventh Army is actually very bad.

Shang Zhen stayed in Wu Keyong's military headquarters for a long time, so he naturally heard the constant reports from the messengers.

The Japanese army that landed from Jinshanwei is rushing towards Songjiang County from all In order to resist the Japanese attack, the Sixty-seventh Army scattered all the troops and built a building around Songjin County. One after another simple fortifications were made. Although there is still water in the trenches, it is better than lying on the ground to support the Japanese army's wild bombing.

It is precisely because there are many trenches surrounding Songjiang County that the Japanese army did not break through during the war. Shang Zhen estimated that the Japanese army should have expanded the results of the battle along the trenches to the two wings, but unexpectedly, the Chinese army in Songjiang County fought back. Out.

I don't know why Shang Zhen remembered that sentence again, the blood of brothers is behind the survival of all veterans.

At this time, fighting positional warfare is basically a narrow escape. Shang Zhen estimates that the 67th Army has suffered more than half of the casualties.

What makes Shang Zhen feel even more distressed is that since the common people in the combat area have already fled, no one can save the wounded at all, so the fate of those wounded soldiers can be imagined, either perish with the Japanese army or be killed by the Japanese army. massacre.

There were bursts of gunshots ahead, and there were not many people left in the so-called rear. The Sixty-seventh Army with 25,000 to 6,000 soldiers could only stand at the end now with the dozens of soldiers beside Army Commander Wu Keyong. Officers and soldiers.

Who knows how many people can finally return to Songjiang County, and how many troops survived the battle with the Japanese army.

And after about half an hour, a soldier ran back from the front and reported that he had finally regained the position, but the guard company suffered more than half of the casualties, and the company commander Lei Liang was killed!

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