The War of Resistance

Chapter 484: accidentally injured the commander

"Good job!" Lei Liang praised sincerely when he rushed to the side of the woods and saw Shang Zhen.

Shang Zhen, who was picking up a bag of grenades from the ground, looked up at Lei Liang and smiled, but didn't say anything.

"That's right!" On the contrary, the little dustpan who heard Lei Liang's praise replied complacently.

Happy whoever wins the battle!

However, with Shang Zhen's character, he is not arrogant in victory and not discouraged in defeat. He is not used to being praised by others, but it is the little dustpan that reveals his joy of victory.

Everyone was cleaning the battlefield, and at this time the officers and soldiers who had been chased from Songyuan County also arrived.

"Hurry up and pick it up, we won't give it to them! They even shot at us!" Little Dustpan said cautiously to the guards.

The others laughed again, which is undoubtedly a child's mind.

Although Shang Zhen and the others have already fought side by side with the guard company, the people in the guard company have a deeper relationship with the officers and soldiers in the county, and they belong to the same unit!

But when Shang Zhenlei Liang and the others were cleaning the battlefield, suddenly a soldier shouted: "Master!"

Just the soldier's cry startled Shang Zhen and all of them.

The so-called high-ranking official crushes people to death, not to mention that this is the army, so everyone subconsciously stopped their work and stood at attention.

And when they looked at the officers and soldiers chasing after them from the county seat, they saw that Chang En, the commander of the 108th Division, really came out with a box cannon in his hand.

To be honest, not only Shang Zhen, but also Wang Laomao and the others, this was the first time they saw a teacher go to the battlefield in person!

Does it need to be said how important the chief officer of an army is?

Have you ever seen the battalion commander take the lead in charging, but have you seen the brigade commander follow the charge? No! Absolutely not!

And this aspect of course shows how eager the generals of the Northeast Army are to fight a good battle and let the troops in other places see it.

On the other hand, it also shows that the battlefield situation of the Sixty-seventh Army is not good at this time, otherwise, how could the division commander go to the battlefield in person with a gun?

"There aren't so many rules on the battlefield, so what to do!" Chang En said.

This is a battlefield. If an enemy hiding in the dark notices the arrival of an officer and shoots coldly, then the life of the commander of the army may be lost. Such battles are not unheard of.

With Chang En's words, the soldiers continued to get busy.

But at this moment, Chang En looked at Shang Zhen, and then said expressionlessly: "You guys have caused a big disaster, you know?"

"Ah?" Shang Zhen was taken aback.

Chang En's words came really suddenly, and Shang Zhen felt a little dazed. He and his people had no credit for killing those Japanese soldiers, but they had worked hard, so where did they start?

"When you shot forward, you accidentally injured our army commander!" Chang En said coldly.

"Ah?" Chang En's words surprised Shang Zhen and the others.

The commander was accidentally injured. Who is the commander of the Sixty-seventh Army? Of course it was Wu Keyong!

Judging from what Chang En said, it wasn't just Chang En, the division commander who took the lead in chasing them out, but the army commander Wu Keyong also chased them out in person.

It seems that the words of Army Commander Wu Ke that Lei Liang relayed last time were not just words.

Army Commander Wu Keyong is a man who walks the talk, he speaks impassionedly what he said, and he himself did the same!

This was enough to arouse Shang Zhen's amazement.

The army commander is one level higher than the division commander.

It was said earlier that Chang En, the division commander, took the lead in the charge, which is unique in thousands of miles, so it is absolutely unique for the army commander to take the lead in chasing and killing!

After a while, Shang Zhen calmed down. As a veteran, he had long since lost the habit of being shocked whenever something happened.

To say that on the battlefield, it is not uncommon for one's own people to accidentally injure one's own people, but a dignified army commander was accidentally injured by them, this is a major accident!

The Japanese soldiers were sandwiched between them and the officers and soldiers chasing after them from the county seat. They were all shooting at the Japanese soldiers in the middle, so it is entirely possible that some bullets flew to the opposite side by chance.

But the problem is that based on the shooting level of Shang Zhen and his veterans, quite a few of them use the flower mechanism and the range of the flower mechanism. , so the accidental injury was probably shot with a rifle.

Since Chang En had already said it, then this matter must be true.

Shang Zhen began to scan the soldiers under him, and what he saw were those who were using rifles with him.

"Which of you sent the bullet flying?" Shang Zhen asked.

But at this moment, Zhang Zhen noticed that Chu Tian, ​​who was using a rifle, lowered his head and blushed.

Didn't I read it wrong? Could it be that Chu Tian shot a bullet, and that bullet accidentally injured Wu Keyong, the army commander who was six or seven hundred meters away?

But at this time, Shang Zhen's mind wandered again. He knew that even if the shot was really shot by Chutian, he must not ask Chutian in front of so many people!

After all, bullets have no eyes in war, even if Chutian fired the shot, it can only be regarded as being shot by Shang Zhen and his group, and Shang Zhen will never confess Chutian!

As the commander of a team, you must protect the calf! Shang Zhen understood that only the commander who protects the calf can unite all his subordinates.

If he said that his soldier caused the trouble, he would confess that soldier, and then they would no longer be united.

But how should I explain to Chang En? Just when Shang Zhen wanted to die and took this matter by himself, he really ignored Chu Tian's daring to act!

"Report sir, I fired a shot!" At this moment, Chu Tian raised his head and reported loudly.

How come you admit it yourself? Shang Zhen had a headache.

"Stupid, what else can you do?" Old Mao Wang scolded angrily beside him.

Chu Tian blushed and was naturally speechless, but Old Mao Wang saw that Chang En was still displeased, so he added another sentence: "Waste, you can even hit the commander of the army~www.wuxiamtl. com~ My fiancée can’t even look down on me, you’ve gone to the dung heap.”

As soon as these words came out, Chu Tian's face turned even redder!

He was already a little angry, he thought to himself, I accidentally injured a military commander, but it had something to do with my fiancée! Why do you say that you, an old hat of the death king, just poke at people's sore spots!

He likes Leng Xiaozhi so much, but Leng Xiaozhi doesn't like him, and even married at the Eighth Route Army! How could this make Chu Tian feel so bad?

It's just that Chu Tian didn't know at this time that his rival in love was not the so-called Mo Jianchen who was more handsome than himself, but his boss, or his chief Shang Zhen!

Even Chutian didn't know that Shang Zhen and Leng Xiaozhi were dating, and Old Mao Wang also contributed to this.

Wang Laomao first asked Qian Chuan'er to use the "beauty trick" to seduce Li Yajuan who had a crush on Shang Zhen. And when Shang Zhen was dating Leng Xiaozhi, he stopped those curious soldiers who found Shang Zhen a little strange.

Although it is no longer the era where men are superior to women, love can be emphasized, but if Chu Tian really knows the truth of this matter, then it will really be "full of absurd words and tears of bitterness"!

"Hahahaha", suddenly hearty laughter appeared.

At this time, several officers came from behind the division commander, Chang En, and among them the one who laughed was showing his identity with his own laughter.

Sure enough, Chang En had already shouted, "Commander!"

The army commander is naturally Wu Keyong, and Wu Keyong actually appeared!

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