The War of Resistance

Chapter 482: Chase and Rescue

"There! Quick!" Lei Liang shouted, but everyone ran up.

The place Lei Liang pointed to was a forest, and the gunshots rang out from the other side of the forest. The gunshots sounded like the Japanese Type 38 rifle, and there was also the unique "da da da" sound of the Japanese machine gun.

It's just that there can only be one chief officer in an army!

Lei Liang gave the order loudly, and the people in their security company naturally started to run.

But at this time Shang Zhen had already turned his head, and all of them were looking at him.

No one from Shang Zhen's group followed, why? According to the words of later generations, it is called a disagreement of ideas.

Who disagrees with whom? That's because Shang Zhen's and Lei Liang's combat concepts don't match.

The forest in front of them was only four to five hundred meters away from Shang Zhen and the others.

But Shang Zhen and the others knew that the distance of four to five hundred meters was already very far, but if the Japanese army was in the woods, they could not be killed by the Japanese army's marksmanship, but they could be injured, not to mention the Japanese army. machine gun.

It's just that this is the moment for Shang Zhen to hesitate, "Everyone spread out and surround!" Shang Zhen resolutely shouted in a low voice.

So the remaining 30 or so people scattered all at once with a "hula"!

At this time, Lei Liang and the others were moving forward as a team, which was a whole, just like a charge in the crowd tactics, but Shang Zhen and the others were already like birds and beasts scattered in the field.

Naturally, some of Lei Liang's soldiers saw Shang Zhen and they dispersed, but those soldiers still rushed forward as their soldiers listened to their orders.

"How can there be such a war?" Wang Laomao muttered.

But at this time, Shang Zhen had already accelerated the speed of running forward, and Old Mao Wang could only run forward without caring about complaining.

It's just that Shang Zhen's speed has slowed down.

They searched for the Japanese soldier, which was also running along the road.

No matter how muddy the road was, it was easier to walk than in the wild, so Lei Liang and the others ran faster and faster.

And among Shang Zhen and his group, at least a dozen people had mud lumps on their feet because they stepped on the muddy ground.

Shang Zhen dragged the heavier and heavier mud lump with his feet and ran forward vigorously. After all, it was his strong physical fitness that did not let Lei Liang's people throw him far.

And when Shang Zhen was only two hundred meters away from the forest, he saw a yellow figure flickering in the forest.

Shang Zhen jumped forward suddenly. When he fell to the ground, his elbows were just resting on the ground, and the **** of the flower machine gun was already on his shoulders.

"Crack", "crack", "he he he", "he he he he" The gunshots from both the enemy and us sounded almost at the same time. The bullets fired by Shang Zhen certainly knocked the leaves to pieces, and there were also some soldiers under Lei Liang's command. Shot and fell.

"Cover! Cover!" Shang Zhen shouted.

So they, who had already dispersed, all stopped, lying or kneeling, and shot the bullets into the woods.

Since Shang Zhen and the others had dispersed before, their formation of skirmishers just avoided Lei Liang and the others who were charging forward.

When the machine guns of Erhanzi and Guan Tiedou sounded, the firepower of the Japanese army in the woods was suppressed. Lei Liang, who had just stood still and lay on the ground, commanded the soldiers to charge forward again.

"Fool, how can there be such a war!" Old Mao Wang cursed angrily while shooting into the woods with a flower mechanism.

At this time, more than a dozen people in Lei Liang's company were shot and fell down, but Lei Liang and the others were finally close to the forest, and the bullets fired from the forest had become sparse.

At this time, Shang Zhen had a new judgment. Even though the number of bullets fired from the woods had decreased, there was still loud gunshots from the other side of the woods.

"There must be our Northeast Army there! Go up!" Shang Zhen shouted.

Two hundred meters is still a bit far for the shooting distance of the flower mechanism.

So Shang Zhen and the others ran forward with their guns in hand and kept shooting.

Naturally, the shooting at this time cannot be said to be very accurate, but Shang Zhen also hopes that through the cover of himself and others, he can share some firepower for Lei Liang and the others in front.

A few minutes later, Shang Zhen and the others finally followed Lei Liang and the others into the forest.

And at the edge of the woods were more than 20 corpses of Japanese soldiers.

"Pay attention to refilling the gun!" Shang Zhen and the others reminded each other.

And at this moment, Shang Zhen saw a black thing flying out of the bushes. Even if Shang Zhen didn't see it clearly, he could guess that it was a grenade thrown by the Japanese army!

In desperation, Shang Zhen didn't have time to lie down. If the grenade landed and exploded right in the middle of Lei Liang and the others, the casualties would be great, so Shang Zhen, who had just changed a magazine at this moment, buckled it down. trigger.

"He, he, he..." Shang Zhen's bullets flew out like dots. At the same time, Qiu Bo and Ma Erhuzi also saw the grenade. Their choices were the same as Shang Zhen's.

In that instant, the bullets fired by the three people formed a barrage of bullets, and finally a bullet hit the grenade, and then everyone saw that the grenade was actually sent flying by the bullets!

Then the grenade exploded with a "boom" before it landed, and a soldier fell on his back before he even had time to scream.

When the other soldiers stepped forward, they saw that the soldier had a wound on his face, and blood gushed out from his face, and his mouth and nose could not be seen clearly in an instant.

"Everyone lie down, don't be accidentally injured by your own people, our people are on the opposite side!" Lei Liang, who was already lying on the ground, shouted loudly!

And at this moment, a familiar accent really came from the opposite woods: "We are from the 391st Regiment, which part are you from?"

"Division guard company!" Lei Liang shouted.

Two minutes later, the gunshots in the woods stopped, and Li Liang led the guards and these people to meet up with the Northeast Army coming from the opposite At this time, the two sides reported the situation and found out that there was a nearby army in the woods. Hundreds of Japanese troops.

The 391st Regiment heard the gunshots from the direction of Songjiang County and came back to help. Now that this volunteer army has been wiped out, the members of the 391st Regiment returned to the front line immediately.

Seeing the members of the 391st regiment leave, Wang Laomao couldn't help complaining to Lei Liang after all, and said, "Are you guys fighting like this? Knowing that there are devils in the woods, you still charge forward. Do you think your life is long?"

Lei Liang glanced at Old Mao Wang and didn't show displeasure, but said sincerely: "Thank you for reminding me, I understand what you said!

But you have to know that our guard company is to defend the division headquarters, and we were kicked out by the division commander to chase and kill this Japanese army.

We have to go back immediately. We must know that the county is now empty of troops. What if there is an accident at the division headquarters? "

After hearing Lei Liang say that, Shang Zhen and the others realized that this was the case!

No wonder Lei Liang rushed forward with his own people regardless of their lives!

But what you are really afraid of will come true.

At this moment, all of them heard gunshots coming from the direction of the division headquarters behind them, that is, from the direction of Songjiang County.

After all, the defense line of the 67th Army was too long. In the end, the Japanese army broke through the defense line of the frontline troops again and launched an attack on Songjiang County.

"Please, brothers, come back with me!" Lei Liang glanced at Shang Zhen and the others before turning around again. They needed to run in the muddy water again!

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