The War of Resistance

Chapter 466: Who is the last force left?

"Oh, I said you are still looking for the 67th Army. Don't you know that the entire army is retreating now?" Qian Laishun said to Shang Zhen and the others when they returned to the road.

Although Qian Laishun is already drenched, he saved his life after all. At least he was standing. However, on this road where Shang Zhen and the others walked, from time to time, they saw people being bombed by the Japanese army. And the officers and soldiers who died in battle.

Now Qian Laishun has a better impression of Shang Zhen and the others. The reason is naturally that Shang Zhen and the others made the right choice and saved his life.

Shang Zhen's mind was quick to see the plane, and as soon as the Japanese plane appeared in the sky, he led his men into the water and dived into it.

From the perspective of the Japanese aircraft, if the Japanese pilots saw the Chinese army below, they must have picked a large target to fight, so they could only attack the Chinese army on the road, and would ignore the scattered people in the water network.

Naturally, Qian Laishun would not complain about Shang Zhen. If they were on the highway, they would not be hiding, but they would be waiting for death, or resigning themselves to fate.

Although it is said that Shang Zhen and the others did not shoot at the Japanese planes on the road at that time, but they were able to survive, it was all because of the large number of officers and soldiers on the road that attracted the attention of the Japanese planes.

But that was Shang Zhen's helpless choice. We can't just stand on the road.

Although Qian Laishun was talking to Shang Zhen and the others at this time, a story came to his mind.

It is said that the police in the police station always have a partner when they go to the streets, and that is a team of two.

When everyone was picking a partner, they naturally chose a strong body, good skills, and accurate marksmanship, but only one policeman picked a short partner.

Others will naturally laugh at him, saying that if you meet a vicious gangster and the companion you choose is so thin, how can you fight that gangster?

But the policeman's answer was unexpected, the policeman said. I don't need to kill the gangster, I just want to run faster than my companions when I escape.

This itself is a joke.

It's just that this joke is similar to Shang Zhen's previous situation.

Shang Zhen and the others were the policemen who picked the thinnest companions, and the officers and soldiers who were slow to react and stayed on the road became the targets of the gangsters.

Naturally, Qian Laishun didn't want Shang Zhen and the others to be heroes. When he figured out why Shang Zhen led people into the water, he also followed. It is also true, at least as far as he himself is concerned, he survived.

Thinking of Shang Zhen's favor, he naturally wanted to persuade Shang Zhen and the others not to go to the front line again.

"We are from the Northeast, and we are the Northeast Army that grandma doesn't love and uncle doesn't love. Do you want us to join your Central Army?" Qian Chuan'er retorted Qian Lai by the way.

"You don't need to join the Central Army, but it doesn't contradict you not going to the front line.

Besides, I heard that there is only one regiment in the whole Shanghai he left behind, which is in a place called Sixing Warehouse. "Qian Laishun said again.

"Really?" Qian Chuan'er didn't believe it.

"Of course it's true. I know a lot of people in the Central Army. Didn't you see that I know a lot? Why am I lying to you?

In any case, after the plane bombing just now, we are also brothers who have died. "Qian Laishun is still earnest.

Qian Chuaner looked at Shang Zhen.

If what Qian Laishun said is true, there is really no need for them to go to the 67th Army, because as they said, all the troops have retreated, and there is only one regiment at the place called Sixing Warehouse.

"I bet the 67th Army must be in that Songjiang County." Shang Zhen spoke, but he did not agree with Qian Laishun's statement.

"Why?" Qian Laishun asked.

"Why?" There was a wry smile on Shang Zhen's face, "It's just because our Northeast Army is unlucky, how could our Northeast Army be missing from this kind of work?"

Shang Zhen's answer made Qian Laishun speechless, and after a while, Qian Laishun said, "Do you have to go?"

No one answered Qian Laishun, but Qian Laishun looked at Shang Zhen's and the others' expressions, he had to go.

At this time, Shang Zhen and the others saw a fork in the road on the left.

"Okay, let's say goodbye too." Shang Zhen said to Qian Laishun.

"Leave as soon as you say, I feel that you guys are nice, and I can't bear to part with it!" Qian Laishun kept talking, and he didn't know whether he was genuine or fake, anyway, he told Shang Zhen and the others what they said in their hearts. The ones are still hot.

"Then wait for me at the intersection for a while, and I'll find you something good!" Qian Laishun said, then he looked around and ran back, and at the same time he didn't forget to tell them, "Don't go, no It's a little while, I'll be back in a while."

After Shang Zhen and the others reached the fork in the road, they really stopped.

They also couldn't figure out what Qian Laishun was doing, and what Qian Laishun did should not be a bad thing to them.

After more than half an hour, Qian Laishun ran back, but this time he had an extra roll of paper in his hand.

"I got you a map of Shanghai, so that you will know how to get to Songjiang County." Qian Laishun handed over the roll of paper, and Shang Zhen saw that it was indeed a map of Shanghai after receiving it. .

Zhang Zhen doesn't care about the situation in downtown Shanghai, because he knows that with the current Shanghai downtown has definitely fallen.

And he was overjoyed when he saw the suburbs of Shanghai. He really found Songjiang County, and the roads were drawn very carefully on the map.

"Oh, thank you brother, thank you so much!" Zhang Zhen sincerely thanked Qian Laishun, and at this moment Qian Chuaner asked Qian Laishun: "Brother, where did you get this map?"

"Our team leader's." Qian Laishun replied.

"Is this okay?" Shang Zhen asked with some concern.

"What's wrong?" Qian Laishun asked, "First, we will never go back to Songhu again. Our brothers left too many people here. This is a sad place. Second, our regiment leader Killed."

Qian Laishun's answer made Shang Zhen and the others a little sad. Now it seems that the Songhu battlefield is really too tragic.

After examining the map, Shang Zhen still bid farewell to Qian Laishun, and led his people towards Songjiang County without hesitation.

Shang Zhen didn't know that at the Sixing Warehouse that Qian Laishun mentioned, a regiment leader surnamed Xie was leading eight hundred strong men to fight against the Japanese army.

And even if he knew, Shang Zhen didn't care. The battlefield is too big, hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops have all retreated, and people don't worry about the 800 strong men, so how could it be his turn?

What he firmly believes now is one thing, that is, if the 67th Army is in Songjiang County, then it must be the last team to be terminated. Who said that the Northeast Army is a team that grandma doesn't love and uncle doesn't love? How could such dirty and dangerous work be done without the Northeast Army?

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