The War of Resistance

Chapter 464: Meet the Central Army again (1)

Shang Zhen and the others still marched southwest with admiration for the Sichuan army.

But just after they passed through a group of houses, they suddenly saw that the road ahead was crowded with Chinese troops!

How many Chinese troops are there? Thinking back to when the Northeast Army retreated to Jinzhou from the Northeast Army, it entered the pass on trains, and the strength of the troops was not small.

But this time, the number of troops on that road this time has left Shang Zhen and the others dumbfounded.

You can't see the head in the south and the end in the north. Although there are soldiers striding forward, there are also countless wounded staggering on the road.

"What the **** is this situation?" Old Mao Wang was a little confused. To be honest, as the oldest veteran, Old Mao Wang had seen so many troops for the first time.

There are so many people, just like the boundless weeds on the northeast plains!

Looking at the endless flow of people and carriages, Shang Zhen and the others felt that they had become extremely small in an instant.

"There are water networks all around, and there is only one road. They are all crowded here." Shang Zhen said after scanning the surrounding terrain in shock.

This is the Songhu area, which is close to the sea, and the terrain is low-lying and densely covered with water networks, so such a large-scale military retreat must have crowded the road.

Yes, it is a retreat. Now Shang Zhen has judged that this is a large-scale retreat of the army.

Shang Zhen didn't know that the Chinese army had already invested nearly 800,000 troops in the battle of Songhu, but he knew that from the current situation, another one must be lost in Guanshan, that is to say, the Songhu area was lost again. Otherwise, how could such a scene happen?

"What should we do?" At this time, Old Mao Wang was affected by the retreating flow of people, and he couldn't make up his mind, so he asked Shang Zhen.

Hundreds of thousands of people are retreating, but these thirty or so people have to go against the opposite direction, which requires courage.

"Let's get on the highway first, and we'll go south as well." Shang Zhen said helplessly.

"Aren't we going to find the big troops?" Little Dustpan asked.

"Go early, but we can't wade through the water to find it." Shang Zhen replied.

As far as they can see so far, in addition to the flow of people, the area is water net rice fields.

According to the instructions of the commander of the Sichuan Army, Songjiang County should be in the southwest of them.

But now there is water in the southwest, Shang Zhen and the others can only walk on the road, and then find a fork in the road.

Shang Zhen and the others went on the road like this, and temporarily joined such a retreating army, which was more like a retreating army.

But just when Shang Zhen was thinking about asking these soldiers who were also yellow-skinned, black-haired and black-eyed about the situation on the Songhu battlefield, someone took the initiative to talk to them.

"Brother, which army do you belong to?" A person squeezed into Shang Zhen's team.

Looking at the man's attire, Shang Zhen knew that this guy must belong to the Central Army, and he was also dressed as an officer.

But judging by his official title, this guy is not a high-ranking official, he is probably a platoon commander or company commander or something.

He speaks with a southern accent and learns northern mandarin, but due to the pronunciation of his mother tongue, it sounds strange.

"We are from the 67th Army, brother, which army are you from?" Qian Chuan'er, who was accosted, replied and asked again.

"It doesn't matter which army we are in, as long as we know that we belong to the Central Army!

You belong to the 67th Army, ah, then you belong to the Northeast Army. "The officer who was about the same age as Shang Zhen and the others said.

"Looking at your attire, we should call you Commander, right?" Qian Chuaner asked tentatively.

"Sir, I'm just a bastard. I'm in charge of logistics. Everyone is a brother, everyone is a brother!" the guy said in a small mouth.

Obviously, this person is a familiar character.

"I don't know your last name?" Qian Chuan'er continued to chat with that person.

"Miangui, the surname is Qian Laishun, Qian Laishun!" The man smiled and announced his family name.

Just his expression seemed a bit inconsistent with the solemnity of the entire army when they retreated.

Seeing this guy's virtue, Qin Chuan, who was behind Shang Zhen and his team, whispered in Hou Wangshan's ear: "This bastard's little mouth is pretty useless. If you Not being disfigured is comparable to this **** one."

Hou Wangshan seemed to have not heard Qin Chuan's provocation, his face was expressionless, and he did not answer.

But in fact, if it is not an acquaintance, Hou Kanshan's expression usually looks like two words to everyone - hideous.

At this time, Qian Chuan'er in front had already smiled: "What a family!

The eldest brother’s name is Qian Laishun, and my surname is also Qian. My name is Qian Chuan’er, a string of two strings of money. "

"Oh, there really is such a coincidence in the world!" Qian Laishun laughed even more.

But he turned his head to look around, and quickly put back the smile on his face.

It seems that he is not stupid.

At this time, we are in the middle of a great retreat, and it cannot be said that everyone is crying, but he is the only one who is smiling. Isn't that just looking for a draw?

"Brother, we just came here, tell us how the battle in Songhu is going? I think our people are retreating?" Qian Chuaner lowered his voice and asked.

As soon as Qian asked, that Qian Laishun furtively glanced back, forth, left, and right, seeing that there were no officers around, he said: "Brother of my family, you are asking the right person! "

So Qian Laishun really told Zhang Zhen and the others what he knew.

Qian Laishun is very talkative and can speak very well. What he feels to Shang Zhen and the others is that this Qian Laishun is like a water bottle with a lot of water in it. You don't have to pour it out, he will leak it out!

It's just that what Qian Lianshun said next made Shang Zhen's heart skip a beat.

"I didn't say that, you said we can beat the Japanese?

The Japanese have planes, cannons, tanks, and naval guns, and the shells they shoot are the same as our usual bullets, that's all! "

"You want to say that our Chinese army also has infantry, tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery, but the coordination is not good!

More than 20 tanks rushed up, but the infantry didn't follow. As a result, those more than 20 tanks were all blown up by the Japanese devils!

Oh my god, I'm blind for nothing! "

"Finally, let's talk about infantry.

The infantry got out of touch with the tanks in front, and as a result, a battalion was blocked in an alley by the Japanese devils.

The Japanese devils had a tank in front of the tank and a tank behind it with a machine gun. This suddenly, a battalion, let alone more than 500 lives, just disappeared! "

"Don't just build up other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige, how are those little Sichuans playing?" Qian Chuan'er looked around and asked in a low voice.

Of course, Qian Chuan'er also understood that if the words Qian Laishun said were heard by the Military Law Department, it would be enough to kill Qian Laishun.

"Why are you mentioning them? Do you know German mechanic?" Qian Laishun asked in a low Zhen and the others naturally shook their heads, how could they know what a German mechanic is.

"That's the lifeblood of that old man in Nanjing. They've been dispatched, but it didn't work!" Qian Laishun lowered his voice so much that Shang Zhen and the others stretched their necks trying to hear clearly.

"They are all good rifles and machine guns, huh? The equipment of your group is not bad!" Qian Laisen noticed that Shang Zhen's weapons are also not bad. Japanese Type 38 rifle.

"Don't say we are talking about war, talk about this end." Qian Chuan'er reminded from the side.

"Oh, anyway, German weapons are good, but that doesn't work, no matter how good your weapons are, how can you still withstand the crazy bombardment of Japanese planes and cannons?

That old man is really bleeding! It was also because he was bleeding that the Yunnan Army, the Guizhou Army, the Northwest Army, the Hunan Army and the Guangxi Army all rushed up.

But what's the use of that?

If you charge up, hundreds of people from the entire battalion will charge up. If this kind of fighting is enough to fight us Chinese, but can you fight the Japanese in this way?

As soon as a shell comes over, your arms and legs will be blown up!

How do you say this battle is still going on? No matter how many Chinese you have, if you pile up your lives, you can still have bullets and shells! The brains of that f*ck commanding and fighting made the door twitch! "

At this point, Qian Laisui had already become angry, so that Qian Chuan'er hurriedly reminded carefully: "Brother, don't be angry, don't be angry!"

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