The War of Resistance

Chapter 452: Only when tigers and leopards were driven away, then jackals came again

Japan is originally a long and narrow island country with limited domestic resources. The so-called environment determines consciousness. Much of the character of the Japanese is due to the environment.

Although it is said that Chinese culture is one of the foster mothers of Yamato culture in terms of culture, the Japanese can learn from Confucianism and Buddhism of Chinese culture, but they cannot learn from Taoism alone.

A university professor in later generations ridiculed the Japanese about this matter in this way.

The reason is that he flew over the Japanese archipelago by plane, and the Japanese archipelago looked like a worm from the sky.

Taoists say that if you take a step back, the sea and the sky will be brighter, so where can the Japanese go on the Japanese archipelago? If you take a step back, you will fall into the sea!

On the other hand, due to Japan's limited land area and extremely limited domestic resources, they have a strong sense of conservation, and this is also reflected in weapon manufacturing.

The Japanese Army's 92-type heavy machine gun has a very slow rate of fire, and it turns out to use short bursts as the main method.

In this way, the short sound of heavy machine gun firing sounds like the old hen laying eggs, screaming "da da da da"?

Not to mention, Hu Zhuzi used an old hen to lay eggs to describe the shooting situation of the Japanese Type 92 heavy machine gun, which is really vivid! That's why the soldiers around laughed.

It's just that what happened next made the Chinese soldiers stop laughing.

They saw that the Japanese cavalry only slowed down for a while, but then they increased their horse speed again.

The sound of the heavy machine gun shooting just now was only a deterrent to the Japanese army. Obviously, the Japanese cavalry or the attacking Japanese troops did not want to let go of the 691st regiment.

In the Battle of Meihua Town, the 691st Regiment killed more than 400 officers and soldiers, but the Japanese army suffered seven or eight hundred casualties due to the unfavorable terrain. People born in a small island country have even narrower minds. The Japanese army needs revenge!

The horseshoes galloped wildly, watching the Japanese cavalry getting closer to a battalion of officers and soldiers who broke out from the town, but they dared not fire their heavy machine guns. If they did, there might be accidental injuries, but there would definitely be accidental injuries!

"Rifle shooting!" Lu Cao just shouted.

So the rifles of all the officers and soldiers of the 691 regiment in the woods rang out, but the gunshots could only pick up the Japanese soldiers who were not blocked by their own people to shoot. But it was already close to the fleeing battalion.

At this time, under the order of the first battalion commander, some soldiers turned around and shot at the Japanese cavalry, and even the machine gunners had no time to set up their machine guns, so they turned around and shot at the Japanese behind with their machine guns.

People kept turning their backs on their backs, and the horses neighed constantly. The horses rushing in front were shot, and the horses behind rushed up again.

A Japanese war horse stood out, and when the last machine gunner of the first battalion pulled the trigger, the magazine was empty.

And at this time, if you want to change the magazine, how can you make it in time? Although the Japanese soldier was short in stature, the Dongyang horse was extremely tall, and the Japanese soldier immediately brandished a saber. It was chopped down with one knife, and after the light of the knife flashed, the machine gunner fell directly into the dust of the horse's hoof.

And at this moment, the shooting sound of "he he he" from the flower mechanism sounded, and the Japanese soldier threw his knife and fell directly from the horse. It was the enemy and us after this chase, and finally they were less than 200 meters away from the woods. That Japanese soldier was knocked down by Shang Zhen using the flower trick.

At this time, Shang Zhen had no time to grieve for the machine gunner who was hacked to death by the Japanese army, and the flower mechanism in his hand fired short bursts of "he he he". It kept ringing like a waist drum, and so did the other soldiers.

In terms of the sharpness of the gunshots, the gunshots are naturally inferior to the rifles, but when the gunshots were densely integrated into one piece, they inflicted heavy damage on the Japanese army that was already chasing after them. Will not return.

The cavalry charge is not like the infantry charge. If you charge up and turn the horse's head, you will show your back to the enemy.

Rather than dying like that, it is better to rush into the enemy camp and hack and kill wantonly, and the same is true for the Japanese cavalry. The remaining Japanese cavalry urged their horses to gallop regardless of the fierce firepower in front.

This is a battle of shooting against fierce horses.

In the end, more than 20 Japanese cavalry rushed into the woods, and a Japanese soldier roared. When he swung his saber and wanted to chop at the Chinese soldiers, he was swept off his horse by a tree branch.

Waiting for him were several Chinese soldiers, all smashing the **** of their guns at his head.

There is no onomatopoeia to describe the sound of several gun butts hitting the head at the same time, and the Japanese soldier's head burst like a ripe watermelon just now. The red part was blood, while the white part was brains!

There is no way for the Japanese cavalry to rush into the woods, although the woods are not very lush.

Under the continuous shooting of the Chinese soldiers, the Japanese cavalry finally fell down with their horses and men, but at this moment Shang Zhen shouted: "Quickly attach grenades!"

People were shouting and shouting to the extreme, but Shang Zhen's shout still reminded Lu Chao. At this moment, he heard the sound of rumbling motors in the distance in the chaotic battlefield.

"Quickly attach the grenade!" Lu Cao also shouted.

Fortunately, the 691 regiment now has a large number of people, and the soldiers quickly **** a dozen bundles of cluster grenades.

And when they looked in the direction of the town again, they saw two Japanese armored vehicles appearing!

It seems that in order to eliminate the 691 regiment, the Japanese army really spent all their money, first cavalry, and then all armored vehicles were sent out.

At this time, the 691st regiment must not retreat. The forest where they are hiding is not very big. If they dare to rush out of this stone, they will immediately become the targets of machine gun fire from Japanese armored vehicles.

The Japanese cavalry who rushed into the woods just now were few. If hundreds of Japanese cavalry rushed into the infantry formation at that time, the 691st regiment would have suffered heavy casualties.

But now they drove the tigers and leopards and the jackals came again, and the two armored vehicles of the Japanese army rushed up again!

If they allow armored vehicles to chase and shoot them on the plain, it will really be a situation where tigers join the herd.

Shang Zhen had foresight, or he had seen too many scenes of Japanese armored vehicles charging, so he was so vigilant.

There is no way to use cluster grenades to blow up Japanese tanks. If it is higher, a few people may be able to blow up Japanese tanks and armored vehicles. If it is lowered, hundreds of people may not be able to kill two armored vehicles.

And at this moment, Qian Chuan'er suddenly shouted: "Dead monkey, are you chattering?"

Amidst Qian Chuaner's shouts, everyone noticed that Hou Wangshan was picking up the clothes of a Japanese soldier.

And that Japanese soldier was the one who was knocked off his horse by a tree branch and smashed his head by the **** of a gun. The Japanese soldier was red and white, making him want to vomit, but Hou Wangshan didn't care about that. He dropped the clothes and pants of the Japanese army, and then everyone saw that he actually put on that suit for himself!

At this moment, can others not think of what Hou Wangshan is planning?

Xiao Dupan and Qian Chuaner also found a corpse of a Japanese soldier, and began to take off the clothes and change them on their own. At the same time, they shouted: "Give me a bundle of grenades!"

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