The War of Resistance

Chapter 448: The order to retreat and Lu Cao's decision

The sound of "sizzling" and "sizzling" continued in the air, and mortar shells exploded in the woods one after another. The officers and soldiers of the 691 regiment all lay down in the half-dug fortification.

Obviously, the Japanese army had already investigated the "pin"-shaped layout of the 691st regiment, but they used artillery fire to directly isolate the three positions.

Lu Cao didn't care about the explosion of the Japanese artillery shells not far away. He held up the binoculars to look forward, but all he saw in the binoculars were the smoke and dust from the bombs.

The Japanese bombardment lasted for more than 20 minutes. After the sound of the artillery stopped, Lu Cao looked through the binoculars again, and saw the figure of the Japanese army appearing in the middle area between them and the town in front.

The reason why this happened at this time was because Shang Zhen and the others were now about one kilometer away from the town in front of them.

Just this distance. The first battalion in the town and the second battalion outside the town could not form a joint attack on the Japanese army.

The reason why Lu Chao kept such a distance from the town in front of them was because there was a waterlogged pond between them and the town, but who would have thought that the Japanese army would appear in that old waterlogged pond.

However, the Japanese army did not attack them, and it seemed that they just stayed in place. The real target of the Japanese army should be the town in front.

The town belongs to the commanding heights of this "pin" formation, if that town is captured by the Japanese army. Then the defense line of the 691 regiment will become thinner.

"Hu Daquan, send your company to prepare to attack, and must drive back the Japanese army in the middle!" Lu Cao shouted.

Now that the Japanese army's offensive had already begun, Lu Cao naturally couldn't care less about talking to Gao Huaide, Shang Zhen and the others about smuggling arms.

But at this time, the combat staff officer in his command post suddenly shouted: "Regiment commander, the division commander is on the phone!"

Li Cao turned around and ran into the temporary command post. After a while, Shang Zhen outside the command post heard Lu Cao shouting "what" and "what".

At this time, the officers and soldiers of the second battalion and first company of the 691 regiment were ready to attack the Japanese army ahead.

At present, the fortifications dug here by the 691st regiment are completely useless. Who would have thought that the Japanese army did not launch an attack on them, but wanted to divide their positions.

Seeing the officers and soldiers of the Second Battalion and First Company beside him preparing to launch an attack, Shang Zhen suddenly felt that his group was a little timid.

Now their terrain is basically similar to that of the Japanese army that separated them, and even better than the Laowatang where the Japanese army is located.

But whether it is the offensive side or the defensive side, there are actually no good concealments, and there are some ditches and terraces in the sky.

In this kind of mutual shooting without shelter, both the enemy and the enemy are destined to suffer heavy casualties.

However, the Japanese army has an advantage in firepower. The 691 regiment has already fired all the mortar shells, so they will definitely suffer heavy casualties during the attack.

At this time, the caravan noticed that two soldiers in the team were pulling.

Shang Zhen was stunned for a moment, and then he recognized that the two people were brothers.

It turned out that the elder brother wanted to stand in front of the younger brother, but the younger brother wanted to stand in front of the elder brother.

As for why this is so, do you have to ask? Whoever is in front will block the gun!

"Liu Xilu, you little one, come to the back!" It was the company commander of the first company who yelled, and only then did the "dispute" between the two brothers be resolved!

The younger brother walked back, his face full of displeasure, Shang Zhen even saw that his eye circles were red.

Seeing the expressions of these officers and soldiers who regard death as home, how could Shang Zhen not be moved?

But just when the Second Battalion and the First Company were about to launch an attack, Lu Cao shouted "Wait" and ran out of the regiment's fingers.

Everyone looked at Lu Cao, and the first sentence Lu Cao blurted out was: "Fuck, let's retreat!"

"What? Retreat?" Hearing Lu Cao swearing was fine, but what Lu Cao said shocked everyone present enough.

"This battle has just started, why did they start to retreat?" After all, Gao Huaide asked.

"It was supposed to establish a line of defense here, but the Central Army ran away without saying a word, leaving our 53rd Army behind, and our 53rd Army became the last one.

Now our army has begun to retreat, and the other regiments are also retreating, leaving us alone.

Now let us also retreat, but how do we retreat now? The first battalion has been surrounded by the Japanese army.

But the division told us that there is no need for one battalion, and the remaining two battalions will run back. How do you tell us how to command and fight?

Abandoning my brother and fleeing for my own life, I, Lu Cao, will not come out with this matter! "Lu Cao's face was already flushed with anger!

Amid Lu Cao's angry roar, Shang Zhen was in shock and anger, and the officers and soldiers of the 691st Regiment also showed anger.

Yes, it must be admitted that the Japanese invaders are powerful.

But precisely because the Japanese aggressors are very powerful, but they want to drive the Japanese aggressors out of China and recover the three eastern provinces, it is even more necessary for all the troops to live and die together and advance and retreat together.

Difficulties ahead, let's move forward together.

If you can't resist making a strategic shift for the time being, then everyone has to go together!

This left a battalion besieged by the Japanese army there and left it to fend for itself. Wouldn't it chill the hearts of those officers and soldiers who swore to fight to the death!

But what is helpless is that this is the current status of the Chinese army.

The Central Army, the Northeast Army, the Northwest Army, the Yunnan Army, the Jinsui Army, the Sichuan Army, the Guangdong Army, and the Eighth Route Army, of course there are those who fight the enemy bravely There are also those who are narrow-minded and use friendly troops as cannon fodder.

And because of the complexity of human nature, the same commander of the same army sometimes wanted to fight the Japanese army, but sometimes wanted to retreat to preserve his strength.

Life and death in war will always be a touchstone. Only true anti-Japanese heroes will go forward bravely, shed their blood, stand with the mountains and rivers, and compete with the sun and the moon!

"Commissioner, call me all the officers from the second battalion and the third battalion above the company!" Lu Cao shouted.

Leng Xiaozhi, who had never experienced such a scene, turned his gaze to Shang Zhen who had been silent all along.

Shang Zhen didn't look at Leng Xiaozhi, but based on Leng Xiaozhi's understanding of Shang Zhen, Shang Zhen should have recovered from the initial shock.

Although Leng Xiaozhi didn't know what Shang Zhen was thinking about, but seeing Shang Zhen with her, she felt at ease.

Ten minutes later, Lu Cao gathered the rest of the officers together. At this time, Shang Zhen, who was on the side, watched in surprise as Lu Cao was discussing with those officers, and soon made a decision that shocked him even more.

That is, Lu Cao decided not to retreat with the big troops, and he wanted to take their 691 regiment "countercurrent" to go northward and go around behind the enemy to start guerrilla warfare!

So far, Shang Zhen has greatly admired Lu Cao.

There is no shortage of small groups of Chinese troops who surrendered and became puppet troops when they saw the strength of the Japanese army.

And there was even Lu Cao who watched the large troops avoid the battle and retreat, but they pulled them out to fight the Japanese army alone.

The former betrays the country, the latter saves the country!

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