The War of Resistance

Chapter 437: I sew a military uniform for my brother

The room was messy and had a musty smell.

Just because this is the warehouse of a rich family, of course, in the Northeast people's name, it is not called a warehouse, but a warehouse.

There is only a small window facing east in the warehouse, and sunlight is coming in from outside. It's just that the window was too small, leaving a one-foot-square light on the west wall.

And Shang Zhen and the others slept in this warehouse overnight, and they spread thick hay on the ground.

"Get up, get up, let the sun shine in, the house is rotten, and we are all rotten!" Old Mao Wang shouted at eight o'clock in the morning.

Amidst his yelling, some soldiers sat up, while others were still lying on the hay.

Those who sat up were those who joined them later, such as Guan Tiedou and the others, and those who didn't sit up were all their old men who had died with Wang Laomao.

"You little bastard, still not getting up? Take off your trousers and throw them in the sun to dry, and your trouser pockets will be rancid!" Old Wang went up and grabbed the little dustpan by the ears.

In fact, the people in the room woke up early, but no one wanted to move.

They are too tired from running around these days, and they only reunited with the 691 regiment yesterday.

Originally, they had a blush with the members of the 691 regiment at first, but then the 691 regiment even found them a warehouse to live in. You know, this salary is not low!

If it is the kind of army with bad military discipline, it will be fine, and the common people will naturally be driven away, but the Lu Cao regiment will never do this.

So how can they have a house in the temporary station when they are marching outside? Those who can live in the house are officers or wounded of sufficient level.

Old Mao Wang and the others saw members of the 691st Regiment yesterday, and some even borrowed door panels from ordinary people, laying grass on them and sleeping outside.

And why are they treated like this? Shang Zhen and the others guessed that it should be the result that they escorted Gao Huaide and Gao Huaide told the truth again.

Otherwise, why would Li Zhengming, who was so angry at the beginning, keep talking to them later?

It's just that they finally reunited with the 691st regiment, and now they have no combat missions, so it's rare to be able to lie down in the house, so even if they wake up, no one wants to get up.

It's just that he was dissatisfied with such a quarrel, but some people were even more dissatisfied.

"Oh, I said old man, are you annoying or not?" Xiao Dupan was the youngest and naturally the most sleepy. How had he ever been afraid of Old Hat Wang?

"Little calf, get up quickly!" Old Mao Wang stretched out his hand to grab the little dustpan's ears.

"Okay, I can't offend you, get up, let go of your hand!" said the little dustpan.

"I'll let you go when you get up." Old Mao Wang said.

"Oh, I'll get up as soon as you let go of your hand, I've made you feel so tired." Little Dustpan complained.

So Mrs. Wang let go of his hand, but unexpectedly after he let go, the little dustpan jumped up and yelled: "Why are you so annoying? I was dreaming that I was sleeping with your daughter in my arms." , you will be a grandfather in no time!"

With a "coax", the entire warehouse was filled with laughter in an instant.

"You little bastard!" Old Mao Wang laughed and scolded and went to chase the little dustpan, but it was Shang Zhen who spoke at this moment: "It's not too late, I've lost my sleep, hurry up!"

So, those who were sitting up all stood up, and those who were lying down finally sat up.

But at this moment, all of them heard it, and with a "squeak", the warehouse door opened.

The door of the warehouse also faced east, and as soon as the door was pushed open, all the sunlight from the outside world poured into the somewhat dim warehouse.

"What time is it and you still not getting up?" There was a person under the sun, and his elongated figure was directly projected into the room.

But that crisp voice cheered everyone up, because it was Leng Xiaozhi's voice.

At this time, everyone looked at Leng Xiaozhi and felt overwhelmed.

This kind of bewilderment is not because this is where these male soldiers sleep.

Which one of them would take off their clothes and sleep outside when they were marching and fighting, even if there were women, it was not inconvenient.

It's because everyone doesn't know what to call Leng Xiaozhi anymore!

Shang Zhen and the others naturally saw Leng Xiaozhi yesterday, the only difference was that Old Mao Wang and the others were outside the house, while Shang Zhen was inside.

But Gao Huaide insisted that Leng Xiaozhi was his younger sister, we don't care if it was a cousin or a younger sister, anyway, this kind of relationship naturally aroused Shang Zhen's association.

Shang Zhen sent Leng Xiaozhi to northern Shaanxi, so there is no doubt that Leng Xiaozhi now belongs to the ranks of the Communist Party.

Shang Zhen and the others don't take it seriously. They are not ignorant of the Communist Party, and the Communist Party is not a scourge.

But the problem is that Leng Xiaozhi is a communist party, and they can't tell the outside world. Naturally, they won't show that they are old acquaintances with Leng Xiaozhi, who is probably Gao Huaide's new sister.

But now Leng Xiaozhi came to "kill" him, what did you ask Shang Zhen and the others to call Leng Xiaozhi?

"You don't know me anymore?" Leng Xiaozhi smiled.

Ok? When everyone who knew Leng Xiaozhi heard what she said, they knew that this was Leng Xiaozhi's self-identification.

And at this time Leng Xiaozhi said again: "You are all my natal family, please don't talk about this matter, you must be strict!"

That's right!

Leng Xiaozhi's words made Shang Zhen and the others suddenly understand.

But then, a new question arises, what does it mean that you are all my natal family, is Leng Xiaozhi really married?

As if to prove her point, it was Leng Xiaozhi who stepped aside and said, "Come in!"

Following Leng Xiaozhi's words, Shang Zhen and the others saw another person appearing at the door, and this person was the very handsome one who came with Liang Xiaozhi yesterday.

"This is my guy! It's called Mo Jianchen." Leng Xiaozhi introduced generously, but at this moment, that Mo Jianchen was taken a step forward, and then gave Shang Zhen and the others a military salute.

This Mo Jianchen had already changed into a military uniform, just for this military salute, Shang Zhen and the others felt that this guy should also be a veteran, but a veteran of the Eighth Route Army.

Everyone looked at this handsome guy and didn't know what to say.

Some stood up and gave a military, and some didn't return the salute and simply ignored them.

And Shang Zhen was watching, no one knew what Shang Zhen was thinking about there, but Old Mao Wang reflected it and said with a smile: "Is this the return of the new daughter-in-law for three days?"

Three days after the new daughter-in-law returns home, this is a custom in the Northeast. Three days after the girl is married, she will bring the new son-in-law back to her natal home.

"That's right!" Leng Xiaozhi laughed when Wang Laomao said that, and then said, "I don't need you to cook for me when I go back home, I'm here to sew clothes for you, look at what you're doing now What has become of it?"

Only then did everyone notice that Leng Xiaozhi was carrying a package in his hand, presumably there should be needles and threads in it.

I think back when Shang Zhen and the others were with these students, Leng Xiaozhi sewed clothes for them. At that time, Li Yajuan and that Fan Mei were both there. I sew a military uniform for my elder brother!"

"Brother Hanzi, I'll sew for you first." Leng Xiaozhi called out.

After Leng Xiaozhi said that, the Leng Xiaozhi that Shang Zhen and the others were familiar with had returned.

Erhanzi smiled honestly, and really took off his shirt, which had been scratched several times.

Everyone saw that Leng Xiaozhi put down her bag, and after she opened it, there was another small package and a sewing box inside. When she opened the sewing box, there were scissors, cloth ends, and needles.

Under the sunshine, Leng Xiaozhi started to sew clothes for Er Hanzi by threading needles.

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