The War of Resistance

Chapter 425: unexpected horse carriage

At this time, Shang Zhen and most of the people were ambushing in the woods beside the road.

Although Shang Zhen and the others had been running around for a day and a night without rest yesterday, the battle with this group of Japanese troops had already reached this point, but Shang Zhen still wanted to expand the results of the battle.

When both the enemy and the enemy are exhausted, Shang Zhen will never give up this opportunity to toss the Japanese army into such a state by taking advantage of his illness to kill him.

In other words, both the enemy and us are very tired, but as long as they persevere, it will certainly be easier to kill the enemy this time than when the Japanese soldiers were strong and strong.

Shang Zhen looked at the deserted road, and said apologetically to Guo Baoyou who was beside him: "After this battle is over, we will help you deal with the affairs in the village."

Of course Shang Zhen had a reason for saying that.

They were not familiar with the roads here, and they wanted to ambush the Japanese soldiers who escaped from the village, so they naturally needed Guo Baoyou as a guide.

In this way, it was impossible for Guo Baoyou to go to the village to bury those villagers killed by the Japanese army.

"Without me, the dead are also buried. I will take revenge. There are other people in the village who ran out." Guo Baoyou replied with his head down. He was playing with a flower organ, which originally belonged to Wang Dali. of

"Hey, I said the pot buns are (meat), so don't be fooled, or it will go off!" At this time, Qian Chuan'er said beside him.

"I'm not pot-packed meat!" Guo Baoyou protested loudly.

Guo Baoyou, Shang Zhen and the others hang out together for a little more than one night, but whoever asked him to give him such a name, Qian Chuaner immediately gave him a nickname.

"It's not a pot bag, but you are still a pot sticker. If you want to hang out with us, just listen to us honestly, or give me the gun back!" Qian Chuan'er said angrily.

Guo Baoyou remained silent, and he stopped fiddling with the flower mechanism.

Just when Shang Zhen was about to say something, they suddenly heard gunshots coming from the front.

They were waiting to lay an ambush for the retreating Japanese army, so their front refers to the west, which is the direction in which the Japanese army retreated.

Last night they took advantage of the firelight in the village to shoot at the Japanese army, but they did not rush into the village.

That's because Shang Zhen didn't want to cause casualties to his own people in such a complicated battle situation.

So after the shoot he did the division again.

Ask Hou Wangshan to take a few people to search for the remnants after dawn. The Japanese army has already withdrawn by then, and they headed directly to the east under the leadership of Guo Baoyou.

According to common sense, Guo Baoyou is a local. He must be more familiar with the road conditions here than the Japanese army, so they can only rush ahead of the Japanese army instead of lagging behind.

In order to lay an ambush for the Japanese army, what they are now facing is naturally the direction of the Japanese army, and then the back becomes the front again.

However, why suddenly there was gunfire in front, and at present, there is only one Chinese army and one Japanese army in the nearby area!

Now is the stage when the Japanese army is sieging cities and plundering land. The Japanese army is always grabbing strategically important places. If they hadn't led the Japanese army in this direction, how could the Japanese army come here?

So what was that gunshot?

Could it be that the little devil started massacring the village again? Thinking of this, Shang was shocked.

Since Liu Jianao was massacred by the Japanese army last night, Shang Zhen has been very calm, but this does not mean that he is not angry in his heart. He also has joy, anger, sorrow, joy, emotions, and six desires, but he is now an officer. Just show it in front of you.

Shang Zhen listened to the gunfire and thought nervously, but at this moment he realized that he had judged wrongly, it should not be the Japanese army massacring the village, the reason was that he heard the sound of the box cannon.

A veteran like him can already tell the type of gun without looking at the gun, and there is actually the sound of box cannons firing repeatedly in the messy gunshots.

If the Japanese army started massacring villages, there would be no sound of box cannons. How could the Japanese army have the habit of using box cannons? At least Shang Zhen had never seen the Japanese army use box cannons. Without the puppet army, where did the box cannon come from?

"Go and have a look!" Shang Zhen gritted his teeth and said.

Now that Shang Zhen gave the order, everyone stood up, but Shang Zhen just walked a few steps towards the road but stopped.

"What's the matter, boss?" Qian Chuaner asked.

"You feel that the gunshots are getting closer!" Shang Zhen replied.

When Shang Zhen said this, all the soldiers listened with pricked ears.

No way! The gunshots were getting closer and closer, especially the continuous firing of the box cannon.

"Hidden, prepare to fight!" Shang Zhen shouted.

So they all ambush again in the woods by the roadside.

It was only after a while that they saw a carriage bypassing the corn field in front of them and appearing in their field of vision.

Even if they don't ask, Shang Zhen and the others know that the carriage must not belong to the Japanese army. There were cavalry when the Japanese army chased them yesterday, but they have already wiped them out.

Shang Zhen raised the binoculars, adjusted the focus, and this time he could see clearly.

He saw that the man driving the carriage in front of him was a man dressed as a peasant, and he was using the **** of a rifle to keep hitting the horse's ass. There were several sacks on the carriage, and the things inside should be square. .

And that's all, there are still two people in the carriage.

One person was already lying on the carriage and bumped with the bumps of the carriage. It is estimated that he was seriously injured if he was not dead. The other person was sitting on the carriage and was shooting at the back with a box cannon.

Shang Zhen turned the binoculars to look into the distance again, and at this moment the figure of the Japanese army appeared.

It stands to reason that a human's two legs can't run as fast as a horse's four legs, but the horse didn't run fast, so Shang Zhen guessed that the horse was injured.

This time, Shang Zhen did not choose the ambush location far from the highway.

This is because he felt that the Japanese army was at the end of its strength, and he wanted to rely on the automatic weapons in the hands of his teammates to give the Japanese army more ruthless.

Soon, the carriage ran closer and closer, so close that Shang Zhen could no longer use the binoculars, but when he came here, he was surprised to find that the person behind the carriage who kept shooting at the Japanese army turned out to be a woman!

Although the woman also had short hair, how could the ear-length short hair be the same as the man's short hair!

Forget it, no matter who the person in the carriage is, since they are fighting the Japanese army, they are their own people, and this carriage just happened to lead the Japanese army into the ambush circle of their own people, which is a rare opportunity to wipe out the enemy at this time.

"Get ready to fight, let's shoot when the little devil rushes forward!" Shang Zhen ordered again.

Everyone hid in the woods.

And Qian Chuan'er began to demonstrate how to use the flower mechanism to Guo Baoyou: "Look carefully, it's not difficult to fire this gun, but you can't pull the trigger all the way, and then you won't be able to shoot with as many bullets as you want."

Qian Chuaner was At this time, the carriage had already run onto the road in front of them.

But at this moment, an accident happened. The horse that was running slower and slower suddenly let out a mournful cry, staggered a few steps, and fell directly on the road!

It turned out that the horse was really injured by the Japanese army, and the injury was not serious. Otherwise, the horse would not run slower and slower if it was injured, it would definitely be frightened and run wild all the way.

It's just that as soon as the horse fell over, the carriage fell to the ground, and the two living people on the carriage fell off the carriage unexpectedly.

Of course, the immobile person lying on the carriage also fell off the carriage, but he couldn't use the word caught off guard, because he was really killed in battle.

And as soon as the carriage collapsed, the sacks on the carriage also slipped out, obviously the things inside were definitely not light.

But at this time, Shang Zhen was surprised again to find that the woman who was getting up from the slumped carriage seemed familiar to him, and he immediately realized it.

That woman turned out to be Gao Huaide, the daughter-in-law of Lu Cao, the head of the 691 regiment!

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