The War of Resistance

Chapter 1688: Weird explosion

"Isn't it an accident?" Leng Xiaozhi asked Shang Zhen as he hurriedly put on his clothes.

"Have you ever seen a grenade go off?" Shang Zhen replied, then he stretched out his hand to push aside the broken curtain blocking the window and looked outside.

When Little Axe and Sun Baoer came last time, Shang Zhen thought of how to meet his wife. Anyway, it is you, the Eighth Route Army, who want something from me, so if I let my wife come, you must let her come!

In the end, Leng Xiaozhi really came.

In order to meet his wife, he had planned it. Naturally, he wanted to find an empty house as a place where the two of them could get together.

Due to his always cautious habit, Shang Zhen would never do something stupid like that where everything was dark except for the light in the house he lived in.

If there is a place that is not kept in check, even if it is the light of a grain of rice, what will leak out is not only the candlelight, but also the spring light!

So he asked Qian Chuan'er to arrange light-blocking curtains for himself.

The broken curtain was originally used by the common people to keep out the cold in winter, so Qian Chuan'er specially used the seized clothes to "patch" it!

Although this broken curtain will look like beggar Hanako's clothes after repairing it, it will be able to block the light after all!

Shang Zhen held the fired gun in his right hand and opened the curtain with his left hand to listen. He heard the shouts of soldiers, which sounded like the sound of Chen Mugen.

The house he lives in now is opposite the place where he originally wanted to live.

"Come to the door quickly. If something falls into the house, I will take you and run out." After thinking for a moment, Shang Zhen put down the broken curtain again.

Although Leng Xiaozhi didn't understand why Shang Zhen asked him to do this, it was always right to listen to Shang Zhen's words, especially for things like fighting.

She got off the kang as she was told and this time she didn't even take her box of cannons and hid directly by the door. At this moment, a hand stretched out from the darkness. It was Shang Zhen, but it was in the darkness. He held her hand accurately.

At this time, there was finally a bigger movement outside the house and it became noisy.

Leng Xiaozhi felt that Shang Zhen's hand loosened his grip, while others went to the window again.

Sure enough, there was a little light outside and shone into the house, although the light was extremely dim.

That's when Shang Zhen reached out to lift the curtain again, and the firelight outside the room shone through the window paper.

At this time, Shang Zhen stretched out his hand and pulled off the curtain that was originally hanging in the room, so the light in the room was longer than before.

Shang Zhen ignored the noise outside and went straight back to the kang to start getting dressed.

Leng Xiaozhi also quickly picked up the cannon box he hung on the wall and slung it across his body.

"Why didn't you let me open the door just now?" Leng Xiaozhi asked curiously when the two people hid at the door again.

"If there is any movement when the door opens, I'm afraid a grenade will be brought in." Shang Zhen replied.

The house was very dilapidated and in disrepair.

When Qian Chuan'er led Shang Zhen to look at the house, every door made a "squeaky" sound when he pulled it open. Qian Chuan'er also said at that time that he wanted to change the door, but Shang Zhen said that if he pulled it down, how many nights could he stay there in total.

At this moment, Leng Xiaozhi suddenly realized why Shang Zhen had hid with him at the door just now, and told him to open the door and run away if something came in.

It turned out that Shang Zhen was worried that someone would throw a grenade in through the window!

In such a small space, no one would be spared if the grenade exploded.

"Dang Dang Dang" someone knocked on the door, and then Qian Chuan'er's voice came in: "Batalion Commander, sister-in-law, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Shang Zhen replied, then opened the door and walked out.

It turned out that he had already unbolted the door just now, and this time he went out after confirming that there was no danger.

When Shang Zhen opened the door, the lights were bright, not to mention that the fire was soaring into the sky. Under the fire, the soldiers had already gotten up. Although they were not fully dressed, they were all as if they were facing a powerful enemy. The whole area had already destroyed several houses. Surrounded.

"Battal Commander, a grenade was thrown into the room you were staying in." Qian Chuan'er whispered in Shang Zhen's ear, but it made Shang Zhen take a breath of air.

This is what I came for!

But then he realized another problem. Before he could ask Qian Chuan'er, he said, "Shen Mugen is fine."


Shang Zhen glanced at Qian Chuan'er in surprise and then walked to the opposite side.

Qian Chuan'er's words already speak volumes.

What Qian Chuan'er said was that the room he lived in, yes, it was a room, not a house. A grenade was thrown into it, but Shen Mugen was fine.

The reason here is that Shang Zhen and his messengers lived in two different rooms in the same house. Shang Zhen slept in the inner room and Qianzi slept in the outer room, and both rooms had windows.

Now Shang Zhen knew without even looking that the grenade must have been inserted through the window of the room where he originally lived.

There was a door and a wall between his room and the outer room where Shen Mugen lived. He remembered that the wall in that room was made of single bricks, and the kang in the outer room was naturally next to the wall, so the grenade or grenade exploded. The fragments produced were blocked by the wall.

Since Shen Mugen was fine, wasn't the grenade thrown just for him?

Fortunately, tonight he and his wife went to live in the dilapidated house opposite. Otherwise, wouldn't he and his wife become mandarin ducks with the same fate? Moreover, I don’t even know how I died!

Shang Zhen walked forward, and the people in front of him naturally moved to both sides. Under the firelight, familiar faces flashed before his eyes one by one. When they saw that he was okay, their eyes showed joy!

Shang Zhen was now the battalion commander, and he had hundreds of people under his command. But for some reason, looking at those concerned eyes, he suddenly felt like his eyes were moist.

Shang Zhen walked to the door of the room, and Shen Mugen was standing next to the door, covering his head.

"How's the injury?" Shang Zhen asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's just that the grenade blew up a few bricks, and one brick hit his head." Shen Mugen replied quickly.

Shang Zhen nodded and walked inside again, but just as he stepped through the door, he suddenly turned around and glanced at Shen Mugen, then glanced at the people who were watching him and said: "You are lucky, just Second to me.”

Then he turned around and entered the house.

There were also people in the room, Cheng Peng and Liu Keqiang were there, and the other one was Chu Tian. There seemed to be dust that had not fallen down in the room, which was a bit choking.

But at this moment, there was a sudden "coaxing" outside the house and it became lively, and then there was loud laughter. The sound was very loud, because there were many people laughing, hundreds of people laughing!

It was only when people outside figured out the meaning of what Shang Zhen just said. It turned out that the battalion commander, whom they had always thought was quiet, actually had such a humorous and optimistic side!

There was an enemy, although I didn't know where that enemy was, and an enemy threw a grenade into the room where the battalion commander lived.

But they didn't attack their battalion commander, and no one was killed. Isn't it good luck that no one died?

The grenade only "exploded" some blood on the head of Shen Mugen, who was serving as the messenger. However, compared with Shang Zhen who was unscathed, Shen Mugen was indeed a bit less lucky. Of course, he was also the second best. At.

The soldiers didn't know that Shang Zhen was not living in the original house tonight. How could Shang Zhen spread the news about his wife's arrival everywhere? You must know that your wife is no longer the political commissar of the Lunan guerrillas, but she is also a member of the Eighth Route Army!

And it was probably because he drank until midnight and changed houses that he escaped. Find Shuyuan www.

Under the firelight, Shang Zhen looked at the kang bed where he had not stayed for a few nights. The kang had collapsed. There was a smell of smoke in the room that usually only existed in the kang cave. It was obvious that the grenade was being thrown. Arrived on the kang.

"There must be a spy, otherwise who could throw it so accurately?" Seeing Shang Zhen, Cheng Peng said something that everyone could think of.

Shang Zhen didn't say anything, and neither did the other two. The clues we know now are too limited, and we really can't analyze anything.

At this time, they heard someone outside saying, "Captain Qiu is here."

Shang Zhen, who had already squatted beside the collapsed kang, stood up and turned around when Qiu Bo came in.

"The outside of the village has been surrounded by our people, but the sentry didn't notice anyone going out.

Besides, it is unlikely to be found even if there are, there are too many places to leave the village. Qiu Bo said.

This can only be regarded as a temporary residence for Shang Zhen and the others. Didn't they come back from sending food?

Because they made a great contribution this time, the division chief of staff Li Xiang "expelled" a battalion originally stationed here.

Shang Zhen didn't ask where he lived in the camp, but there was a high probability that which village was unlucky again. However, this kind of thing was really beyond Shang Zhen's control, so he could only pretend not to know.

Shang Zhen couldn't help but shook his head when he heard what Qiu Bo said. If he wanted to investigate, it would have to be done at dawn.

Just as he was thinking about it, his expression suddenly changed, and the expressions of other people in the room also changed.

"No! Division!" Shang Zhen shouted and ran out of the house.

Because at this time, Shang Zhen heard dull explosions and gunshots coming from the direction of the division headquarters!

No, grenades were thrown at the division headquarters as well, right?

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