The War of Resistance

Chapter 1677: Adventure in the village

The donkey cart stopped at the entrance of the village, and four "countrymen", two men and two women, had already gotten off the car. The reason was that there were more than ten soldiers pointing guns at them, and those soldiers were dressed like security guards. clothing.

"Why are they blocking the entrance to the village? Get them away quickly!" an officer said.

It seemed that those few people had not thought about why the national army suddenly appeared here, and they instantly became panicked.

As the soldiers stepped forward and smashed them with rifle butts, the four men could only drive the donkey cart to the side. At this time, one of the four men with a small nose and small eyes walked slowly, and a soldier wanted to Hit him with the **** of your gun.

Another commoner nearby shouted: "Don't hit him, he is mute!"

Sure enough, the guy with the small nose and small eyes started gesticulating and yelling "oooooooooooooooooooo many times" when he saw someone was about to beat him.

Only then did the soldiers realize that this man was mute!

"Barking? The donkey didn't bray, but you brayed like a donkey!": The soldier cursed, and then hit the mute on the shoulder with the **** of his gun.

But maybe it was because he felt compassion that he didn't kill him when he got angry.

The mute man turned around in pain and shouted "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" to him. The angry soldier raised his gun **** again.

Although a mute is a deaf-mute, it does not mean he is short-sighted. Seeing that he was about to be beaten again, he finally turned around and hid.

The soldier's rifle **** hit the donkey behind the mute before he could stop himself.

Although the donkey didn't bray after being hit, it started running after all. The mute turned around and chased the donkey, while the two women followed suit.

This is when the man interceding for the mute saw something was wrong, so he also chased the donkey.

But as soon as he ran away, the soldiers found that this man seemed to have one leg long and one leg short. He was stunned and was still a lame!

"Damn it, how could there be so many coincidences?" the officer cursed.

He strode up and kicked the cripple's **** hard.

His kick was very hard, and he kicked the lame man so hard that he almost fell to the ground with a cry of "Ouch". But when he stood firm and started to run away, two soldiers shot him directly with guns. Stopped him.

"Tell me which leg you are lame, I'll treat it for you!" the officer cursed, and at the same time the box cannon in his hand was pointed at the lame man's leg.

The moment he pointed his gun at the lame man, the lame man couldn't help but straighten his legs.

It turns out that he, a cripple, was just faking it!

"I guess you are just pretending to drag this kid to fight with us as a soldier!" the officer scolded.

"Ah?" The lame man was dumbfounded, but he didn't expect that he would be caught as a young man.

But when the security guards looked at the donkey cart, the mute and the two women, they had already run towards the village. .

The officer wanted to give an order to chase him, but at this moment, a "pop" sound of gunfire suddenly came from the village, and then someone shouted: "Come here, the Northeastern people have escaped!" followed by "pop" "Pa" and "pa" several more shots were fired.

The officer's face changed. He no longer cared about chasing the man and two women and shouted: "Leave a few people here to guard, and follow me to chase the rest!"

"Then, are you still chasing those three people?" But one of his subordinates was slow to respond and asked after he followed him.

"Let's talk about those three people when the time comes. They can't run away anyway. We have more business to do!" the officer said.

Who knows what he meant by business? Anyway, someone just shouted "People from the Northeast have escaped."

Where do the Northeastern people come from here? The Northeasterners here are all from the Northeastern Army, which means there are people from the Northeastern Army who have escaped.

But if this security officer knew that these two men and two women were also from the Northeast Army, and that one of them was captured by him and the other three all ran away, then he would be filled with regret!

Because these four people are Qian Chuan'er, Wu Ziqi, Gao Xiaocui and Bian Xiaolong.

Qian Chuan'er had pretended to be mute before, and he had really studied how to pretend to be mute and look like one, so he was not exposed when he was hit by the **** of the gun.

But Wu Ziqi's disguise as a **** didn't quite look like him. People saw his flaw and was caught as a young man.

Of course, Qian Chuan'er also heard the gunshots just as the security officer led people to rush to the place where the gunshots were heard.

But Qian Chuan'er reacted quickly. He didn't rush towards the sound of gunfire. Instead, he grabbed the donkey's reins and ran into a side alley.

He was lucky not only that he had not been caught, but also that he and Bian Xiaolong hid the cannon in the donkey cart. If the donkey cart had not escaped, they would have been in great trouble.

As for their rifles, there was no need to worry. They were stuffed under the carriage and were not taken out. The carriage had already been driven back to find Shang Zhen by Shen Mugen.

Although Qian Chuan'er also expected that the security guard might catch him and Wu Ziqi as strong men, so one pretended to be mute and the other pretended to be lame, but he did not expect that the other party would be so arrogant!

Alas, it is said that the common people do not support the current Chinese army. There is a reason!

Qian Chuan'er dragged the donkey and ran into a side alley, but stopped after not going far.

The reason is that he and the two women have nowhere to run now!

I don’t know how many people are hiding in the security room in this village. Anyway, because of the gunshots just now, it has become extremely noisy, and there are shouts and ordinary footsteps everywhere.

Of course, Qian Chuan'er heard someone shouting at first that the Northeastern people had escaped. He was too busy taking care of himself, and he really had no time to analyze who the Northeastern people the security guard said were. He had to find a hiding place for the three of them first.

Otherwise, let alone these stupid security guards, will they seize a mute like themselves and make them into strong men? It all depends on the other party's style, even the two women Bian Xiaolong and Gao Xiaocui can't escape! Then you have to be harmed by these people!

In desperation, Qian Chuan'er didn't care that Bian Xiaolong and Gao Xiaocui were looking at him, he just blinked around.

But what they were entering now was an alley with walls or doors on both sides, so what was there to see?

After a while, the string of money was almost slapped on the thigh, and I thought to myself, why am I so stupid?

"Hurry up and get on the donkey cart and climb over the wall into the courtyard?" Qian Chuan'er asked anxiously.

After finishing speaking, he ran to the donkey cart, reached out and pulled out the box of cannon hidden in the straw bag, and then pulled out a slender cloth bag.

The cloth bag was usually used as a belt around his waist, and contained several of his magazines.

"Oh, there's still mine!" Only then did Bian Xiaolong have the chance to say his first words.

"Come and get it yourself!" Qian Chuan'er said.

Because at this time Qian Chuan'er saw that Gao Xiaocui had already climbed onto the donkey cart and stood on top of the donkey cart.

The courtyard wall of this house is either high or short. Gao Xiaocui stood on the donkey cart and reached out just enough to reach the top of the wall, even though it was just an edge.

That's okay. Only then did Qian Chuan'er glance at Gao Xiaocuigao.

Qian Chuan'er didn't expect Gao Xiaocui to have any good skills, but at least he had the foresight and knew to listen to his orders first and hide in the yard first!

You must know that this is a war era. In war years, people are judged on their skills, not how beautiful they are.

Even the more beautiful a woman is, the more unlucky she may be. Beauty brings disaster! It’s no joke!

Gao Xiaocui held onto the wall with both hands and struggled to climb up, but women were not men after all, and the money string couldn't control that much at this time. He leaned forward and whispered: "Harder!"

At the same time, he bent down and wrapped his arms around Gao Xiaocui's calf and pushed it upward.

Don't tell me, Gao Xiaocui borrowed such strength and she actually fell on the wall with all her strength.

Escape is always the first priority, conscience of heaven and earth. Qian Chuan'er had no idea about Gao Cuizhen at this time. All he wanted from Shuyuan was that the three of them could hide.

Qian Chuan'er reached out and grabbed Gao Xiaocui's **** and pushed it up hard. Before you even told Gao Xiaocui, he actually lay down on the wall.

Only then did Qian Chuan'er have time to tie the cloth bag around his waist and sling the cannon box across his body. Then he jumped up on the donkey cart and climbed up with his hands on the wall.

But when Qian Chuan'er reached the top of the wall, Gao Xiaocui had already jumped off the wall, but she was looking up at him from the corner!

Okay, this woman wants it! I don't know why this thought came to Qian Chuan'er's mind.

But at this moment, shouts and thumping sounds came from the corner of the alley.

Qian Chuan'er turned over and jumped down. As soon as his feet landed on the ground, Bian Xiaolong also jumped down from the wall.

To say that Bian Xiaolong's skills are not inferior to Qian Chuan'er, maybe his strength is just inferior to Qian Chuan'er's. After all, he has some skills for a man who was born in the world of martial arts.

Xiaolong and Gao Xiaocui were clinging to the wall beside Qian Chuan'er. At this time, the footsteps were getting closer and closer, and then soldiers from the security division found their hiding place outside the wall.

The three of them heard someone say, "Hey, there's a donkey here. Kill it and we'll have donkey meat to eat."

"We're arresting people. It's inappropriate to shoot!" Another person raised objections.

"You idiot! You can only shoot if you arrest someone. How dare you shoot if you don't arrest someone?"

Then Qian Chuan'er and the three of them really heard a gunshot, and then the sound of the donkey falling to the ground came from outside the courtyard wall.

"Fuck me!" Qian Chuan cursed fiercely in his heart.

Even now, he couldn't figure out who he was scolding, whether he was scolding himself and others for being too disrespectful, or whether he was scolding the security division soldiers for their lack of military discipline and cruelty.

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