The War of Resistance

Chapter 1675: 1 carriage and 6 people

The carriage is moving forward, and the driver is Chen Mugen

No one said anything in the car. Wu Ziqi, the second-rate guy, looked left and right, looking at this and that.

The carriage is not on the ground. If you look at this and that, don't you have to twist your head this way and that?

So he was criticized by Qian Chuan'er, but the part Qian Chuan'er criticized was not his head but his butt.

"Wu Ziqi, you have a sore on your butt? What are you doing there? Do you think any ordinary people riding in a carriage are as mean-spirited as you?" Qian Chuan'er scolded him angrily.

Qian Chuan'er couldn't figure out what Wu Ziqi was thinking. Anyway, he looked at that pair and then this one.

That couple, of course, refers to Da Laobeng and Bian Xiaolong, and this pair, of course, refers to him and Gao Xiaocui.

In fact, Wu Ziqi looked at it and saw nothing, but Qian Chuan'er felt guilty for some reason. He felt as if he had betrayed the innocent and lovely female student who taught him Journey to the West.

"I think we don't look like ordinary people at all! Look at all those little faces with fair faces." Wu Ziqi's answer was really bad. Among them, the one with the little face is Gao Xiaocui. Fair and fair, Gao Xiaocui can still be considered a commoner.

After Wu Ziqi said this, Qian Chuan'er also looked at the people in the car.

At this time, he noticed that Gao Xiaocui was looking at him again, and there seemed to be something hot in his eyes. Under the gaze of Qian Chuaner, he felt that he also had sores on his buttocks. This way he was sitting It can’t live!

"Stop!" Qian Chuan'er shouted.

Qian Chuan'er is the leader of their group. He said that the fallen wood roots naturally caused the carriage to stop.

"Close your eyes and don't make any noise no matter what happens!" Qian Chuan'er said after getting off the carriage.

The "sir" had an order that must be carried out, so those few people closed their eyes.

But it was only after a while that Wu Ziqi shouted: "Hey, we didn't just pay money directly. Why did so much sand come in?"

Others also felt something was wrong. When they opened their eyes again, they saw Qian Chuan'er throwing money at them on the road with dirt-faced hands in their hands!

Just those few blows made these people look disgraced.

"Okay, this time we are all like ordinary people, and we have buried all the bad guys!" Qian Chuan'er felt funny in his heart when he saw these people opening their eyes, and he didn't have the nerve to touch the two handfuls of dirt in his hands. But Yang Yang pressed it all on his face.

"Pull you down quickly, your face will look whiter after all the dirt." Wu Ziqi said angrily.

When Wu Ziqi said this, several people who were a little angry because Qian Chuaner made some sand were actually amused.

Qian Chuan'er got on the carriage. The carriage moved on.

At this time, he looked at Gao Xiaocui again. Gao Xiaocui, who had such a cold and arrogant temperament most of the time, was naturally smeared by him. He even smacked him a little more just now.

This time Gao Xiaocui didn't look at him, but wiped his face with his hands.

Although Gao Xiaocui's touch made her face look like she had a ghost painted on it, Qian Chuan'er still had to admit that Gao Xiaocui was indeed beautiful, even though she had sand on her face and head, she was still beautiful!

Qian Chuan'er didn't notice that he was looking at Gao Xiaocui, but he caught Wu Ziqi's eyes again. At this time, Wu Ziqi said again: "How can this be done? It's still a bit unlike ordinary people!"

"Why doesn't it look the same?" Bian Xiaolong refused.

Bian Xiaolong thought that it was all Wu Ziqi's fault. If you hadn't been bluffing, how could we have been deceived by others?

"Look." Wu Ziqi muttered something, "Both Shen Mugen and I are from Shandong, so no one can tell that we are from the Northeast Army. It makes sense that the four of you in the car are just a couple.

Oh, but you have these two couples, but you are short of children! "

Wu Ziqi's remark immediately made Bian Xiaolong and Gao Xiaocui's faces turn red.

Qian Chuan'er never thought that Wu Ziqi, a bastard, would speak so openly. He was so angry that he stretched out his hand and pointed at Wu Ziqi's nose, which undoubtedly meant "Shut up!", but at this moment, Shen, who was driving in front of him, unexpectedly stopped. Mu Gen said again: "It is true that we are missing a few children."

Um? Shen Mugen's words immediately stunned Qian Chuan'er!

Oh, mother, why are there still so many children missing?

Then he heard Shen Mugen say: "According to your age, the boss must be seven or eight years old, right? The front of his clothes must be shiny, and it must be wiped with snot!"

Shen Sengen's words also made the people in the car laugh.

Isn't that what happened to children at that time?

There are many children from poor families in their lives. When adults work in the fields, they have no time to take care of the children. After the child blows his big nose, he rubs it on the front of his clothes. If he rubs too much, the front of his clothes is not shiny. ?

It's just that Shen Mugen hasn't finished speaking yet. Look at the riding whip dangling in his hand. Those people can only see the back of his head, but his mouth is still not idle: "One child is not enough." , when the family has a baby, the mother will hold her in the carriage and open her arms to feed her some milk or something!"

Blowing your nose on your lapel is just a foreshadowing. It turns out that what Shen Mugen said is that the mother should open her arms to feed her child. This is the key!

But this time, before Qian Chuan'er could get angry again, Shen Mugen waved his riding whip and shouted "drive", and the carriage went faster again.

As soon as the carriage sped up, the people on it were out of the way, and each one of them quickly stretched out his hand to grab the carriage board below to prevent his **** from being hit. Who had the time to reach out and hit him?

During the bumps of the carriage, Wu Ziqi laughed heartlessly at first, and then Bian Xiaolong and Qian Chuan'er also laughed. Although Gao Xiaocui didn't laugh, his face was also blushing.

During the jolt, Xiaolong couldn't sit still and leaned against Big Boss, and Big Boss put his arms around her.

Bian Xiaolong took the opportunity to push his body up, but he reached the big old man's ear and whispered: "I will give you some little monks then, okay?"

"Yeah." The old man said nothing.

But the conscience of heaven and earth, the big old idiot's "hmm" was just a habit of "hmm" he and Bian Xiaolong were together.

When he reacted, he glanced at Bian Xiaolong helplessly, but there was a bit more doting in his eyes.

I guess what he was thinking was, if you have a child, just have a child. Why are you giving birth to a monk? Look at which monk got a wife. Do you want our children to be unable to get a wife?

The carriage continued to move forward, but as the sun slowly rose, the people on the carriage stopped talking and making trouble. Find Shuyuanwww. zhaoshuyuan.comm

After all, they were on a mission, and if others saw them speaking Northeastern dialect, they would become suspicious.

However, after the carriage had been running for more than two hours, Qian Chuan'er and the others saw smoke rising from the kitchen in the distance.

"What kind of village is that?" Wu Ziqi asked.

"I forgot too. I think it's called Guozhuang, right? It's not big. It's far away from Kouzi Mountain. We still have to travel thirty or forty miles." Qian Chuan'er replied.

As he spoke, the carriage ran to the back of a relatively high hill. After turning around the hill, you could see the village in the distance.

But at this moment, they suddenly heard the "ding-ding-ding-ding" bell in front of them, and several people became nervous, but no one took action.

Of course they came out with weapons, but the long guns were tied under the cart board, and there were only two short guns on top, all hidden in hay bags under their buttocks.

Most of the current carriages are flatbed carriages, and it is impossible to say that they have a carriage.

Listening to the jingling sound, Shen Mugen slowly tightened the reins to slow down the carriage. At this moment, a donkey cart came running out from behind the hill. It turned out that the donkey had a copper bell tied under its neck, and it started running. Naturally it will jingle.

Qian Chuan'er and the others looked closer and saw that the driver of the donkey cart was an old man, and there was an old lady sitting in the cart behind.

It looks like they must be an old couple.

Seeing the old man on the other side, Qian Chuan'er and the others relaxed. They thought this was just the first passerby they met on the road.

But just when Shen Mugen drove the horse pulling the cart aside to make way for the donkey cart in front, the donkey cart ran in front of them but stopped. Then they heard the old man driving the cart say: "Baby, , you don’t go forward, there are national troops in front of you, Zhuangzi is allowed to enter but not to leave!"

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