The War of Resistance

Chapter 1677: Meeting (2)

"The little devil's solemn fighting has turned us into such a grandma!" This was the opening line of the division commander Liu Chengyi's speech.

Liu Chengyi is not young anymore. As far as Shang Zhen knows, he must be in his forties this year.

If it were in peacetime, the commander of a division would definitely be a high-ranking member of the party, with carriages and horses, fine clothing and food.

But in wartime, especially when the enemy is strong and we are weak, it is very hard and haggard for a division commander in his late fifties to take the lead in fighting guerrillas.

The most important thing is that Liu Chengyi was injured. He had a big cap on his head, but a white bandage with blood stains was exposed under the cap.

Shang Zhen heard from Luan Zhengwu that his division eldest son had been scratched by a Japs bullet.

Even though it was just rubbed, the bones could already be seen at that time.

To put it another way, it is called a brush with death!

This is also the main reason why Liu Chengyi has not convened various ministries.

Liu Chengyi's injury undoubtedly made his officers even more frightened. They were all thinking, why wasn't I the one who was injured?

But just when the officers below thought that Liu Chengyi would reprimand them for leading troops with too many casualties and fighting poorly, Liu Chengyi suddenly changed his tone and said: "But you don't need to get too angry, there are better people than us." It’s pretty miserable.”

Um? When the officer at the back was sitting upright and preparing to be reprimanded, when he heard what Liu Chengyi said, there was something in his words!

"As for SD Provincial Chairman Shen Junlie, think about it, he's the provincial chairman, doesn't he have security guards under his command? But isn't that also being chased around by the Japanese? Now a provincial government that big doesn't even have a resident. !

It was true that when the Japanese invaded, they would run elsewhere. When the Japanese chased them back, they would move to another place.

What kind of combat effectiveness does the security guard have? "Liu Chengyi started to talk about other things.

When he mentioned the security guard, Shang Zhen remembered the time when he tricked the security guard under Shi Nai Culture and Tourism.

Why is the teacher bringing this up now? Isn’t this the fifty-step, hundred-step approach to laughter? Perhaps they were trying to find a psychological balance for the officers of their division?

But this was just Shang Zhen's inner thought, he wouldn't say such words even if he was beaten to death.

On such occasions, Shang Zhen never stood up.

A person with a muffled voice may not necessarily make a fortune, but a person with a muffled voice will definitely not stand out! This is all due to his cautious character.

There is certainly a reason why Liu Chengyi laughed at the SD provincial chairman.

As a senior executive of the Northeast Army, he knew that Shen Junlie and the commander-in-chief of the Northeast Army Yu Xiuzhong were incompatible with each other. Of course he was happy to see Shen Junlie suffer misfortune.

After talking for a while about the embarrassing situation in which the SD Provincial Chairman and his security division were being chased by the Japanese army, he turned the topic back to his own division.

"Some of you know, some don't. In fact, we are also in a very embarrassed situation. The division headquarters was almost wiped out!" Liu Chengyi's attitude became serious.

What is supposed to come has come!

The officers below were shocked and sat up straight with their chests raised.

If the same thing happens to others, it is called a story, but if it happens to oneself, it is called a tragedy.

"Although the division headquarters also sent people to look for reinforcements, in the end only the 586 regiment was able to rush in to protect the division headquarters. The regiment leader Liu Zheng was killed in action, and their Zhao Tieying battalion only had one company of troops left. The last regiment The remaining people together form just over one battalion.

Moreover, in order to break out, the chief of staff and the division headquarters and I broke out separately. Other personnel in the division headquarters also suffered heavy losses. "At this point, Liu Chengyi's tone became serious.

When he said this, the officers below were shocked and finally couldn't sit still anymore. It was the commander of the 584th Regiment who called Zhao Ziyu: "My guard commander is late, please punish me!"

Now Zhao Ziyu has become the only one remaining among the three full-time commanders of the 113th Division. As soon as he stood up, the other officers suddenly stood up and said in unison: "My guard commander is late, please come." The teacher punishes you!"

Liu Chengyi looked at his subordinates and waved his hands to signal everyone to sit down, and then said: "It's no wonder everyone, a dignified provincial chairman can make the Japanese devils chase him all over Shandong, and I am a junior division commander. What.

A war is a war, and you will die if you are shot. It is not about who is a big official or a small official. "

Then he seemed to feel that resisting Japan was not easy, so he kept silent. For a moment, the huge courtyard was filled with birds. As for what everyone was thinking, only he knew.

But Shang Zhen returned to his old habit. He no longer looked at his teacher Liu Chengyi but looked at the ground. He was thinking about his own things again.

Shang Zhen had heard Luan Zhengwu talk about the entire situation of the 113th Division before he came. At this time, he had mixed feelings in his heart and couldn't tell what it was like.

The leader of their regiment was killed in battle, and the leader of the 586th regiment was killed in battle. He was not shocked by this. There are no undead people in a war. Who cares what your position is?

At that time, the Japanese army besieging the division headquarters had a squadron. He was not shocked when the Japanese army used their superior firepower and marksmanship to defeat a Chinese army battalion. Sometimes the Chinese army had a regiment and a brigade. When he saw a Japanese army squadron, he was as frightened as a bird!

What he laments now is his bad luck.

That Zhao Tieying showed up in front of the division commander and protected the safety of the division commander and chief of staff.

This was no ordinary appearance. According to Luan Zhengwu, the division headquarters and division commander were in great danger at that time, and it was Zhao Tieying who showed up in time with his men.

So what is this? This is a timely help.

As for which one is more valuable, providing help in times of need or adding the icing on the cake? Need I say more?

And didn’t I offer help in times of need? Of course I did. I led the whole battalion to carry so many Japanese troops outside alone to attract so many Japanese troops. It was a brigade of the Japanese army, but no one knew it!

They are a battalion fighting a squadron of the Japanese army, and I am a battalion fighting a brigade of the Japanese army.

Although the former is an offensive confrontation and the latter is a guerrilla war, I still have a lot of troops to contain the Japanese army! Then if I hadn't intervened in the first place, would I have let the Japanese brigade try to siege the division headquarters again? The consequences are disastrous!

But in other words, if I had not blocked the south at that time, but had led the team to directly rescue the division headquarters, I would have looked better, but how many people would I have left in my battalion? com might also be finished.

Maybe this is the so-called Tokiya Miyako!

Why are you different from others? Shang Zhen certainly understands that in the hearts of most people nowadays, the lives of officers are definitely more valuable than the lives of soldiers, and the lives of soldiers are more valuable than the lives of ordinary people.

The vast majority of the entire national military system follows this logic. Of course, there are some officers who take the lead, but they are a minority after all. The vast majority of officers just follow the crowd. Who is willing to fight to the death if they can preserve their strength?

Shang Zhen knew that there were not many troops in the Northeast Army now, and he was afraid that they no longer had the **** spirit to urge them to fight back to their hometown.

Everyone was silent. Shang Zhen sat there and thought wildly, inevitably feeling a little lost.

But when Liu Chengyi spoke again and brought him back to this meeting, he felt something bad.

Because the division commander Liu Chengyi said: "Liu Zhen, the leader of the 586 regiment, was killed in action, and Wu Zhengye, the leader of the 583 regiment, was killed. How can we lose two regiment commanders at once?

So I now order that Yao Bin, deputy commander of the 586th Regiment, takes over as the commander of the 586th Regiment, and Zhao Tieying becomes the commander of the 583rd Regiment. "

Liu Chengyi's order came so suddenly that Shang Zhen immediately felt caught off guard.

Why did Zhao Tieying become his regiment leader? This was Shang Zhen's first thought.

The second thought that followed was that it would not be good for his battalion if Zhao Tieying became the leader of his regiment!

Different military commanders have different styles of leading troops.

When Liu Zhen was the leader of the regiment, he basically didn't care about himself. But now that Zhao Tieying, who has always been arbitrary, is made the leader of the regiment, what should he do if Zhao Tieying lets him fight in positional warfare? What if you let yourself directly rob the people?

Shang Zhen suddenly realized that his battalion might become cannon fodder!

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