The War of Resistance

Chapter 1662: Birds of a feather flock together, the emergence of traitors

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Yes, there were many Japanese soldiers walking on the road, both infantry and cavalry.

The Japanese war horses are very tall, but the Japanese soldiers are very short.

How short are the Japanese infantry?

It is said that there was a man who was 1.62 meters tall in Japanese history. In Japanese history books, he was described by the Japanese as a towering giant!

Then this can be compared with the height of Chinese people.

There are still Chinese troops in the distant Northeast resisting the invasion of the Japanese Kwantung Army, but that army is called the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces.

There was a famous anti-Japanese general in the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces. He was over 1.9 meters tall and was called the "King of Conglin".

I heard that the Japanese later described this famous general of the Northeast Anti-Alliance Army as this: he had long arms and long legs, and when he ran on the snow, his forearms were very high.

So what is the average height of Chinese people nowadays? There is no data to check, so let’s just assume the average is 1.7 meters.

This article does not tell the story of the Chinese general’s resistance to Japan. That belongs to another chapter. Let’s just talk about his height.

But even this anti-Japanese general was not described by the Chinese as a towering giant in terms of height.

The difference between 1.7 meters and 1.9 meters is 20 centimeters. 1.9 meters cannot be called a towering giant. However, the 1.62-meter Japanese is called a towering giant by his fellow racers. It can be said that in the existence of that "towering giant" In the era of Japan, the height of Japanese people was only under 1.4 meters.

Although the height of the Japanese has increased since then, nowadays, the average height of Japanese soldiers will never exceed 1.6 meters, and 1.5 meters should be quite common.

However, the strength and weakness of different ethnic groups are not measured by height. For example, although the jackals are short, who dares to look down on them? It is said that the group of jackals dared to attack the tiger.

Okay, the analogy is over, now let’s get to the point.

A large group of Japanese troops were passing by on the road. China and Japan had been fighting for 10 years. The Chinese soldiers would never ignore the Japanese soldiers because they were short. On the contrary, in their eyes, the Japanese soldiers were more like the short but powerful fierce men. The beast is heading towards the dirty but deadly jackal!

Now, in the eyes of soldiers like Liu Erchen, this is exactly what happened.

Since they were in the woods on the hillside, they did not dare to run up the mountain except to sit up or squat down.

The reason is that there are bushes in front of the woods, which are enough to hide their figures, but if they turn around and run up the mountain, the gap between the trees will be enough to expose them to the sight of the Japanese army.

So now they can only stand there on the hillside only a few dozen meters away from the Japanese army, not daring to release their breath, just holding on like that!

They just watched the Japanese troops walking down the mountain below them, but at a certain moment, Liu Erchen's eyes suddenly widened. He thought he saw someone familiar to him in the gap in the bushes!

But when he took a closer look, because the gap in the bushes was extremely narrow, the person he saw had already passed by, but he did not dare to follow him.

Liu Erchen looked at the people next to him in great confusion, and at this moment he saw that some of his companions had the same confusion on their faces, but because they were too close to the invaders, they showed no signs of it!

This is an extremely difficult experience.

Without a gun, they were afraid of being discovered by the Japanese, so they were undoubtedly extremely nervous, but at this time, they felt that there was a kitten scratching desperately in everyone's heart because they were curious!

Fortunately, the Japanese invaders who came across the ocean did not have an endless time to live. I don't know if it was half an hour or an hour? It didn't matter, because the Japanese troops marching down the mountain didn't notice them anyway, and the "thump thump" sound of big-toe shoes on the ground caused by the large troop movements finally faded away.

At this time, several of them raised their heads at the same time and looked at the Japanese army from the top of the bush.

It stands to reason that the uniforms of the Japanese army are all khaki, and the hats they wear are also khaki, which is a large area of ​​​​yellow, but those with sharp eyes still saw a few people in the team who were taller than the Japanese soldiers.

"Am I right? It seems to be Liu Daorui's bad guys!" Liu Erchen said in a low voice.

Since Liu Erchen and the others did not obey the order of company commander Liu Daorui and shot into the air without authorization and then ran away, it was tantamount to a complete break with Liu Daorui, so there was nothing wrong with calling Liu Daorui "a bastard"!

"I think it's him too, even though he's also wearing a yellow hat with a **** curtain." Liu San'er answered.

"It's him! Next to him are his three legs!" At this time, several other soldiers also spoke, and they also recognized the two of them.

They privately call Liu Daurui a dog, which means Liu Daurui is a dog. So isn't the collective name of the three followers Liu Daurui trusts the most "three-legged"?

One person will see it wrong and two people will see it wrong. It is impossible for seven or eight people to see it wrong. So in the next moment, the hillside became silent.

Everyone looked at each other, and everyone's eyes were full of shock and anger. Liu Daorui actually surrendered to the Japanese army and became a traitor!

"I've known for a long time that this **** is not a thug, but I didn't expect that he is such a thug!" After a while, Liu Erchen really started to curse.

But now that he was scolding, it was just to vent his anger. He didn't have a gun in his hand, so naturally he couldn't kill the traitor.

"Oh, that's not right!" Liu San shouted.

When Liu San shouted like this, everyone else naturally looked over, and Liu San said: "Then why do you think he led the Japanese?" "

"In addition to harming women, does he also cause havoc?" Liu Erchen asked angrily.

"Platoon commander, that's not true." At this time, a soldier named He Liao answered, "Didn't he lead the Japanese to seek revenge on the battalion commander?"

Which battalion commander is that? Of course they all understood that the battalion commander was referring to Shang Zhen.

"It's hard to tell. Don't you see that the direction they are traveling in is the village we visited before?" Liu Saner also reacted. The village he said they visited before was nothing more than the village where Sun Baoer's father lived. village.

“If you put it that way, it’s pretty much the same!

Nearly 20 members of that family have died, and the daughter of the family is still a guerrilla. How many days do we have to take care of the funeral? "He Liao continued.

"The battalion commander's guys are quite powerful. If that's the case, let them fight." At this time, other soldiers were gloating.

However, this soldier originally belonged to the centrist faction and was not from Liu Erchen's group.

His name is Shi Laicai, and he has a nickname in their company, but it is called "Golden Wan Liang".

Why does he have such a nickname? Think about it, if you are rich in history, isn't that just ten thousand taels of gold?

"I won't be happy if you say that. Although that battalion commander Shang dealt a terrible blow to our company, he did the right thing." At this time, a soldier under Liu Erchen spoke up for Shang Zhen.

"Hey, how can you speak for outsiders?" Shi Laicai was unhappy.

"What do you mean by outsiders? Aren't they also members of our Northeast Army?

We are just different from Liu Daorui, so if we were the same as them, who among us would still be alive? Doesn’t that battalion commander have to be killed? Why should we run out? "Liu Erchen taught the history of wealth.

Shi Laicai was undoubtedly afraid of Liu Erchen and kept silent.

But at this time Meng Laowai said: "Aren't you even hungry? Should we go get something to eat at the same time? Then if you don't want to rob the common people, come on, then I will! I'll offend that person, and I'll get back to you. Don’t eat it!”

This time Meng Laowai got to the point. As soon as he mentioned being everyone's stomachs naturally started to growl again. They were indeed hungry!

"It's not good if we go too much. Let's do this. He Liao, take a few people with Meng Laowai to recruit, but don't hurt anyone!" Liu Erchen said.

"Not yet." Meng Laowai snorted disapprovingly.

Everyone could tell that Liu Erchen was also hungry, and he tacitly agreed that their people could rob the people of food, but they could not hurt others.

It’s too far to talk about anything else. Let’s eat first and have strength.

The village with cooking smoke in the distance is their target.

So some people went down the mountain, while Liu Erchen and Liu San continued to talk about Liu Daorui on the mountain.

More than an hour later, Liu Erchen, Liu San and others on the mountain saw He Liao and the others running in a hurry from the direction of the village.

"What's wrong? Why were you beaten for grabbing someone's things?" Liu Erchen and the others stepped forward and asked.

"No, I've taken care of my food, but the **** Meng Laowai is missing!" He Liao replied breathlessly.

"He was with me at first, but he said he wanted to pee, so I didn't wait for him, but in the blink of an eye he disappeared." Shi Laicai, who went with He Liao and others, said.

"Then the calf ate all the food and ate alone?" Liu Erchen felt strange.

"It would be better if he went alone. On the way, the boy told me that he wanted to go back and find the company commander, but I didn't do it.

We are suffering now, but I will never become a traitor! " Shi Laicai hurriedly explained, and expressed his determination at the same time.

"It's bad, that guy went to find Liu Daorui. There's no way he won't talk about us. Can Liu Daorui let us go?" Only then did Liu Erchen think about it, and his expression changed.


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