The War of Resistance

Chapter 1589: the truth

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"Coming?" A slightly hoarse voice said.

"Yeah." The voice that answered was not loud, and it was hard to tell how old he was.

There was a conversation between two people outside the house, and Leng Xiaozhi knew that this was the change of guard among his guards.

And what can she do now? She could only listen quietly in the room.

"Be energetic, don't be listless, and take a good look at this female Eighth Route Army." This was the hoarse voice saying again.

"What is the female Eighth Route Army? Didn't you say she was from the Northeast Army?" the visitor asked in surprise.

This time Leng Xiaozhi heard clearly. The voice of the person who came was very young, much younger than the person with the hoarse voice.

"He said yes? But, hehe." The hoarse man still didn't finish his words.

"But what?" the visitor asked again.

"But it doesn't matter whether he is a female from the Eighth Route Army or from the Northeast Army. What is important is that he is the one our brigade commander likes." The hoarse man started gossiping.

The man didn't know that just when he was having sex, Leng Xiaozhi had already stood up from the room and leaned against the door so that he could hear more clearly.

"What does our brigade commander like about her? She is beautiful and yet she wants to make her a little girl?" The visitor brought up a topic that shocked Leng Xiaozhi and felt incredible at the same time.

Leng Xiaozhi was caught here by the security guards. They neither beat or scolded her, nor tortured her to extract a confession, nor humiliated her, but she was treated well. In the morning, a woman even brought a basin of water in for her to take a good wash. Wash your face.

Leng Xiaozhi was surprised at that time. She had heard of people being decapitated before being executed, but she had never heard of people being given face wash!

It turned out that the high-ranking official who glanced in front of him that day had such an idea. He actually wanted to make me a concubine!

But how is it possible? Leng Xiaozhi still found the news unbelievable.

He was captured by the enemy.

Of course, this enemy currently belongs to the internal category and is not considered a Japanese puppet.

But that's also the enemy. Leng Xiaozhi wouldn't be surprised if the enemy wanted her confession, tortured her, or even did something to her. She was also mentally prepared for this.

But the other party's brigade commander actually wanted to marry me as a child!

what is this?

How could someone have such a motive?

If such a brigade commander is a lustful person, in the war years, if someone falls in love with a woman, he can use it to **** her, and there is no need to beg for sex!

Leng Xiaozhi shook her head involuntarily. Although she heard it with her own ears, she still found it incredible.

Then the man with the hoarse voice really gave his answer, and did not lower his voice deliberately. Perhaps he thought that Leng Xiaozhi was a caged bird with nowhere to escape.

"Being pretty is one thing. When has our brigade commander been short of beautiful women? The key here is that he is from the Northeast Army. Our Northwest Army will marry someone from the Northeast Army and will spread the news." The man with the hoarse voice had a certain sense of pride in his words.

What is the logic? Leng Xiaozhi, who was still clinging to the door panel and eavesdropping, still didn't understand.

What happens if a person from the northwest marries a person from the northeast? So how can you be so awesome?

And obviously the young man who came to change the post didn't understand either. Next, Wang Leng Xiaozhi heard the young man ask: "Why is this?"

"Don't think about avenging your brother all day long. The brigade commander doesn't want to fight the Japanese. If you continue to act blindly, be careful of the superiors dealing with you!" The hoarse voice first carefully reminded the young man.

At this time, Leng Xiaozhi, who was still eavesdropping, thought, was that young man's brother beaten to death by the Japanese?

Just as she was thinking about it, she heard the young man snort coldly, obviously dissatisfied with what his companion said.

The man with the hoarse voice was obviously used to the young man and stopped trying to persuade him. Instead, he continued: "Don't you know? The 586th Regiment of the 113th Division of the Northeast Army we met on the road tricked us last time. This has nothing to do with us. But there will be a grudge. If our brigade is embarrassed, it will be a big loss.

But this time this woman said that she was also from the 586th Group. Who cares what her relationship was with the 586th Group, but she was definitely not an ordinary person.

So the brigade commander wants to beg this woman to be a kid!

Isn’t your Northeast Army awesome? You guys are so awesome that you can't even protect a woman, and yet you have become our brigade commander's little wife.

Hehe, do you think this is a slap in the face to the Northeast Army? "

Although the man with the hoarse voice may have a hoarse voice, he speaks eloquently.

And it was at this time that Leng Xiaozhi realized that the security guard had such a dirty idea in arresting him and not interrogating him!

Leng Xiaozhi didn't know that Shang Zhen and the others had formed a conflict with the security brigade, but thinking about it, the security brigade must have suffered at the hands of Shang Zhen and the others. Since they couldn't defeat Shang Zhen and the others, they had to marry him "this 586 The female soldiers of the regiment "disgusted the Northeastern Army by being little wives!"

The current situation in Shandong is complicated, and all forces have countless major things to do. If I really let this security brigade achieve this dirty goal, then Shang Zhen's people will really be in trouble. Yes, the Northeast Army has suffered a big loss, but who will care about such a trivial matter?

Leng Xiaozhi was thinking about it when he heard the young man who came to take over the post say: "Aren't we still fighting with the Northeastern Army? Of course men can take revenge for the feud between them, but using a woman to humiliate them What’s the point of being a human being?”

"It's a fight, but that group of Northeastern troops across the way are definitely not on the same side as us." The man with the hoarse voice said with a smile.

"How do you know?" the young man asked curiously.

"What are you thinking about every day? Are you thinking about how to avenge your brother? You don't know about such a big thing?" The man with a hoarse voice said angrily, and then acted like a chatterbox before the young man could speak again. He started talking, "We came to Cangshan not to occupy this place. You know that, let alone our journey, where will our division have a foothold after arriving in Shandong?"

It turns out that the group of people in Cangshan agreed to accept the adaptation of our security guards and then gave Cangshan to our security guards.

But who would have thought that the guys occupying Cangshan would regret it and agree to the Northeast Army again.

Then, didn’t we come here just to occupy this territory?

But who would have thought that the Northeastern Army would also come, and wouldn't it end in a fight? "

The man with the hoarse voice was talking nonchalantly, but Leng Xiaozhi, who had been eavesdropping, finally had such an epiphany.

The faint sound of gunshots can still be heard from where she is currently locked up.

It’s just that Leng Xiaozhi couldn’t understand why there was a fight outside. At first, she thought it might be her own people or people from Shang Zhen camp who came to break the door for her, but the gunshots rang out for more than one person. When she was young, she felt that it shouldn't be.

Then if it was really his own gang that was fighting with the security brigade, then how could he afford it, whether it was the Lunan guerrillas or the Shang Zhen camp?

But now she understands.

And she still knew something about the security guard.

The security division joined Shen Junlie, the current SD provincial chairman and deputy commander-in-chief of the Lusu Theater, while the commander-in-chief of the Lusu Theater was Yu Xiuzhong, the former commander of the 51st Army of the Northeast Army.

These two sides may involve the issue of who is in charge.

The old man Shen Junlie relied on himself to defect to the National Government and wanted to command Yu Xiuzhong to deploy troops to protect his provincial government.

However, Yu Xiuzhong was focused on fighting the Japanese army but paid no attention to Shen Junlie who only cared about his own safety.

Shen Junlie, a dignified provincial chairman, recruited the troops from the northwest and named them the Security Division.

But it is not enough for a provincial chairman to have an army, he must also have his own territory, so occupying Cangshan Mountain can be regarded as a territory grab.

But who would have thought that the daughter of that local snake in Cangshan was betrothed to two in-laws, and the Northeast Army came again, and the result was a fight between the Northeast Army and the security division.

Now it seems that the Northeast Army that is fighting this security division is definitely not with Shang Zhen and the others. The Northeast Army has three divisions in SD Province!

But no matter what, I have to take this opportunity to escape! If he couldn't escape, he would really have no choice but to commit suicide. How could he be humiliated by that **** security brigade commander?

Leng Xiaozhi listened to what was said outside with his thoughts in mind. After a while, the guy with the hoarse voice finally stopped talking and left.

I don't know how the young man outside wants to avenge his brother. This is his only chance. Leng Xiaozhi started to think about it.

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