The War of Resistance

Chapter 1587: Native healing methods

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Everyone will get together again and start to study how to face the new situation.

It's just that although the mountain in front of them is not very high at this time, only about 200 meters, the mountain wall has very steep parts, which is not something you can go up if you want.

And you still don’t know if there will be people from either side on the mountain. Don’t climb up the mountain here or go around that way and be discovered by others and get shot!

So what exactly is going on ahead? All they can do now is wait.

But I guess the place where the gunshots were fired was probably someone from the security guard. This is the only good news.

"Why can't we go around it?" Mo Jianchen said while looking ahead.

"If you guerrillas can't get around it, then we will have nothing to do." Qian Chuan'er answered.

"Oh, it would be nice if the little ax was here." Mo Jianchen sighed.

"Why?" Qian Chuan'er asked.

"His home is here." Mo Jianchen replied.

At this moment, Mo Jianchen thought of the small ax again, and when he thought of the small ax, he thought of Sun Baoer again.

Although it is said that Leng Xiaozhi has been taken away by the security guards, that still counts as news.

However, Little Axe and Sun Baoer could not see anyone alive or dead. There was no body in Weishan Town. They went to look outside Weishan Town but could not find it. The whole place was missing!

So where are Xiao Huzi and Sun Baoer?

"Who said that men call women hooligans when they see them, and women look at men in vain?" At this time, Little Ax was lying on a bed of fire, but he was naked.

It is said that being naked can make people have wild imaginations. But even at this moment, no matter how naked the little ax is, no one else will think anything about it.

The reason was that his upper body was wrapped in cloth, and there were blood stains on the cloth.

And his lower body was only wearing a pair of big pants, but the big pants were also stained with dark blood.

But if that's the case, that's it. Now his right thigh is obviously swollen, black and red.

Although the current sanitary conditions are very poor, and guerrillas rarely have the time and conditions to take a bath, Little Axe's left leg is much whiter than the injured right leg.

Little Ax is now a wounded person, and a serious one at that.

The reason was naturally that he was shot when he and Sun Baoer escaped from the village and were hunted down by the army.

Given the current conditions in China, any ordinary soldier who is shot, even if he is slightly injured, is likely to die as long as he is infected.

And now the small axe's injury is also very troublesome.

His upper body looked covered in rags, but they only looked scary because they were all scratches.

At that time, he and Sun Baoer fled to a hill. He protected Sun Baoer in front. The Japanese gunshot hit his thigh. As a result, he jumped forward and Sun Baoer both fell down the hill.

Fortunately, Sun Baoer had some medical skills and tied a piece of cloth around him to stop the bleeding after he fell down the cliff. Finally, she relied on her marksmanship to kill several Japanese soldiers who came down to search for them, and the two were able to escape.

In the end, Sun Baoer brought him here to recuperate.

Although the upper body of the small ax was bloody, it was just a scratch. If you apply some herbs, as long as the inflammation is not too severe, it will naturally be cured.

But the most troublesome thing for him was not the scratch, which was just a flesh wound, but the bullet in his thigh.

Although the shot did not damage the bones or major arteries, it still caused a ditch in his thigh!

If you think that after being hit by a bullet, the human body is like a knife or something with only physical damage, then you are wrong. Not only will there be physical damage to the bullet, but there will also be burns caused by the burning of the bullet, as well as various injuries caused by the bullet. What is unclean?

The day after he was rescued by Sun Baoer, Xiao Axe's thigh became inflamed.

But now several days have passed since that day's battle, and Xiao Axe's thigh is completely swollen.

According to Little Axe's own description, when he put his hand on the swollen thigh, he felt a pit, but apart from the swelling, he felt nothing at all!

Whether Little Axe or Sun Baoer, they are all guerrillas. They have seen the wounded more than once or twice. Of course they know that if the injury is allowed to develop like this, it will only be a matter of time before Little Axe dies.

So today Sun Baoer finally made up his mind to apply medicine to the small axe's injury.

But to apply the medicine, you have to take off Little Axe's underwear. Everyone knows what happens when the underwear is taken off, so Little Axe is being pretentious!

"I just want to see it, but it's in vain. You don't have to have any other ideas!" Sun Baoer said, looking at the little axe, who was seriously injured but still talking nonsense.

She didn't understand Little Axe's little thoughts about her, and similarly, she didn't understand Little Axe's style, so she went on to say, "If you don't let me see it now, I'll wait until you die." You’ll see when you bury it.”

Little Axe was speechless by Sun Baoer, who had already made it very clear, "You don't have to have other ideas."

And how could he stop thinking about Sun Baoer, so he had better survive first.

Seeing that the hatchet had stopped moving, Sun Baoer bent down and stretched out his hand, but directly used a knife to cut open the pants of the hatchet.

Xiao Axe's face turned red when he saw Sun Baoer pressing a shiny black object, which was as long as his little finger and as thick as his thumb, to the injured area of ​​his thigh.

But even if I press that thing on the injured area with a small ax, I won’t feel anything. UU Reading www. Just imagine, he didn’t feel anything when he pressed the swollen area with his hand. How would he feel when the so-called medicine was applied?

Therefore, when Sun Baoer asked "Does it hurt?", Little Axe replied "No."

Sun Baoer frowned and continued to press the so-called "medicine" with his hand to prevent it from falling, but he already turned his face to the side.

"What kind of medicine is this?" Xiao Axe asked in order to relieve his embarrassment.

"The plaster is a family tradition." Sun Baoer answered.

"Can it cure gunshot wounds?" Little Ax asked again.

"I don't know, what should I do if I treat a dead horse as a living horse?" Sun Baoer then answered.

"What are you talking about? This thing of yours isn't just dog-skin plaster, is it?" Little Ax expressed his dissatisfaction.

"This plaster is for treating sores, boils, and so on. I don't know if it can cure your injuries.

It's right that you don't feel anything right now, which proves that you are poisonous.

If you feel pain there, the injury is healed. When the injury is healed, the plaster will no longer stick to itself and will fall off. "Sun Bao'er explained. She really didn't want the ax to be sharpened anymore and continued, "This medicine is passed down from my family, and I don't know how to match it. It should be passed down from male to female!

I knew there were black powder, rosin, donkey-hide gelatin, etc. in it. When my father was preparing this medicine, he would choose the right time to burn the incense, and outsiders were not allowed to get close, for fear of shocking the medicine. "

Lao Zhe really doesn't know whether this kind of plaster can cure gunshot wounds, but there is something magical about it. Some people's broken fingers were actually repaired with this kind of plaster.

It’s just that it has been lost now. The reason is that the black powder in the prescription is dangerous and has been banned in our era.

However, don’t think that traditional Chinese medicine cannot treat gunshot wounds. After all, it is said that Yunnan Baiyao can treat gunshot wounds.

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