The War of Resistance

Chapter 1585: Looking for someone (1)

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Shang Zhen began to look for Leng Xiaozhi's whereabouts.

And if you want to find Leng Xiaozhi, of course you will fall on the security team.

Although it had been three days since the security team left Weishan Town, there would always be clues for such a large team, and the search for clues fell on the Lunan guerrillas.

In this regard, how could the Lunan guerrillas not do their best?

Their political commissar was captured by security guards, and many of their people died. And because the Shang Zhen camp also lost dozens of soldiers, they owed them another huge favor.

So the entire intelligence system of the Lunan guerrillas was activated.

Two days later, a man rode a horse and rushed into Weishan Town in front of the shocked eyes of the people.

The horse ran so fast that it almost hit the children playing on the roadside.

In just a moment, the man on horseback appeared in a room, and the people in the room were Mo Jianchen and Shang Zhen who were full of expectations.

That person was a traffic officer from the Lunan guerrillas. This time he directly brought back the location of the security team that had withdrawn from Weishan Station.

"That team is indeed the security guard's. They are now in Cangshan, more than 200 miles away from us." The traffic officer reported.

It has been five days since the security guard captured Leng Xiaozhi.

It was not easy for the Lunan guerrillas to find the whereabouts of that team within five days.

If you want to know where the current Eighth Route Army's phone calls come from, the radio station is by no means available to ordinary troops, and the method of information transmission is very backward.

The security division's team can travel more than 200 miles within five days, which is not very fast. However, the Lunan Lu guerrillas' intelligence network can find this team within five days. And delivering the message back is already very fast.

After the traffic officer finished his report, Mo Jianchen looked at Shang Zhen.

And just as he expected, Shang Zhen issued the order without thinking: "Horse on horseback, get in the car, get in the car, let's go!"

Mo Jianchen has been searching for news about Leng Xiaozhi these days, and his time with Shang Zhen is also limited.

And when he followed Shang Zhen and the others out of the house, he realized that they had made a plan on how to rescue Leng Xiaozhi and Shang Zhen.

Originally, Shang Zhen and the others had no horses, but last time they ambushed the puppet cavalry and snatched back thirty or forty horses.

Although they said they had killed a few horses for food, due to the ongoing war, they never had the chance to kill other horses. Unexpectedly, they would come in handy this time.

Although strictly speaking, those horses were not war horses, but horses with four legs could still run faster than people with two legs.

So just as Shang Zhen ordered, they rode horses and rode in cars, and headed east under the guidance of the traffic officer.

There were only thirty or forty people on horseback and in carriages, all wearing casual clothes, while Qiu Bo and his three companies were walking behind.

In the past few days since Leng Xiaozhi's accident, Shang Zhen has been very calm.

Of course he understood the outcome that Leng Xiaozhi was likely to face after being captured by the enemy.

War is the killing between humans, and human beings are often inspired to show their **** after seeing blood.

Therefore, Shang Zhen couldn't even imagine the outcome that Leng Xiaozhi might encounter.

But at the same time, as the battalion commander, he knew that he must not panic when something happened.

If the leader of an army panics and loses his footing, a wrong decision may cost many soldiers their lives.

But this time after receiving the news about Leng Xiaozhi, he showed real anxiety. To describe it as anxious was not an exaggeration.

He personally rode a horse and hurried forward with two carriages behind the cavalry squad.

Of course he would not wait for the rear team at this time. The so-called time is the best interpretation of life at this moment. He was afraid that if he arrived even one minute late, his wife would encounter misfortune.

If traveling long distances on a horse is a very hard job, then running long distances in a carriage is even more difficult.

But the horses they have on hand are limited, so the number of people who can sit on the horses is also limited.

Three horses can carry three people, but if three horses are used to pull a large cart, then there are not three people on it, but at least ten people or more.

It's just that riding a carriage is much harder than riding a horse.

The reason is very simple.

The rider's buttocks are on the saddle, but his feet are on the stirrups, which can also be used to cushion the bumps.

But the only thing a person sitting on a carriage can rely on to cushion the bumps is the buttocks, spine and the two arms supporting the carriage.

Therefore, the people who sat on the carriage after running all the way were miserable.

However, everyone knows the importance of this mission, so no one will complain, and Chen Hanwen also said: "It's okay, good people will be rewarded."

When Chen Hanwen said this, the veterans in the car just glanced at him, but no one said anything sarcastic about him this time.

one of the reasons. This time he was going to save Leng Xiaozhi. The people in the car were all veterans. They all knew Leng Xiaozhi, so who would want Leng Xiaozhi to have an accident?

Reason two. Sitting next to Chen Hanwen was his soon-to-be wife Zhang Guiying.

The veterans can ridicule everything Chen Hanwen says without any scruples, but this time Chen Hanwen has his own woman beside him, so they can't beat the man in front of his wife. face.

But who would have thought that someone would still hit Chen Hanwen during the bumps of the carriage.

But this time it was not the veterans who were attacking Chen Hanwen, but his unmarried daughter-in-law, Zhang Guiying.

Originally, Zhang Guiying had nothing to do with this kind of mission.

However, imagine that Zhang Guiying ran away from the three northeastern provinces, went through all kinds of hardships, and finally found Chen Hanwen, but how could she be willing to separate from Chen Hanwen?

And this time it was to save Leng Xiaozhi, but all the veterans who knew Leng Xiaozhi would not go, so how could Chen Hanwen not go?

But since Chen Hanwen is leaving, Zhang Guiying will follow.

Shang Zhen was not present at that time, but other veterans also liked to let Zhang Guiying follow Chen Hanwen.

Because in the eyes of veterans, UU Reading and Chen Hanwen’s book are worse than not reading it. It is really a bit pedantic. On the contrary, Zhang Guiying’s words have a Northeastern flavor!

"Good people will be rewarded. This is the most tasteless thing to say." This is exactly what Zhang Guiying said to Chen Hanwen.

Chen Hanwen never expected that his wife would say this, but before he could say anything else, Bai Zhan, who was sitting in the same carriage with him, answered Zhang Guiying's words: "How do you say this?"

"If you are a good person, you will be rewarded. What about those Chinese people who were killed and bullied by the Japanese in the three northeastern provinces? Are they not good people?" Zhang Guiying said quickly.

After Zhang Guiying said these words, the eyes of the veterans in the car lit up.

In the eyes of the veterans, what Chen Hanwen said was correct nonsense, but Zhang Guiying's words were in line with their wishes.

It's just that a scholar naturally has the dignity of a scholar. Seeing that his woman dared to contradict him, he retorted: "Aren't you a good person? But you have been rewarded well."

The veterans listened and remained silent. Their mentality was really just two words: watch a show!

And Zhang Guiying's next answer almost made the veterans scream, because Zhang Guiying said: "Don't you want me to take care of your father?"

Chen Hanwen said that Zhang Guiying is a good person who gets good rewards. Zhang Guiying said that he got good rewards because he died for Chen Hanwen's father. The implication is, do you hope that I won't get good rewards? Then I shouldn't take care of your father for you!

Zhang Guiying's words made Chen Hanwen blush immediately and he couldn't say a word.

Seeing Chen Hanwen's expression of not knowing how to deal with it, Bai Zhan smiled. At this moment, he whispered quietly beside him: "Alas, a good man has no good wife, so a lazy man marries a slut!"

It’s fine if a good man doesn’t have a good wife, but who is the bad guy and who is the flowery one?

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