The War of Resistance

Chapter 1576: filled with hatred

Leng Xiaozhi and Sun Baoer watched as the small ax knocked the grenade cap against the wall.

Although the two of them are female soldiers, of course they also know how to use the Japanese grenades.

But they saw that the small ax knocked open the grenade, and the grenade puffed out white smoke, but the little tiger did not

This action of Little Ax really startled Leng Xiaozhi and Sun Baoer.

The two women were so anxious that they wanted to shout, but they were afraid that the enemy who was running over would hear them. If they didn't shout, they were afraid that the grenade in Xiao Axe's hand would go off and kill him, so in their hurry, the two of them could only shout: " Hurry up-"

What's fast?

Of course the two of them wanted to shout to Little Axe to throw the grenade quickly.

But humans, isn’t it always like this when facing emergencies in an emergency? Time is running out and the bystanders have no time to say anything. If they say more, the time may be up!

Is this like a person sitting in the passenger seat who can only shout "hurry" or "brake quickly" when his car is about to collide with the car on the opposite side? Maybe it's too late, but I'm so nervous that my mouth is watering!

Leng Xiaozhi and Sun Baoer could only watch helplessly as Little Ax clutched the grenade.

They really didn't pay attention to how long Xiao Huzi held the grenade. One second, two seconds, three seconds or four seconds. Then they saw Xiao Huzi quickly stretched his hand out from the corner, and the grenade was thrown high by him. go out!

But the action of Little Ax was beyond their expectations.

It stands to reason that since the enemy is so close, you only need to stick your hand out from the corner and throw the grenade out. The wall of the house will block the fragments of the grenade explosion, which will not only kill the enemy but also keep you safe.

But why did he throw the grenade high into the alley?

No matter how many seconds the delayed explosion of the grenade was, Xiao Guzi held it for a moment before throwing it out. It seemed that in just a blink of an eye, they heard the screams of the enemies in the alley, and almost at the same time it was the grenade. of explosions.

The fragments produced by the grenade explosion stirred up in the alley, and the walls on both sides of the alley rattled before the enemy screamed.

Leng Xiaozhi knew that when he was taking Sun Baoer out, Shang Zhen brought someone over to find him.

Although he was not there at the time, Shang Zhen also fought side by side with their Lunan guerrillas, and according to Mo Jianchen, the two teams even exchanged combat experiences with each other.

In fact, it is not so much an exchange as it is veterans like Shang Zhen who gave lessons to the Lunan guerrillas.

If there are people in the national army who know how to fight guerrilla warfare, it must be Shang Zhen and his group.

Just because they have been fighting the Japanese army away from the main force for a long time.

If we compare Shang Zhen's guerrilla warfare with that of the Lunan guerrillas, the difference is nothing more than military-civilian relations.

There is no way around this. This is determined by the limitations of the national army.

But Shang Zhen and the others had many tactics to teach the guerrillas.

These tactics are all bits and pieces in daily life and combat marches. They are not impressive to say, but it is the saying that "the skills are too many to be overwhelmed", and there is no guarantee that they will be put to great use at any time.

It's like carrying a box cannon with a box on it across your body. You can hit it when you touch it, and you can throw it away without picking it up or throwing it away.

For example, if you use a short gun, you must prepare a bayonet, because you might be able to use it at some point.

For example, if you pause for a moment before throwing a grenade or grenade, and let the grenade fly to the height of the opponent's head, it will explode into an air burst bomb, and the power to kill the enemy will be doubled.

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