The War of Resistance

Chapter 1572: The dispute between guarding catfish mouth

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"This won't work!" Qiu Bo said categorically to Leng Xiaozhi right at Catfish Mouth.

His tone was so tough, it was the tone she had never seen since Leng Xiaozhi met Qiu Bo.

"I'll tell you why not!" Qiu Bo continued, "No matter what level or status you have here, those things have nothing to do with this matter!

Shang Zhen is the battalion commander, but he has nothing to do with this matter.

Let me just make one point: Shang Zhen is younger than me in terms of age, so I have to call you ‘younger brother and sister’.

It is said that we, the great men of the Northeastern Army, are here, but we want someone who is our younger brother and sister to fight against the Japanese devils here. We Northeasterners cannot do this kind of thing.

Brothers and sisters, you can ask any of us here, brothers from the Northeast Army, if anyone says that you, Leng Xiaozhi, should stay here while we retreat, then I will leave immediately without even fighting!

If not, brothers and sisters, please retreat! "

Speaking in Northeastern dialect, Qiu Bo's chatter was so tough that Leng Xiaozhi didn't know how to argue.

If Qiu Bo's remark is further elaborated in writing, it can be said that a man does something but does not do something, or it can be said that he sacrifices his life for righteousness, but it is not in line with the characteristics of Northeastern people.

Qiu Bo's remark can be interpreted to mean that the honor of Northeastern men is their bottom line, just like the honor of soldiers is higher than life.

If they let Leng Xiaozhi stay here while they retreat, then their bottom line has been touched, and they would rather die than break through their bottom line.

It was at this time that Leng Xiaozhi realized that it was a mistake for him to go to Shang Zhen's camp to borrow troops and not want Shang Zhen's soldiers to suffer any casualties!

She originally thought that the people from La Shang Zhen camp came here to help with boxing, but she didn't expect that they became the real main force, and there were also heavy casualties!

She borrowed a company and another platoon in total, let's call it four platoons, but ended up losing a platoon directly. Isn't this called a heavy casualty?

But now when the Japanese army drove her to Catfish Mouth, she had no soldiers to use, because all the more than 20 guerrillas she brought with her died heroically.

So who's on? Of course it's her.

But just when she said she wanted to lead people to guard Catfish Mouth, Qiu Bo forced her back!

Leng Xiaozhi forced herself to calm down and looked at Qiu Bo and those who needed her escort. After all, she said nothing more. Instead, she stood at attention and gave Qiu Bo and the others a solemn military salute, then turned and left.

Qiu Bo looked at the back of Leng Xiaozhi leading the people away. His eyes were really complicated, but he knew that he couldn't say anything at this time.

He turned to Chu Tian and said, "Have you looked at the terrain? Have you thought of a way? Is there any way out for us?"

"I've thought of a way out, but whether it works or not depends on what God means." Chu Tian replied.

"Then why don't you tell me quickly? The little devil will be here soon." Qiu Bo said.

So, the two people started studying.

Chu Tian did not choose to leave after leading his platoon to make a surprise attack on Catfish Pass. He was not at ease with the large group of people on the road, so he sent two people to listen to the news on the road.

In the end, he really waited for the people who were chased all the way by the Japanese army, so they were able to meet up at Catfish Mouth.

With the terrain of Catfish Mouth, Leng Xiaozhi and the others, who had been closely pursued by the Japanese army, finally escaped from the desperate situation. Just now, there was a dispute between Leng Xiaozhi and Qiu Bo about who guarded Catfish Mouth.

Soon Qiu Bo and Chu Tian discussed the battle plan.

"There must be many prisoners who captured Catfish Mouth. Where are the people?" Qiu Bo asked, looking at the corpses on the mountain.

These corpses naturally belonged to Ma Laoliu and his group, and Chu Tian didn't think he had the time to kill people for others.

"Are you asking about this?" Chu Tian asked curiously.

"You can answer any question. When is it?" Qiu Bo said angrily.

Chu Tian then started to talk about the whereabouts of those prisoners.

Yesterday, Chu Tian and his men swam from the water to the mountain and shot Ma Laoliu and others in the back. Their attack knocked down more than thirty people.

Although there are more than a hundred people in Ma Laoliu's group, how can they fight against elites like Qiu Bo and others? The remaining people were dumbfounded at that time.

Then Qiu Bo used the method of the Eighth Route Army guerrillas to fight the enemy, shouting "Hand the gun and don't kill", and Ma Laoliu's remaining men immediately surrendered with their guns raised.

But what use does Chutian want those prisoners? He couldn't do it even if it wasn't like shooting him to death.

So I simply disarmed those people, educated them, and then let them go.

On his side, he sent someone to contact Leng Xiaozhi, and they hid all the seized guns and ammunition in the mountains.

"It's all for nothing. Did you let them go?" Qiu Bo was very sorry.

"Do you want them to be useful?" Chu Tian was curious.

He had made up his mind, why did he keep those prisoners? There were more prisoners than them, so they had to send people to watch over them.

Besides, some of the captives were not extremely evil people. They were just like footmen under Ma Laoliu.

"You've already released people, what's the use of saying this?" Qiu Bo had no choice.

Chu Tian wanted to ask again, but the Japanese army appeared in front of him. The Japanese army came too fast, so Qiu Bo's words were diverted.

Chu Tian really couldn't understand why Qiu Bo wanted to keep those prisoners? It would be regretful to hear that I let the prisoners go.

It turned out that Qiu Bo remembered something that happened when Shang Zhen and the others came from the three eastern provinces to Guannei.

Of course, he only heard about it.

That time Shang Zhen and the others mistakenly entered Huzi's den, but turned against the guests and captured Huzi. Then when the Japanese army was chasing them, they put the three Huzis on the mountain, and they fired at the Japanese army.

They gave each of the three bandits a grenade and waited for the Japanese troops to come up. The bandits also broke free of the ropes that bound them. UU reading

As a result, the old man used a grenade to block the Japanese army for them, and one of them who ran out to seek revenge from Shang Zhen and the others was Xiao Dustpan who later joined them.

Qiu Bo heard that Shang Zhen and the others had such a legendary story, and he thought it was new at the time!

How did Shang Zhen and the others get their heads spinning? How could you have such a weird and useful idea?

Because he was deeply impressed, Qiu Bo thought when he saw the corpses on the ground. If the guns were given to those captured by Chu Tian, ​​and they would supervise the team from behind, wouldn't that be the best of both worlds?

It’s just that it won’t work out now, so let’s face reality!

The Japanese army caught up quickly.

Now it seems that the Japanese army not only has the information that important figures from the Eighth Route Army have entered Shandong this time, but they have also found the traitor who served as the guide, otherwise they would not have been able to catch up so quickly after being blocked twice.

"Damn it, thanks to this good terrain, otherwise this little devil would really think that our camp is made of mud!" Qiu Bo, who has always been steady, finally released the anger he had been holding in his stomach.

No matter what, he still lost a platoon. When had he ever suffered such a loss? He couldn't blame Leng Xiaozhi, so why not vent his anger on the Japanese army?

Qiu Bo glanced at the Japanese soldiers running here and picked up the binoculars.

This time the Japanese army had no cavalry, but it could be seen that the Japanese army that was catching up ran very fast.

But just because they ran so fast, they wouldn't be the Japanese army's brigade.

Qiu Bo observed carefully with a telescope. After a while, he said while observing with a telescope: "There are more than fifty little devils coming over. We must kill all these little devils here!

There is a man in black clothes running in front who should be the traitor leading the way. This **** must be beaten to death!

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