The War of Resistance

Chapter 1570: Guerrillas' blockade (1)

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It's not your turn this time, let me do it! "An hour later, when Leng Xiaozhi and the others were preparing to block the Japanese army again, Mo Jianchen said.

Then he shouted to the guerrillas without waiting for Leng Xiaozhi's objection: "Political Commissar Leng, Sun Baoer, you move with the large army, the rest follow me!

The brothers in the Northeast have set an example for us, now it’s up to us! "

After saying that, he pointed to both sides of the road, and then the more than twenty guerrillas divided into two groups and rushed to the ambush site.

At the expense of Gao Chang's platoon, Leng Xiaozhi and the others could only stop the Japanese army for twenty minutes.

If this was between mountains and fields, their mixed force would probably have run away, but here is a plain with an open terrain. It cannot be said that they can see the horizon at a glance, but they are almost there.

As guerrillas, of course they knew that there were villages nearby, but they could not go there. If they relied on the villages to fight the Japanese army, it would affect the common people.

Nowadays, the Japanese army is carrying out the so-called "Suppression Operation" and has not yet adopted the so-called appeasement policy of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. It is very cruel to the people and villages, and massacres of villages occur from time to time.

What do the Eighth Route Army guerrillas do? It was to protect the people, not to use their homes as a battlefield for the Japanese army to harm, so they could only think of other ways.

Glancing at the unyielding figures of the guerrillas, Leng Xiaozhi could only turn around and retreat along the road with Qiu Bo and those they protected. She became helpless again.

But what can she do? It was destined that she was not the protagonist of the battle now. Mo Jianchen and a dozen guerrillas hiding on the side of the road were already scanning the front.

The ambush location was chosen by Qiu Bo. Of course, the so-called choice was just that when he ran here, he happened to see a circle of graves on both sides of the road.

The area of ​​​​the cemetery is not large, it seems to be about 100 meters along both sides of the road.

It seems that this is where nearby villagers bury their dead.

Some of the tombs are large and some are small. Some families who are particularly particular will erect a stone tablet, and most of them are wooden boards with the name of the deceased written in black paint.

However, much of the black paint on the wooden signs has peeled off, and some of the unclaimed graves have even been flattened by wind, rain and water, revealing the rotten coffins inside.

It's so pitiful, don't underestimate these large and small graves, at least at that time it was the only place they could see that could be used as a bunker for an ambush.

There were only about ten people on Mo Jianchen's side, and the other ten people were on the opposite side of the road. In this way, although their firepower was weak, they could form a crossfire.

Now there are only about twenty of them, so what firepower arrangements do they have? It's over when the Japanese devils show up and beat the Japanese devils.

They just hope to delay the pursuit of the Japanese army so that the people they protect can escape.

As for them all dying here, so what?

A platoon of thirty or forty people in the Shang Zhen camp had all been killed, and it was because they were protecting their Eighth Route Army members.

If their guerrillas don't make sacrifices, everyone knows that the Northeast Army will be psychologically unbalanced!

Normally, People's Day is about personal relationships, and the same is true for the army, but this time the relationship is life!

"I wonder how long we can hold off the little devil this time?" said Lao Chen, who was lying next to Mo Jianchen.

"Ten minutes? Twenty minutes? Who knows!" Mo Jianchen was guessing.

Then Mo Jianchen glanced at the guerrillas hiding behind different graves.

The faces of the team members were solemn. Everyone knew that after this battle, they should be like the soldiers of the Northeast Army who had just died in the battle. There was a solemn and solemn atmosphere in the originally gloomy tomb.

Of course, Mo Jianchen didn't want the atmosphere to become so solemn, so he smiled and said, "It's been half a year since you joined the guerrillas at the latest. How many of you still haven't killed the Japanese?"



"And me!"

A guerrilla answered.

"We must open the meat shop today, otherwise we will have no chance in the future." Mo Jianchen said with a smile.

"Yes!" Some guerrillas also laughed.

Because the solemn atmosphere of speaking was diluted a bit.

Then Mo Jianchen smiled again and said: "Actually, our ambush location is not bad. They say that soldiers died on the battlefield and were wrapped in horse leather. How many soldiers were exposed in the wilderness, where do you think we are?"

When Mo Jianchen said this, the team members reacted immediately and couldn't help but laugh. Some team members laughed and said, "Captain, you mean that we don't need to find a place to bury ourselves after we die." That’s it.”

With a "coax" sound, the team members laughed even louder.

After the team members had finished laughing, Mo Jianchen said again: "If you die, you will die. What's so scary?

Think about the more than 40 brothers from the Northeast Army who died in front of us. They left their hometowns to fight the Japanese here, but who knows whether they will be buried in the end? "

Mo Jianchen even talked about the Northeast Army soldiers who sacrificed their lives in front of Gao Chang, UU Reading www. The guerrillas had nothing to say.

After all, the Northeast Army sacrificed its life to protect the talents of our Eighth Route Army.

"Okay, get ready to fight. Oh, by the way, tell the people on the opposite side to stop the Japs for twenty minutes and then retreat on their own." Mo Jianchen said again.

The Japanese army returned much faster than expected, and not long after, Mo Jianchen and the others saw another Japanese army appearing on the road.

It's not that the Japanese army ran very fast, but this time they actually saw the Japanese cavalry again!

"Isn't there a traitor among us? Why do I feel that the little devil is here for our operation this time?" Lao Chen said in a low voice.

Mo Jianchen said "Yeah", he felt the same way.

There really were no big strategic targets in the area they were in, and after the leading soldiers of the Japanese army died together with the Northeastern Army, the Japanese army's attack was also fierce, even without regard to casualties.

So Lao Chen's suspicion is justified.

But now looking at the Japanese troops running closer and closer, there are not many Japanese cavalry troops, only about thirty people.

If the Japanese were not in a hurry, how could they catch up with only a few cavalry?

Cavalry has an advantage over infantry, especially in plain areas like today, where the open area is conducive to the galloping of war horses.

But you can't have too few cavalry. If there are too few cavalry, do you really think that the guns in the hands of the opponent's infantry are useless?

"So I think it's just like what you said. If we can delay the kid for another twenty minutes, those who can escape must escape. Tell Commissar Leng and the others how we feel." Lao Chen said again.

As he spoke, the Japanese cavalry was already approaching.

It was too late for Mo Jianchen to speak any more. He had already aimed his rifle at the Japanese army and immediately pulled the trigger.

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