The War of Resistance

Chapter 1558: critical situation

Shang Zhen made himself a simple camouflaged lookout hole on the edge of the Dushan Peak. It was for his own convenience to observe the bottom of the mountain.

He used a bayonet to dig a small hole for his head on the top of the mountain. He could observe the bottom. There were some shrubs on top and some gravel and soil were sprinkled on it.

Then he could kneel behind and insert his face into the dug hole. In this way, when looking from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, his head could not be seen at all, and only half of his face was exposed.

To say that this simplest protection is good, the only drawback is that Shang Zhen cannot dig out a place to hide behind because it is a huge boulder.

So if he wanted to look down and not be discovered by the Japanese soldiers observing the top of the mountain, he had to lie there with his **** stuck out.

Fortunately, Dushangu is the highest in this area, and he is not worried that the Japanese army will see it.

If you ask why Shang Zhen didn't dig such a lookout hole in other places, it's because the places where people can get in are all stones except here.

After all, all battles depend on terrain and geology. If there is no soil here and it is all rocks, Shang Zhen will have to endure it.

Shang Zhen couldn't figure out whether the Japanese army or the security brigade won today's battle.

If we look at the number of people killed on the Chinese side, there must be more people killed in battle than on the Japanese side, but based on the combat effectiveness of the Chinese army, whether it is 2:1 or 3:1, it is actually quite good.

But if we talk about the outcome of the battle, it must be the Japanese troops who stayed around Dushangu in the end. The security brigade was beaten away!

The battle was over when we got here, but Shang Zhen's heart was not so big that he was sleeping soundly while the mountains were full of enemies.

He even memorized idioms and came up with a phrase for his current situation called "surrounded by wolves."

Therefore, he would not be able to stay safe until the Japanese army left.

Since the Japanese army would not leave, he had to observe the movements of the Japanese army. This was the reason why he made the lookout hole.

Since the three sides of Dushan Gu are relatively steep, it is impossible for people to climb on them. However, although the lower part of the mountain where he is now is relatively steep, it is still possible for people to climb on.

The only thing that is difficult to climb is the top of the mountain. The mountain wall and the horizontal top of the mountain form a negative angle. In other words, the top of the mountain is like putting a hat on the mountain, although it is not that exaggerated.

Shang Zhen also placed the observation hole on the top of the "hat".

Although the height there is only a few meters, it is really impossible for humans without the ability to climb with bare hands.

Of course, you can also climb up with a hook and a rope. Wasn't this how Shang Zhen plotted against the Japanese soldiers who were trying to climb up the mountain?

From the time Shang Zhen and the others met Shi Naiwen's security brigade to when they led the Japanese troops over, to when the security brigade fought with the Japanese troops again, the whole day had almost passed, and it was already dusk.

Under a bleak setting sun, Shang Zhen stood behind the observation hole and looked down.

The Japanese army had almost cleaned up the battlefield. Their wounded, including corpses, had been taken away by Japanese horse-drawn carriages, and what was left were mainly the corpses of some security brigade soldiers.

Looking at the corpses of many security brigade soldiers, Shang Zhen's mood became complicated again. He didn't know whether what he did before was right or wrong?

So he simply stopped thinking about it and only thought about things that made him happy, such as when he would go find Leng Xiaozhi again, or if Leng Xiaozhi took the initiative to come to him after hearing the letter.

But he didn't know that during the time he was away, Leng Xiaozhi had already lent his two companies.

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