The War of Resistance

Chapter 1543: dog fighting(2)

Latest website: In terms of combat quality, the Japanese army is by no means a vegetarian. What's more, Shang Zhen's attack has made the Japanese army prepared. Although the number of Japanese soldiers chased out this time is not many, less than twenty in total, they are all veteran.

"Woof woof woof", "woof woof woof", the dog's barking became more and more intense.

The reason is that Bai Zhan's few shots only killed one of the three remaining dogs. The remaining two dogs had been scattered by the Japanese army and rushed forward like arrows.

Then the six of them, Bai Zhan, who were being chased, were already facing a dilemma.

Should they shoot these two dogs? For the time being, Bai Zhan no longer had to think about it. He had been exposed, and several rifles were staring at the big poplar tree.

Now if he dared to show his head from behind the tree, the Japanese army's marksmanship would kill him with one shot.

What about the rest of the people? If these two dogs are beaten, some of them will be exposed.

If they don't fight, these two dogs will definitely cause harassment to them.

They definitely couldn't hide where they were. The Japanese army's wolf dogs were trained to find them by smelling their scent.

When faced with the vicious wolf-dog bites, can they still shoot with peace of mind?

Absolutely not. Not only would they not be able to shoot with peace of mind, it would only be a matter of time before they were exposed.

If that's the case, that's all. Behind the two dogs, more than a dozen Japanese soldiers holding rifles have already begun to rush forward.

And just behind these more than ten Japanese soldiers, the remaining five or six Japanese soldiers were hidden behind trees, earth and rocks and aimed their rifles forward, which provided fire cover for the Japanese soldiers in front.

In this way, even though there were only about twenty Japanese soldiers chasing them all the way, with the addition of those two dogs, the Japanese army's attack became more layered.

Shang Zhen is not a god, and no commander is a god.

Shang Zhen's original idea was to constantly harass the Japanese army, and then lead the Japanese army to the security brigade, so that the Japanese army and the security brigade would fight.

As for those responsible for harassment, like Bai Zhan Qian Chuan'er, they just shot and ran away.

Shang Zhen believes that with his quality as a veteran, he should not be overtaken by the Japanese army.

But no matter how good he was, he never imagined that the Japanese army would actually bring out wolves and dogs this time, and there were four of them!

Shang Zhen develops a combat plan and then implements it. It is more like an idea. In many cases, it depends on the people who implement the plan to improvise.

In the same way, when Bai Zhan found out that the Japanese army had brought out wolves and dogs to track them, he knew that they and the others could not run away and had to set up an ambush. Even if they did not kill a single Japanese soldier, they would have to kill those dogs.

So a few people exchanged opinions in a few words, and the six of them divided into three groups and turned around to ambush.

But they are also veterans, veterans of China.

Of course, they would not stay together as six people, not to mention that except for Bian Xiaolong himself who used a twenty-shot box cannon, the other five of them all had both long guns and short guns.

Since they were responsible for harassing the Japanese troops and shooting at them from a distance, of course they must have rifles.

The six people were divided into three groups and did not stay together, which also created crossfire.

Since each of them has a short gun, this is convenient for close combat.

And this is why they dared to fight back when they found that the number of Japanese soldiers chasing them was not large.

It was useless to say anything else. Now the two dogs of the Japanese army had caught up, and now they could all see the scarlet tongues sticking out of the two dogs!

"It's not going to be easy this time!" Qian Chuan'er muttered to Hou Wangshan who was hiding with him.

Hou Kanshan didn't respond. He also felt that these two dogs were really giving them a headache.

But at this moment, they saw a stone flying low from behind a bush on the left, but the stone flew directly towards the two dogs.

Judging from the speed and distance at which the stone was thrown, you didn't have to guess that it was thrown by the old fool.

But so what?

If the old man stood up and threw the stone, they believed that he could hit a dog with his method.

But in that case, the big old fool will be exposed.

Precisely because the old man couldn't be exposed, he threw the stone against the ground, and the strength and accuracy were affected.

Sure enough, just when the stone was about to touch one of the wolf dogs, the big wolf dog also discovered the stone, dodged to the side, and then barked and went to the place where the old fool was hiding.

Qian Chuan'er said "Huh", and at this moment, he and Hou Kanshan realized that the big old idiot was not hitting the dog with a stone, he was simply trying to attract the dog to him.

As for what the old fool did when he brought the dog to his place, do you still need to ask? Regardless of using a gun or not robbing him, it would be easy for Big Boss to kill that dog.

But at this moment, Hou Kanshan's heart suddenly let out a low cry of "shit!"

When Chinese people say "dog-like", they are actually scolding people, but this time Hou Kanshan was really scolding a dog.

And just as he made this sound, the dog in front ran towards Big Laoban, but the second dog had already heard Hou Kanshan's voice.

As soon as the dog turned its head, it saw Hou Kanshan and Qian Chuan'er hiding in the dark, so it took the "doggy" as a summons to it and jumped directly towards the two men.

"Grenade!" Hou Kanshan shouted.

If Qian Chuan'er no longer understands what Hou Kanshan means by this time, then he will not be able to become a veteran of all battles.

Qian Chuan'er stretched out his hand and took out a grenade captured from the Japanese army from his waist. He pulled out the pin and waited for a moment. Then he knocked the cap on the grenade against the tree trunk next to him and pointed at the dog. Throw it out.

A dog is a dog, and no matter how smart a dog is, it is not a human being.

It’s a domestic dog raised by the Chinese. It knows how to hide when someone throws a brick. What’s more, this is a military dog ​​trained by the Japanese.

When the dog saw something dark flying over, he dodged to the side, and the grenade hit the ground.

Unfortunately, being a dog, it didn't know that what flew over this time was not a brick but an explosive grenade.

The dog passed the grenade and jumped forward again, but then the grenade exploded with a "boom".

Who cares whether the Japanese army's standard grenade had 7,749 shrapnel pieces or 8,864 shrapnel pieces. In this explosion, the Japanese army's big wolfdog fell without even barking. went down and was apparently killed directly by fragments of the grenade.

"Pop" "Pap", the gunshots of the Japanese soldiers responsible for covering rang out again, and this time the location where they were shot was the bush where Qian Chuan'er had just shot.

How far a grenade can be thrown is based on basic common sense.

The nearest place where the dog could hide from sight was in the bushes.

But then a scene that surprised the Japanese army happened again. A dog, the last remaining big wolf dog left by the Japanese army, suddenly "flyed" from a bush!

Any Japanese soldier who noticed this scene saw their last remaining big wolf dog falling backwards with its claws spread in the air.

And when the big wolf dog fell to the ground, there was no sound at all, and it was obviously dead!

When the Japanese army was amazed at what force could make their dog fly up and fall to death, UU read books www.uukanhhooooooooe It rang.

In fact, by this time, the distance between China and Japan was not very far. Even the Japanese troops responsible for covering were only more than 100 meters away from the nearest Chinese soldiers. The Japanese troops who followed the charges of the wolf dogs had already rushed into the open space between the enemy and ourselves. Go up, only sixty or seventy meters away from the Chinese soldiers.

What is the melee weapon for this fight? Of course it has to be the box cannon.

At this moment, the box cannon in the hands of the Chinese soldiers fired.

Some of the Japanese soldiers responsible for covering were hit by bullets, and the worst thing was that the dozen or so Japanese soldiers who rushed into the open area were directly named by others with box cannons!

In comparison, Bian Xiaolong, who was much smaller in stature, was firing continuously at the Japanese troops in the open ground with his shoulder box cannon.

She was very focused on shooting and paid no attention to the Japanese soldiers and the Japanese soldiers behind her who were responsible for covering.


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