The War of Resistance

Chapter 1531: Charge to the sniper

Latest website: A few black spots flew over the empty open ground, just like a few inconspicuous sparrows.

Anyone who has fought in a war knows that it was a thrown grenade.

But who are the Chinese soldiers throwing grenades at at this time?

How many meters can a grenade be thrown? Thirty meters? Forty meters? Fifty or sixty meters? The furthest distance is 70 to 80 meters. Only one out of 100,000 people can throw it 100 meters, and that has to be done with a running aid.

Because this thing was so strange, the Japanese gunmen hiding in the dark watched quietly in that secret place.

And when those grenades landed in the open area and splashed up a few clouds of smoke, they saw the figure of a Chinese person flashing behind the smoke.

At this time, the Japanese army suddenly realized that it was Chinese soldiers using the smoke from the grenade explosion as a cover to advance further towards them.

The Chinese army is poor. Since there are no smoke bombs, they use grenades to create smoke.

So, the moment the Japanese army saw the figure, gunfire rang out.

There were only a few Japanese soldiers who fired, and even with platoon guns, they had little power.

After the reverberation of the gunfire passed, the smoke and dust had almost dispersed.

The Japanese army saw that there were no corpses of Chinese soldiers where they had just shot, and they did not know where the Chinese soldiers who were rushing forward were hiding.

Naturally, the Japanese soldiers continued to look for him. They were using sniper rifles with sniper lenses.

At that time, there were not many Chinese soldiers rushing up, so of course these Japanese soldiers would choose the most suitable opportunity to shoot.

Naturally, they can't tell which are the new recruits of the Chinese army and which are the veterans of the Chinese army. They only need to turn those living people into cold corpses.

After a while, a Japanese soldier noticed something flashing across his eyes.

The reason why he said it seemed like was because he was looking at the outside through a sniper lens.

When something falls from top to bottom within the observation range of the sniper lens, it will not be very clear if it falls very fast, but isn't it just passing by?

The Japanese soldier subconsciously moved his eyes away from the sniper lens, and at this time he happened to see the smoke from the grenade explosion.

Damn it, they're here again!

This was the Japanese soldier's first thought after seeing the smoke from the explosion. At the same time, he instinctively put the sniper lens on his eyes again.

But at this time, he only saw the smoke and dust changing from thick to light and then thinning, but where did the figure come from?

But then he saw it again. A black dot fell there, and "boom", another grenade exploded.

The Japanese soldier stared closely at the explosion point. When he saw the smoke rising again, he heard the explosion of grenades from other locations.

"They are there!" At this moment, another Japanese soldier suddenly shouted, and several other Japanese soldiers quickly pointed their rifles at them. At this time, they saw a running figure rushing towards them!

The image of the Chinese soldier in the sniper lens became clearer. Several Japanese soldiers even saw the Chinese soldier holding a rifle in his hand running and breathing with his mouth wide open!

This situation is like the Chinese people watching the Japanese troops charging upward, with a ferocious look despite their short stature.

The Japanese army looked at Chinese soldiers in the same way. The doctor is shabby and holds an old-fashioned rifle, but he is brave and fearless of death.

"Pa" "pa" two Japanese soldiers pulled the trigger again.

But at the moment they pulled the trigger, they saw the person in the camera suddenly change direction, and actually made a snake-like movement in their sniper lens.

The Chinese soldier changed direction so quickly that they saw two small clusters of smoke and dust on the ground from the bullets they fired, but the Chinese soldier disappeared again!

Of course, the Japanese army knew that the Chinese soldier would not disappear for no reason. Since there were no trees and soil there, they could only hide in a hollow in the open field.

The battlefield fell into silence. The Chinese soldier who had just rushed forward was calming his breathing in his hiding place. The Japanese snipers were trying to find him again.

But the silence was only for a moment, and then gunfire rang out again, but this time it was from the rear of the Chinese army. The Chinese soldiers who had not rushed up finally fired at the hiding place of the Japanese army.

The Japanese soldiers fired from the front, and the Chinese soldiers behind them did not stop searching through the telescopes in their hands.

In fact, they didn't know where the Japanese troops were hiding, but in the end they identified several suspicious points that might have hidden the Japanese troops.

So under the organization of the company platoon leader who stayed behind, they used concentrated fire to shoot at those suspicious points.

Most of the soldiers' bullets hit uninhabited places. As Shang Zhen deduced, how many good gunmen are not good at hiding?

But there are some unlucky ones after all.

When a Japanese soldier saw a bullet hitting him, he instinctively drew his gun.

But it was too late. Several bullets hit him at the same time, so the rifle he just picked up fell back, and his head hit the ground.

But the above situation only happened for a moment, and then the explosion of grenades sounded again, and other Japanese soldiers looked at the smoke and dust to rush towards them again.

Then the gunfire of the Japanese army also rang out, but this time the gunfire was a little denser than before. There were already more than ten Japanese soldiers ambushing here, but they just didn't fire all of them before.

As Shang Zhen had deduced before, the Japanese army always wanted to put them where they could see clearly to fight. However, seeing the Chinese soldiers getting closer and closer, the Japanese army finally couldn't hold it in any longer.

After several grenades exploded, the Japanese army discovered that at least three Chinese soldiers had jumped to a distance of only 150 or 60 meters from them.

It stands to reason that the Japanese army would be somewhat panicked, but in fact they were not.

The reason is that although the Chinese soldiers were close to them, the Japanese army could clearly see that within a distance of more than a hundred meters in front of them, there were only a few people in the depression. Chinese soldiers hide.

They can completely target such a place, but even if the Chinese soldiers use grenades this time, the effect will be limited after all. What's more, although the Chinese soldiers are skilled in tactical movements, how many grenades can they bring during the forward thrust? ?

At this time, although the Chinese officers and soldiers on the offensive side were in different positions, they were also thinking about countermeasures.

At this time, the Chinese officers and soldiers on the entire battlefield could no longer hear the sound of gunfire in the distance.

They may not necessarily be able to guess that it is Yu Zuolong who is blocking the advance of the Japanese army, but they can also guess that the Japanese army has passed through unimpeded and will arrive here soon.

So those soldiers started concentrated fire again under the organization of the squad platoon leader.

There were still people in front of those soldiers. They were some veterans brought out by Shang Zhen, such as Qin Chuan and Ma Tianfang. They were already hiding behind the bodies of the previously killed soldiers.

"Sorry brother, I can only lend it to you." Qin Chuan muttered and placed his rifle on the body of a fallen soldier.

There was no place for them to hide, so he could only borrow the bodies of his fallen brothers.

And Ma Tianfang was actually putting a rifle on a corpse.

Yes, that's right, it's Ma Tianfang, Ma Tianfang who only has one arm.

Can one-armed man shoot a rifle? Theoretically, it's possible, but it's just that the left hand holding the gun is missing, and the stability of shooting is affected.

However, evidence from later generations proves that there are still one-armed people who can hit targets hundreds of meters away with rifles.

It was a real image, UU Reading, of an independent guard holding a rifle with one arm and shooting into the distance during a military competition.

The gunshot made the target fall, and he used a rifle to jingle the iron plate as the target!

Ma Tian doesn't have that ability. He is one-armed and is used to using box cannons.

This time the situation was special. He wanted to use this rifle to harass the Japanese army, and it would be considered as his own dedication. And this rifle was just picked up from the soldier who he used as a gun stand.

But when Ma Tianfang put the rifle on the dead soldier's body, he suddenly felt that the body moved!

Then he heard the man who was supposed to be dead speak: "Brother, I was wrong. I'm not pretending to be dead. Don't use me as a cover!"

Only then did Ma Tianfang realize that the fallen soldier was alive!

In other words, he was not dead at all, but pretended to be dead when the Japanese gunshots were fired while rushing forward!

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