The War of Resistance

Chapter 1501: near miss

Latest website: Not to mention the veterans under Shang Zhen, now the members of the Lunan guerrillas also have confidence in Shang Zhen.

Because they discovered that Shang Zhen's style of play was basically the guerrilla warfare that their guerrillas were good at.

And because Shang Zhen's soldiers have high quality, accurate marksmanship, and strong firepower, they often achieve better results than their guerrillas.

Since they were heading towards the back mountain, the old man next to Shang Zhen pointed to the top of the mountain and said, "Look! The people above have signaled, the little devils are coming!"

Shang Zhen and the others looked up and saw that their lookout posts had been marked with flags on the top of the mountain, covered by some trees.

"Get ready to fight." Shang Zhen ordered, and everyone naturally turned around.

When they had just hid themselves among the ruins, they saw the figure of the puppet army appearing at the far end of the road.

"See, let's shoot those who use short guns. I guess those are their leaders. If we kill them, the bandits will become more honest." Shang Zhen explained again.

Shoot the man first, shoot the horse first, capture the thief first, capture the king. If there are too many puppet troops, you can only kill one to serve as a warning to others.

For this ambush battle, Shang Zhen arranged most of the more than 300 of them on both sides of the road, and all of them shot at the same target, which was to shoot down the puppets with short guns. military.

Since there were many puppet soldiers coming, Li Lila stretched the team very long, so Shang Zhen also stretched his ambush force very long.

Anyway, they were not fighting a war of annihilation. As long as they hit important targets among the Japanese and puppet troops, they could just turn around and run away.

The puppet troops were getting closer and closer, walking on the road about 200 meters in front of Shang Zhen and others.

Shang Zhen had already calculated the distance stretched by the Japanese and puppet army's formation. When the Japanese and puppet army's formation almost overlapped with the ambush formation he designed, the battle could begin.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen suddenly heard movement behind him. When he turned around subconsciously, he saw that the lookout post on the top of the mountain was throwing a fist-sized stone down from the mountain!

How long has it been since this happened and you still dare to talk about this! What about playing? Shang Zhen is anxious!

But at this time, he saw the lookout post gesticulating towards him.

He was only a few meters away from the lookout post, less than a hundred meters away. Shang Zhen could definitely see the lookout post's expression. He immediately realized something was wrong, hurriedly bent down from behind the broken wall where he was hiding, turned around, and headed towards Running back.

When there were no more ruins in front of him, Shang Zhen saw a person running toward the puppet troops just in front of the mountain pass!

If it were anyone else, he might be in a daze, even just for a moment.

But Shang Zhen is already a veteran of hundreds of battles. He has experienced too many battles. He has developed the habit of having to use his brain and come up with a solution immediately when an unexpected situation arises.

So Shang Zhen made his own judgment in an instant.

This person is not one of our own. He is one of our own and cannot run into the advancing puppet army. He is not holding a cluster grenade!

This person ran out of the mountain pass behind his own side, so did he discover that his own army was ambushing here?

Regardless of whether he discovered the men he had ambushed, this person was definitely an enemy and was there to inform!

So the question is, should I shoot him to death now?

It is not a problem to knock down such a big enemy with one shot. Let alone a human, even a rabbit can be killed by Shang Zhen at this distance with one shot!

But now if he fires a gun, what's the difference between starting this ambush? The sound of gunfire is an order!

Shang Zhen quickly changed his position and looked towards the road. The puppet troops on the road were still moving forward.

As long as the puppet troops walked a hundred or so meters further, they would all have entered their ambush circle.

And if Shang Zhen's judgment was not wrong, then the Japanese army behind them would still be about a hundred meters away from entering the ambush circle.

Those puppet army leaders were just that, those Japanese troops were the targets that Shang Zhen really wanted to annihilate.

Because the grenade platoon led by Qiao Xiong was at the very front of this long ambush position, that is, at the very back of the Japanese and puppet troops' advancing queue.

The grenade is not a rifle or a light machine gun, and its effective range is limited!

So the only solution for now is to wait! As long as they can use up some more time, the Japanese army can move forward a little further, and Qiao Xiong and the others can hit the Japanese army's heads with their grenades.

So now there is no need to kill this enemy that appears suddenly!

Then let this guy run to the puppet army. If the puppet army has a fighting reaction, then start the fight on your own end. Anyway, that's what it is. Always try to let the last Japs into the ambush circle. That's good.

Shang Zhen's mind was spinning fast. He made up his mind, bent down and used the cover of the ruined wall to return to his original hiding place.

When he just ran to the spot, he picked up the telescope he placed behind the wall, adjusted the focus and looked in the direction where the man was running.

"Battal Commander, what's wrong? Is that guy from Gaha?" At this time, Ma Erhuzi, who was ambushing next to Shang Zhen, also realized that something was wrong, because at this time, those of them who stayed in the same place could already see the scene from behind. The man who ran over the mountain.

"Listen to my order and prepare to fight!" Shang Zhen did not answer Ma Erhuzi's question, but his order was equivalent to an answer.

And at this time, not only Shang Zhen and his group saw that guy, but more soldiers on their side had already discovered that guy.

Fortunately, before preparing for the ambush, Shang Zhen had already emphasized that all actions should be followed as commanded. He especially emphasized that the company commander, platoon leader, and squad leader must take good care of the soldiers below and not shoot or misfire. The same is true for the guerrillas.

At the same time, people on their side of the road can now see that the ruins where Shang Zhen is located are the closest to that person.

So it was not difficult for them to deduce that Shang Zhen and the others must have been the first to discover it.

But since Shang Zhen didn't shoot, they couldn't shoot either.

And following this line of thinking, they understood that if they shot that person now, what would be the difference between shooting at the enemy marching on the road?

So they and Shang Zhen came to the same conclusion. It was the same thing anyway. Let's see what happened when that guy ran to the puppet army.

And at this time, several guerrillas appeared at the mountain pass behind Shang Zhen and the others. They were the guerrillas who had been chased from Baimagu.

But so far, Shang Zhen and the others have nothing to do, so what can their few guerrillas do? There is nothing we can do but do nothing.

In the history of China, there were a few military strategists who were considered to have perfect strategies, such as Zhuge Liang during the Three Kingdoms period. According to some people's evaluation, he was already a god, almost a monster.

For another example, Liu Bowen, one of the heroes of Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was a figure who was able to seduce enemies and turn them into soldiers.

But that is history after It is more likely that it is an idealized unofficial history.

There is always a general trend in the world, but there is also an element of luck.

Next, Shang Zhen saw a scene in the telescope that made him confused.

He saw that the man really met the puppet soldiers on the road, and that man turned around and gestured towards him, and the puppet soldiers really looked this way.

However, the puppet soldiers had expressions of disapproval or even ridicule on their faces. They continued to move forward and ignored the guy at all!

What exactly is going on? Shang Zhen is a little confused at this moment.

But then he suddenly realized that there were too many puppet troops coming, almost two thousand!

And it is impossible for the puppet army not to know how many people there are in his group. He also made the illusion that both the Northeastern Army and the Lunan guerrillas would suffer losses. It is not that the puppet army simply does not believe that there is an ambush here, right?

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