The War of Resistance

Chapter 1486: Guerrillas are not easy to lead

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"In terms of combat effectiveness, unless the main force comes over, how can our guerrillas compare with the elites of the Northeast Army?" said a man in his forties with a white towel tied on his head.

"Why do you want to enhance other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige?" That person said, and a young man disagreed. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his expression showed a stubbornness that refused to admit defeat.

"Is that to encourage others' ambitions and destroy one's own prestige? What weapons do others use? What weapons should we use?

They have been fighting since September 18th and have been fighting until now.

What weapons do our guerrillas have? There are not even heavy machine guns now.

So if we talk about fighting, how many big and small battles have we fought? How does the quality of our guerrillas compare with others? "The older man retorted directly.

“If you say that, I would disagree even more.

If they were so good at fighting, why did they withdraw from the Northeast without firing a single shot on September 18th? They were still afraid of the Japanese devils! "The young man directly began to expose the Northeast Army's background.

"Is that what they're doing as soldiers? That's not—"

"Okay, you two, stop talking. This is not the time to come out early in the morning to debate this matter."

When they said this, someone interrupted the argument between the two of them, and this person was Mo Jianchen.

There were five people here in Mo Jianchen, all hiding in the woods on a mountain col.

At this time, Mo Jianchen still had a beard, and the scar on his face could not disappear, but after all, he washed his face and changed into a set of clothes, vaguely showing his appearance back then.

It has been more than half a month since Mo Jianchen returned to the Lu Guerrillas.

His ability to come back alive really surprised the guerrillas in his guerrilla group, just because he is now the acting captain of the Lunan guerrillas.

Mo Jianchen bumped into the puppet army when he took two people out to perform a mission.

Those two men died while covering his retreat to fight the puppet troops.

The puppet troops did not see him at that time, so he had two choices.

One is to fight the puppet army alone to the end. The result will naturally be death or injury and capture.

The other is that he pretends to be a commoner and does not recognize himself as the Eighth Route Army.

He chose the latter - to be patient, he threw his box cannon directly into the water, and when the puppet soldiers saw him, he was just a slovenly bearded man.

But who would have thought that he was still captured by the puppet army and taken into the Zhumapo stronghold, and it was more than a month until he was rescued by Shang Zhen and the others.

The guerrillas only found the bodies of two other people, and everyone thought that he had either died or disappeared.

But when Mo Jianchen returned to the team, he was also surprised. Leng Xiaozhi was not in the guerrillas. He was said to have been sent out by the organization to perform other tasks. The team members did not know what the specific tasks were.

In this way, Mo Jianchen only said that he was saved by meeting the Northeast Army he knew before, and he did not talk about the relationship between Shang Zhen and Leng Xiaozhi.

And just today, their guerrillas have new activities, that is, they conduct reconnaissance on the puppet stronghold of Zhu Laoliu in Hanzhuang and formulate a plan to capture it.

From the perspective of the Eighth Route Army, of course we must talk about a united front and unite all anti-Japanese forces that can be united.

But the problem is that any armed force only depends on what others do.

Just last year, when Zhu Laoliu and his gang in Hanzhuang had not yet become puppet troops, the Lunan guerrillas went to do ideological work for the other party. However, the negotiation was not successful. Instead, they took action, causing two of their guerrillas to die in battle. Several more people were injured.

So, as far as the Lunan guerrillas are concerned, this revenge must be avenged!

In the workplace, people pay attention to having the right to speak, and in the current anti-Japanese battlefield because there are many forces from all sides, they also have the right to speak.

At present, their Lunan guerrillas are far from being able to deter various forces, so they must find ways to eliminate this group of puppet troops in Hanzhuang, not to mention killing one to serve as a warning to others, but also to make other forces fear them. Otherwise, there are rumors outside that the Shandong guerrillas have suffered losses and will not dare to do anything. Then how will they carry out anti-Japanese work in the future?

Now they are very close to Hanzhuang.

But who would have thought that before they could discuss how to attack Hanzhuang, their people choked because of a digression, that is, what the combat effectiveness of the Northeast Army was.

To say that this problem was really caused by Mo Jianchen, who asked him to bring four long, one short and five guns with him when he came back?

As a guerrilla leader, even though he was an agent, he did not need to take credit for the Northeastern Army's achievements. He said that these guns were picked up by him because the Northeastern Army did not clean up the battlefield thoroughly.

At that time, everyone was very happy, these guns were so worthless, but today the topic unexpectedly came up, and the two people had different opinions.

Mo Jianchen saw that the two people were getting more and more angry as they talked, so he spoke to stop them.

The Lunan guerrillas were determined to resist Japan, but just two months ago, their captain died.

Mo Jianchen was only the acting captain.

Mo Jianchen was resolute in resisting Japan and had been working for a long time, but after all, he was born as a scholar and was naturally inferior in terms of force value. This was not something he would be able to make up for if he wanted to.

Because of this, he was not very convinced, so he thought of attacking the puppet stronghold in Hanzhuang, and reconnaissance before the battle was necessary.

"Don't forget our business." Just as Mo Jianchen was talking, the guerrillas standing guard by the woods already said, "Old Chen is back."

Lao Chen was sent out to the village to contact the "defense households" to inquire about the situation of the puppet troops on the mountain just across the village.

"Captain, come out quickly, the Hanzhuang stronghold is on fire!" Old Chen's excited words came in first before he entered the woods.

"What?" Upon hearing what Lao Chen said, the five people in the woods were stunned. Then they all ran out without asking Lao Chen. Instead, Lao Chen who came to report the news turned around and followed them. later.

They are now in a ravine. When they climb the hill in front, they can see Hanzhuang in the depression below, and Zhu Laoliu's puppet army is on the hill beyond Hanzhuang.

There was a road at the other end of the hill, and that stronghold was at the commanding It was naturally impossible for Mo Jianchen and the others to scout out the enemy's situation by walking in that bright place, so they came up from the path in the other direction.

A total of six people ran to the top of the mountain panting and looked ahead. From this look, it was not bad. Black smoke was already billowing from Zhu Laoliu's stronghold on the opposite hillside.

"I don't know what's going on. When I arrived in the village, nothing happened at the stronghold. But when I came out, there was smoke and I didn't hear any gunshots." Lao Chen explained.

"That means their stronghold is on fire!" said the young guerrilla.

The fire was real, and it was very likely that it was caused by the fire. Several of them ran into the village and looked up at the hillside.

At this time, some people in the village also ran out to watch the fire.

But after only watching for a moment, not to mention the guerrillas and the common people, they all saw that there was something wrong with the fire in Zhu Laoliu's stronghold.

Because they saw the fire getting bigger and bigger, but no one in the stronghold ran out, and no one ran down the mountain to put out the fire.

The hill is not high, but it is quite steep. There is no water source on such a hill, so every day the puppet soldiers go to the wells in the village below to fetch water.

But this time it's better. Seeing that the fire is getting stronger and stronger, why don't the puppet troops come down?

"No matter how you say it, I think this is also an opportunity for us to beat Zhu Laoliu.

I think no matter what the situation is, we guys should just go up with guns! "At this time, the young guerrilla suddenly suggested.

When he said this, these people especially looked at Mo Jianchen.

This tiger boy who is fearless has indeed posed a problem for Mo Jianchen, the acting captain!

(End of chapter)

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