The War of Resistance

Chapter 1482: "I'm a little sick!"

"This **** fat guy is like applying plaster on dog skin. He's so annoying!" Mou Tou, the squad leader of the cooking class in the kitchen of the battalion headquarters, said as he went to get a basin covered with a quilt.

Shang Zhen, who was standing next to Lao Moutou, smiled in agreement.

Yes, that **** fat man is annoying. He has been keeping an eye on their camp for some reason these past few days and keeps coming here.

He was still an officer, so Shang Zhen could only tell the veterans not to offend him as much as possible. Now that he was the battalion commander and more aware, he couldn't instruct the soldiers to beat the division commander's brother-in-law, right?

"I kept this dog meat for you, and let this **** fat guy watch it. He said he wanted to eat it. I said our battalion commander hadn't eaten it yet, so this guy said he would wait for you to come back and eat it together." Lao Moutou continued to ramble. , he took off the piece of cloth on the basin and exposed

"Batalion Commander, please eat quickly. I'll go outside and let our people hold him off for a while. You eat all the dog's thighs. By the way, there are chive flowers here." Lao Moutou said again.

Shang Zhen continued to smile, but he had already gone to grab the meat and eat it.

When he entered the door of the battalion headquarters, he actually saw Wang Qingfeng in the sentry building, and he didn't know what he was bluffing with the sentry.

In fact, Wang Qingfeng's little thought of hugging their calves made Shang Zhen feel like a mirror.

But he was too lazy to pay attention to that **** fat man and didn't say anything, so he went to the kitchen to look for food.

He led people to run outside for a long time, and he was indeed hungry.

Lao Moutou went out, and Shang Zhen ate the dog meat very deliciously and quickly.

These dogs were obtained when they attacked Zhumapo. At that time, some dogs were drugged by Bai Zhan, a former thief.

At that time, they thought that all the dogs had been drugged to death, so naturally they wanted to bring back the dead dogs as well.

According to Bai Zhan, his medicine is called "Qibu Dao".

Just that kind of medicine has an irresistible temptation for beasts like dogs. After taking it, they will die if they take only seven steps.

Of course, this only means that this medicine is very overbearing. Dogs have four legs, and humans have two legs. Who knows which of the four legs the dog takes first, which is considered to have taken seven steps.

But who would have thought that the medicine that Bai Zhan said was so magical, and that the dog was indeed knocked down at that time, but after they pulled the dogs back, one dog actually recovered again!

So the dog was kept for a few more days, but they were all marching and fighting. Why did they keep a dog?

In the end, the dog was strangled to death, and this is the source of the dog meat that Shang Zhen eats now.

The old Moutou still thought that he would avoid Wang Qingfeng, who was a bitch, but who would have thought that Wang Qingfeng did not touch him when he killed the dog, but when the dog meat was cooked and left for Shang Zhen at noon today, he was Wang Qingfeng was hit!

Since Wang Qingfeng bumped into it, he naturally wanted to eat it, especially the dog whip that was said to be an aphrodisiac.

Lao Moutou was not Mr. Wang and others. He didn't dare to play tricks with the division commander's brother-in-law, so he refused and said, "You will eat with our battalion commander when he comes back." Wang Qingfeng gave up, but he was waiting for business in the guard tower. Shocked.

This is what happened.

Shang Zhen was not an old man who had been a monk, so he naturally had no psychological burden on eating dog meat. He ate the dog meat like a storm, and soon a dog thigh was eaten by him.

Although Shang Zhen was the battalion commander, it was naturally impossible for him to eat the dog meat alone. The dog thighs and some meat were specially reserved for him by Lao Moutou, but the rest had been shared among the veterans long ago.

Nowadays, even if people don’t have any fat or water in their stomachs, they’ll do well if they eat meat. No matter how good they are at eating meat, I’ve never heard of anyone suffering from cerebral apoplexy, thick blood, or anything like that.

Shang Zhen, who was still not satisfied, picked up another piece of meat and saw that the meat was not big. The dog meat in other places was all red, but that piece of meat was white and clean, and it was not even as thick as his thumb!

Shang Zhen picked it up and took a bite. He felt that the meat was quite chewy. It was almost the same as eating beef ribs. It was quite delicious!

He took another bite but found another thin bone.

Shang Zhen didn't take it seriously, so he naturally ate the meat, spit out the bones, and then continued eating.

But he felt a little proud in his heart. Being an official was good, and he could give others a chance to eat!

It can be said that Shang Zhen is now a battalion commander, but he does not have the habit of being able to dictate what others do. In fact, he is more or less uneasy when others do things.

So in the eyes of others, being a battalion commander may be a good job, but in his eyes, it only makes him busier and he has more things to worry about, that's all!

But when Shang Zhen grabbed another piece of meat, the door rang, and when he turned around, he saw Wang Qingfeng running in in a hurry.

When Wang Qingfeng saw that there were only a few pieces of meat left in the half-pot of meat, he started shouting: "Oh, I say, Commander Shang, what you are doing is not exciting!

I'm waiting for you to come back and eat dog meat. Why did you make it yourself first? "

"Oh, sir, isn't this right?" Shang Zhen naturally wanted to pretend to be confused, "When did you come to us? I didn't hear about it!"

"Oh, this old Moutou who suffered a thousand cuts!" Wang Qingfeng scolded, but at the same time he stretched his hand towards the meat basin.

Originally there were only a few pieces of meat left there, but he pulled at it a few times and shouted: "Oh, where is my dog?"

His words made Shang Zhen, who stuffed another piece of meat into his mouth, almost choke!

Xindao, what did you say? What are you talking about, your dog?

Only then did he remember the strange piece of meat he had eaten just now. It turned out that the piece of meat was that of a dog!

The incident happened suddenly, and even a veteran like Shang Zhen was stunned by Wang Qingfeng.

"I **** know, why did you let me eat that bitch!" At this time, Wang Qingfeng finally came to his senses.

When he left the kitchen, the piece of meat was still in the basin. He was proud of it (liked it), but when he came back, it was gone. So who could eat that piece of meat if not Shang Zhen? Lao Mou would never dare to do it as a cook.

"How did I know what that was?" Shang Zhen was surprised but also funny.

He really doesn't know it. If he knew what it was, he wouldn't really eat it.

It's just that this is his idea, and now that he says it, Wang Qingfengxin doesn't care!

"Hey, I said you are a businessman. I usually see you as a gentleman, but I didn't expect you to be like this. Have you found a lover?" Wang Qingfeng jumped to his feet and shouted.

Wang Qingfeng is an outspoken person. Otherwise, do you think any of the veterans under Shang Zhen would beat him up for no reason? Who would have trouble with the chief officer's brother-in-law?

So now, Wang Qingfeng has called out all the nicknames Shang Zhengang had when he was a soldier!

"Where's Gaha, where's Gaha? Who the **** is yelling at our battalion headquarters? Be careful of military law!" At this time, another person's scolding sounded at the door.

Shang Zhen and Wang Qingfeng turned around at the same time and saw Qian Chuan'er walking in.

Qian Chuan'er also delivered food to the people and just came back, but as soon as he came back he heard that Wang Qingfeng and Shang Zhen were going to share the dog meat.

Qian Chuan'er, who was angry with Wang Qingfeng, followed him secretly.

Originally, he was secretly happy when he heard that Wang Qingfeng's favorite piece of meat was eaten by Shang Zhen, but when he heard that Wang Qingfeng called out all the battalion commander's original nicknames, how could he? Can you bear it?

People are all in this moment, and several years have passed, and people have become successful, but you bring up the old sesame and rotten millet to make the person involved feel embarrassed. Is that okay?

This is like Zhu Yuanzhang becoming the emperor but you insist on calling him "Zhu Ba". Do you really think that Jin Yiwei was raised in vain?

This is not like someone becoming the president, UU reading www. But you insist on calling people "Sanfazi", do you think that the military commanders and commander-in-chief are all just doing nothing?

This won't work!

So Qian Chuan'er came in to interfere.

When Wang Qingfeng saw Qian Chuan'er coming in, he was about to say something about what Shang Zhen had eaten, but Qian Chuan'er blocked his mouth first.

Qian Chuan'er said: "I haven't settled the accounts with you yet!"

Wang Qingfeng stared blankly, and then he remembered, why should I ask Chuan'er for money to file a complaint? He just called someone "Cuan'er" and they didn't like it.

But at this time Qian Chuan'er said again: "I heard someone shout just now, where is my dog? Who said this?"

Wang Qingfeng was really stunned this time. Only then did he realize that his slip of the tongue had been caught by Qian Chuan'er.

"S-stop talking, I went out to go to the latrine, it's a bit disgusting!" Shang Zhen suddenly said with a smile on his face, and then he ran out the door and fled first.

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