The War of Resistance

Chapter 1480: That’s why I’m here to give you “pillows”!

Latest website: The sky was getting dark, and the man who cleaned the battlefield for them had disappeared.

At this time, the five of them, Shang Zhen, walked down the hill where they were hiding, and headed back to the battlefield during the day.

In fact, as far as Shang Zhen is concerned, if the five of them stay, it is a matter of life or death, and as the battalion commander, if he stays, it is a matter of life or death.

But who told him to be such a cautious person who sometimes takes matters into his own hands?

It's already early winter, and the temperature after dark today is a little lower than yesterday. Shang Zhen estimates that it will be freezing in the middle of the night today.

So since they are still guarding the battlefield, they can't freeze themselves. They are all wearing single clothes now.

Well, it's certainly impossible for them to light a fire if they want to keep warm, but there are ready-made heating tools in the mountains and fields, what? Of course they were the clothes on the corpses of Japanese and puppet soldiers.

There is no room for pickiness in the war years. Who cares if it is the clothes of a dead person, as long as they can keep warm if they are taken off. What's more, the five of them are veterans, so there is no psychological barrier to stripping the clothes of a dead person and wearing them.

Now the five of them are silent, even Bai Zhan, who always likes to talk, is silent.

If he was with others, Bai Zhan would definitely complain. If everyone else goes back to collect food, what's wrong with us?

But the problem is that now Shang Zhen is taking the lead. Shang Zhen is now the battalion commander, so what else can he say if he kills the chicken for nothing? Even if he thinks he is unlucky, he has to keep it in his heart and will never say it.

The sound of rustling sounded in the field, and they began to look for corpses of suitable size to strip off their clothes.

In the end, Bai Zhan couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

"What did you say?" Ma Erhuzi happened to hear it.

"I just don't know how to memorize them. Why do these guys belong to little devils? The materials are good but they are too small." Bai Zhan said angrily.

"It seems like you are so tall." Ma Erhuzi disagreed.

"Get out!" Bai Zhan cursed.

Bai Zhan is only an average guy, but no matter how average he is, he is still taller than most Japanese.

Sometimes, he felt that he was born to be a thief, otherwise why not grow taller.

"During the war, I remember there were little Japs who came out wearing woolen coats. Look for them again." Chu Tian, ​​who was not far away, reminded him when he heard this.

"That's right!" Chu Tian's words reminded Bai Zhan, and his mood instantly improved and he smiled, "Speaking of scholar, I realize that you are a scholar in vain. In fact, you can also join my profession."

What is Bai Zhan's profession? Do you still need to ask? Of course he is a thief. The so-called "elegant thief" is also a thief!

So Bai Zhan also got the word "go away" from Chu Tian.

Bai Zhan was just about to continue talking, but Shang Zhen said: "Don't make any sound, there seems to be a horse's hooves!"

Shang Zhen's words worked better than anything else. The people who spoke shut their mouths, and then they really heard the faint sound of horse hooves coming from north to south.

"Holy shit!" Ma Erhuzi, who was already very tired and tired, said anxiously, "You are so **** unafraid of death, you are still a master at this time!"

Although they only heard the sound of horse hooves now, it is certain that the news that the Northeast Army and the Japanese and puppets fought a battle here should have spread.

Which ordinary people would rush over at this time regardless of life and death? It is most likely that the Japanese and puppet troops are coming over at this time.

"Tell me, could it be the lame man from before dark? Did he lead their men to pick up the ocean again?" Guo Baoyou suddenly guessed.

Even now Shang Zhen doesn't know that he unintentionally saved his old friend's life. He just did it casually, so after the shooting, he didn't pay attention to Mo Jianchen's departure.

Because Shang Zhen didn't know that it was Mo Jianchen, they naturally had to guess at Mo Jianchen's identity.

At that time, everyone would have thought that the person knew how to pick up guns and picked up five guns, four long and one short. He was definitely not an ordinary citizen, so he was more likely to be the Eighth Route Army.

Bai Zhan had never had any contact with the Communists, and he had neither good feelings nor bad feelings.

However, although the remaining four people could not be said to have dealt with the Eighth Route Army of the Communist Party, they had spent time with progressive students after all. What's more, none of them knew that Shang Zhen's original wife was a Communist.

Although the veterans are whispering in private, you ask whether our battalion commander’s wife is also in Shandong, but it is just a casual comment, and the speaker will listen to it casually. How can there be such a coincidence in the world? Woolen cloth.

"I think it should be Li Tantou's people. It is estimated that among the people who died here are some of their great figures, otherwise they would never come back after dark. They are probably the ones who collected the corpses." Chu Tian took out his own judge.

When Chu Tian said this, Bai Zhan said "ouch".

The reason why he was ouch was because he thought Chu Tian's analysis made sense.

These dead puppet soldiers either had bad characters or had something bad, otherwise the puppet soldiers would not be able to come back now.

Oops, **** it, I have been a soldier for a long time and I am no longer sensitive to money. If I had known, I would have come over and looked for it at dawn!

"There's no such thing as a remarkable person. I think it's some bandit's brother or relative who died here. The family members will come over and collect the body no matter what. Aren't we Chinese all like this?" Ma Erhuzi But he disagreed with Chu Tian's point of view.

"Traitors are not Chinese." Guo Baoyou, who had remained silent, objected.

"What you're saying is wrong. Some of them become traitors out of ignorance or to make a living. Aren't their habits and temperaments the same as those of the Chinese? You see, they may not put in much effort when fighting, but if they are killed by themselves, then what? Aren’t you going to work hard?” Chu Tian had his own opinion.

"Batalion Commander, what do you think?" Guo Baoyou knew he couldn't convince Chu Tian, ​​so he turned around and asked Shang Zhen again.

Shang Zhen was not as big-hearted as these few people. At this time, he was observing the horses coming from a distance.

At this time, the horse team that came over actually lit a torch. Although there were horse shadows in the fire, there were not many shadows. Based on Shang Zhen's experience, it was judged that there were not many puppet troops coming over, because there were not dozens or dozens of horses. Hundreds of war horses make a sound like beating drums when they run.

In this way, Shang Zhen felt relieved. If he was really an enemy, he wouldn't be afraid of the few who came.

He was relieved, and then he responded: "If you ask me, they just gave us pillows because we were sleepy.

As long as not many come, they will all be killed. We are short of horses!

I don't care why they came here, whether a great big shot died here, or whether they have some sworn brothers.

They have a deep brotherly love, but how many families have they harmed?

There is no need to be soft-hearted with them! Stop hurting ourselves! Stand back and prepare to fight! "

When Shang Zhen said this, the four people understood what Shang Zhen meant.

Yes, who cares what happened to the puppet troops who came over? Since they were already in the ranks of the traitors, who could be blamed if they were really beaten to death by them?

Not long after Shang Zhen and the others dispersed, the war horses arrived.

As Shang Zhen judged, there were seven cavalrymen in total under the fire, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com and they are all puppet troops.

They were on horseback, some raised their guns on guard and some lowered their heads to search.

It's just that the distance illuminated by the torch was too close in the dark night. They didn't notice that behind the dark corpse of the Japanese and puppet soldiers who had been dead for almost a day, five men from the Northeast Army were taking aim with long and short rifles. them.

When Shang Zhen gave the order, gunfire rang out.

Fifty meters? Sixty meters? Or what if it was further away? Shang Zhen and the others were all veterans, so it was impossible to miss them at such a distance.

In the rapid shooting, the horses stood still, but the seven puppet soldiers fell down one after another, and the one who reacted fastest only fired one shot.

The torch happened to fall on the face of a puppet soldier who had been dead for most of the day, and the firelight illuminated that face.

The face was no different from other Chinese people, but for a moment, the veterans were a little confused as to whether he was still Chinese.

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