The War of Resistance

Chapter 1469: Raid the sentry

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More than half an hour later, the barking of dogs in the northwest corner of Zhumapo finally subsided.

Naturally, the angry wind lantern on Shang Zhen's side also drifted back as the wind became smaller.

Although the Northeast Army at the foot of the mountain could no longer see the wall, Zhang Yingjie was certain that Big Boss had climbed up the five- to six-meter-high wall. As for where he hid on the wall, it was unknown. .

It's hard to imagine that a man as tall and strong as a big old fool could climb that high wall with such ease.

What Zhang Yingjie was also certain of was that those skinny soldiers must have entered Zhumapo Village.

Now it depends on when Shang Zhen will take action according to his plan.

"Don't worry, we have to wait until the mountain falls asleep in the middle of the night before we take action." Shang Zhen was probably afraid that Zhang Yingjie would be anxious, so he informed him in a low voice.

Zhang Yingjie responded in an almost nonchalant tone, but what he thought in his heart was that they were finally a little normal this time.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Zhang Yingjie would never have imagined that Shang Zhen's people, even though there were only a few of them, had already reached Zhumapo before the genius had been dark for a while.

As the barking of the dog stopped, the world finally became quiet.

The puppet soldiers didn't know that after their evil deeds, someone was thinking about taking their lives, and the hundreds of Northeastern officers and soldiers at the foot of the mountain were like mountains, rocks, grass and trees, as if they had become part of the surrounding environment, even the few pitiful ones in the sky. The stars were not very bright, as if they were tired of watching the things of the world and couldn't understand why the Chinese beat the Chinese and fell asleep.

Except for the barking of dogs, tonight seemed to be nothing compared to usual, and this situation continued until midnight, when the light on the turret at the southeast corner of Zhumapo suddenly and silently went out!

Of course, the puppet soldiers who had fallen asleep in Zhumapo Village didn't know that the moment the lights went out, there was a slight clash of guns at the foot of the mountain, as if there was a heavy rain in this early winter. Cold rain.

"Go up!" Someone shouted in the darkness, and countless figures sprinted up the mountain along the road.

"Hey!" Someone in the darkness pushed open a door forcefully, and the door made a "squeaking" sound.

The sound was actually not loud, and it was definitely not the "squeaking" sound made by a door that had been in disrepair for a long time and the door shaft was short of oil. The reason was that the person who just extinguished the lamp poured a bottle of water on the door shaft. Peanut oil!

So when the soldiers rushed to the wall of the village, what they saw was an open door, and the slightly brighter skylight behind the dark doorway.

For a period of time, Zhumapo Village has really become an evil beast devouring kind people, and this door is the huge mouth of the evil beast.

But today, some soldiers launched a bold charge against this evil beast. They rushed into the giant mouth, and they were going to cause a havoc in the tiger's den and the dragon's pond!

However, it was obvious that everything had been arranged in an orderly manner for such a charge. The few people at the forefront had just entered the door, turned around and ran to the turret, and then the sound of going up the stairs was heard. "Dong" and "dong" sounds.

They must set up their guns from this commanding height and shoot at the puppet soldiers who are likely to appear on the streets in a while.

As for the puppet sentry on the turret, there is no need to ask. If the sentry was not removed, how could the lights go out?

The soldiers then rushed in. The people behind them were eager but immediately separated in an orderly manner after rushing through the gate. Different combat groups have different combat goals. They must strive to reach the designated position before the enemy discovers them.

"Why did the lights in the southeast corner go out?" At this time, a puppet soldier on the corner building in the southwest corner of the village who was standing outside to tie his pants was still ignorant of what was happening.

He just got up at night to pee, but when he looked up again after urinating, he saw that the lights on the turret opposite him were out.

Forget it, just kill it. He was still sleepy and wrapped in his coat. He turned around and was about to enter the house.

But at this moment, the barking of dogs in the northwest corner suddenly started, although it only barked a few times.

"Didn't we meet a **** again? In this poor place, dogs can imitate humans!" The puppet soldier cursed in a low voice.

But when he turned around, he was surprised to find that the light in the northwest corner had also gone out!

"Isn't it right? That's not right!" The second discovery made him suddenly alert.

One of the four lamps in the four corner towers was originally broken, but now two more lamps have been extinguished. After a long time of trouble, only one lamp was left in his place. He was a bandit and already felt something was wrong.

"Er Gouzi, something's wrong, wake up!" he called to his companions who were on guard duty with him.

But then he felt the turret fence tremble. He lowered his head subconsciously, only to see a hand grabbing his trouser leg.

All this happened too fast, and he just screamed instinctively, but with a strong hand, he was dragged down to a small platform outside the turret where two or three people could stand, and the back of his head was It hit the turret behind with a dull sound.

This time, the puppet army was really hit hard, because the turret was originally made of red bricks.

In the confusion of the puppet army, the hand holding him was still pulling him down desperately, while he struggled out of instinct.

He didn't want to be dragged under the turret. The height of the turret could be understood as a small second floor. It was higher than the bungalows in the village. If he was dragged down, it would be impossible to die. But there is definitely only half a life left!

But now it was no time to struggle. Just when the puppet soldier put his knees on the fence to prevent the opponent from pulling him down, a thin figure was already standing beside him.

Then, a fierce sword flashed through the air, and the sword flash struck the puppet soldier's neck at its end.

The man with the knife glanced at him and rushed towards the turret.

He heard the puppet soldier shout, and there was another puppet soldier inside.

But at this moment, the door of the turret was pushed open, and he instinctively cut the knife in his hand forward.

"It's me!" A voice that sounded honest yet made people feel safe sounded, and it turned out to be the old fool.

Under the angry wind lamp, the old man's big hand reluctantly held the hand holding the knife handle.

To say reluctantly, it's not because the big man has poor eyesight and poor skills, but because the man holding the knife is too short, less than 1.6 meters tall. The big man wants to grab such a hand. Then he has to bend down, which is really difficult for him.

Just because the person who just used the knife to kill the enemy was Bian Xiaolong.

"I told you that I have killed people!" Bian Xiaolong shouted, staring into Big Boss's eyes.

"Kill him, kill him. What are you yelling at? Women are trouble!" The person who answered instead of Big Boss was Fan Tuantuan, who was the one who tried to drag the puppet sentry off the turret just now.

And just after Fan Tuantuan said these words, he was about to put out the light that was still on.

"Don't destroy it, leave some light for our people!" Bian Xiaolong said hurriedly.

The three people turned around and entered the turret, but Fan Tuantuan hadn't forgotten to drag the puppet soldier who had just been hacked to death by Bian Xiaolong into the turret.

Originally, they had agreed that the old fool would climb directly to the corner tower window before taking action, but who would have thought that this puppet soldier would find something unusual when he woke up at night.

Fan Tuantou, who originally did not have the conditions, had no choice but to take action in advance.

In the dark night, the soldiers of Shang Zhen camp were still deploying rapidly.

As Shang Zhen said before when he arranged the battle plan, it is not a problem for us to enter Zhumapo, but it is very troublesome for each group to find their own goals.

The reason is that Zhumapo is not a specialized stronghold. It was originally a village with many houses.

Although according to intelligence they have the location of most of the houses where the puppet soldiers live, there are many targets and it always takes a process to conduct targeted attacks.

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