The War of Resistance

Chapter 1466: lurking

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Shang Zhen and the others came to attack Zhumapo.

As planned before, Zhumapo was quite far away from Shang Zhen's camp, more than seventy miles away.

If they march during the day, they will inevitably be noticed by interested people and then spread to the ears of Li Tantou's puppet army. In that case, the effect of the surprise attack will not be achieved.

And if they march in the dark, their speed will naturally be affected, so they can only stay in bed during the day and go out at night.

Shang Zhen and the others did not expect that just when they had walked most of the way in the dark on the first day and began to lurk during the day on the second day, the salesman Shuan Wazi bumped into them by mistake.

As for Shang Zhen saying that Shuan Wazi came up from behind to act as their guide, that was just a joke by Shang Zhen.

He doesn't care how Shuan Wazi got here. The key is that he is here. That's what matters. Naturally, the more guides like Shuan Wazi who are familiar with local conditions, the better.

Shuan Wazi came out of his aunt's house in the morning. At around nine o'clock in the morning, he ran into Shang Zhen and others in order to avoid Li Tantou's puppet troops.

Then naturally he wouldn't be able to go anywhere, and could only lurk with Shang Zhen and the others.

Shuan Wazi was a smart man. He didn't even ask what Shang Zhen and the others were going to do this time, and he didn't dare to say that he was going to continue selling goods.

Then Shuan Wazi discovered a few more common people like himself among the hundreds of Northeastern officers and soldiers lurking, and he even knew one of them.

The man's surname was Zhang, and his nickname was "Zhang Kuaizui". Like him, he was also a salesman.

Everyone is wandering around dozens of miles around selling goods to make a living. It is impossible to say that they are in-laws. This family has no children and that family has no daughters. It is true to say that they are enemies in the same industry. In short, the two of them always have something to do with each other during the year. When we meet a few times.

Shuan Wazi was regarded as his "second entry into the palace" for the Northeast Army, so they didn't restrict him from speaking, as long as he didn't make any noise that could be heard on the road.

"Oh, it turns out there is another unlucky guy here! He was also caught to lead the way?" Before Shuan Wazi could say anything, Zhang Kuaizui spoke first. How else would he be called Kuaizui?

"Who are you calling the unlucky one?" Shuan Wazi refused to give in and instead raised his chest and said, "I took the initiative to lead the way for our brothers from the Northeast Army!"

Um? Shuan Wazi's words worked so well that he immediately choked Zhang Kuaizui. But then Shuanwazi regretted it in his heart. He couldn't say that just to make Zhang Kuaizui angry. He thought that his mouth was no better than Zhang Kuaizui's. Where to go.

Obviously he was detained by the Northeastern Army, but he said that he came on his own initiative.

If this spreads out, wouldn't he be on the same side as the Northeast Army?

If such words were to reach the ears of Li Tantou and his gang, not to mention himself, even his father, mother, seven aunts and eight aunts would have to ask Li Tantou's people to light the sky lanterns directly!

But it happened that Qian Chuan'er, who he knew with a long nose and small eyes, was next to him. Then Qian Chuan'er smiled half-heartedly and patted his shoulder: "Good brother! Let's get it, brothers from the Northeast Army." I will never forget you!"

In order not to lose face in front of Zhang Kuaizui, Shuan Wazi had turned his back to Zhang Kuaizui.

Qian Chuan'er's words almost made him cry!

Who the **** is saying that Northeasterners are benefiting from it, and who is it that I am worried about? Isn't this a clear sign of filth? This time I couldn't wash myself off even if I jumped into the Yellow River!

Then, Shuan Wazi looked at the remaining common people.

Those common people didn't care whether they were old or young, male or female. The moment his eyes came into contact with those of those people, those people hurriedly turned their gazes, with timidity showing in their eyes.

Why are they afraid of me? Shuan Wazi understood it as soon as he thought about it. Hey, people really thought that he was with the Northeast Army!

"Qian Chuan'er, what's going on with these people?" At this time, it was already confirmed that he was "complicit" with the Northeast Army in order not to lose face in front of Zhang Kuaizui. Shuan Wazi simply insisted on speaking out, and even he Call Qian Chuan'er by his first name.

Qian Chuan'er glanced at him in surprise and then said with a smile: "I met them on the road. In order not to leak the news, I had to detain them."

"Boss, please let me go. I have patients at home and they are waiting for me to deliver medicine!" An old man hurriedly complained to Qian Chuan'er.

When he said this, a middle-aged man in his forties next to him also said: "Yes, boss, please let me go, my wife is about to give birth!"

Before Qian Chuan'er could answer the question, Hu Zhuzhu, who had been following him all the time, said in disbelief: "Having a baby? If your wife dies, our Northeast Army will marry you again." If you are so small, you will have two, no, three babies in a year, and you will become as tired as a bastard!"

Who wouldn't be afraid of Hu Zhuzhu's big eyes? The two people were so frightened that they shut their mouths.

But at this time, another soldier next to him said: "Fuck, three people are born in a year, and you are now the piggy!"

There was a burst of snickering among the surrounding soldiers, and the person who answered was Qin Chuan.

Ma Tianfang, who had always been Qin Chuan's partner, was about to answer when he saw Mr. Wang looking over not far away and quickly shut his mouth to signal everyone to quiet down.

Originally, Shang Zhen, who was on a long-distance attack on Zhumapo, would not let Mr. Wang come. But since Mr. Wang knew that Shang Zhen wanted to "rob" Zhumapo, how could he not come?

In his words, it is "Beards from the Northeast and Shandong thieves", UU Reading www. As for this matter, he had never done it in the years when he was a beard. Whatever he said this time, he was going to do it!

There's nothing we can do about fighting. Robbery is what we, Mr. Wang, are good at!

But before setting off, don’t look at what Mr. Wang said so arrogantly, but time is not forgiving after all. He has traveled a lot as he gets older, so who knows how uncomfortable it is. Now Mr. Wang is beating himself up. And the knees.

People get old at the knees.

China has never been quiet since the end of the Qing Dynasty, and people like Mr. Wang who have been living in the mountains and wilderness since childhood naturally spend a lot of time sleeping in the open air.

When I was young, my yang energy was so heroic that I didn't pay attention to it, but as I got older, the root causes of various diseases would naturally appear.

In fact, this kind of situation is not just for Mr. Wang, but it exists for people of any era. In other words, occupational diseases are naturally experienced by people as they get older.

"Old man, old man, useless." Old Man Wang was still mumbling.

But Zhang Yingjie's question at this time interrupted his self-pity: "Brother Wang, didn't you study the battle plan yesterday? It sounds to me like there is nothing wrong without us?"

As soon as Mr. Wang heard what Zhang Yingjie asked him, he forgot that his leg hurt, so he turned around and smiled: "What's wrong, brother? Are you afraid that we will capture Zhumapo and share the things without your share?"

What Mr. Wang said was a bit choking.

Fortunately, he had more contact with Mr. Wang, and Zhang Yingjie knew more or less what Mr. Wang was like. He smiled and said: "We also want to make some contributions, so how can we let—"

But his words were directly interrupted by Mr. Wang's loud voice: "Don't worry, brother, you will be there for you.

Aren't they just a few thieves from Shandong? Are there any Japanese that are difficult to defeat? We've already laid the trap! "

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