The War of Resistance

Chapter 1458: Going to the market at the foot of Baodu Mountain (1)

Latest website: The eighth day of the lunar calendar, today is the day of the mass gathering at the foot of Baodu Mountain.

The world is becoming more and more unstable, and people from all walks of life are coming in droves, but now the Japanese are the only ones missing.

The vicious reputation of the Japs has spread throughout China. Who wouldn't want to buy something for the winter before the Japs come?

Therefore, the plains at the foot of Baodu Mountain were like a New Year's market. The crowds were bustling and bustling. The Shandong people themselves were very loud, and the various voices mixed together made it really lively.

This large gathering place at the foot of Baodu Mountain is famous throughout southwestern Shandong.

The reason is that there are many low hills and hills in southwestern Shandong, and Shandong has always been a province with a large population. The flat land in the mountains has been reclaimed to grow crops, so there is very little flat land for markets like the one at the foot of Baodu Mountain. See.

There are many capable people among this bustling crowd. The reason is of course that people from all walks of life also need to purchase various supplies.

However, since the Northeastern Army was stationed in Lunan, the various people did not dare to be too high-profile after all.

The great man said, "Political power comes from the barrel of a gun." But if we don't talk about political power, then whoever has more guns will naturally be the one who can talk the talk.

For example, at several entrances in this episode, there are soldiers from the Northeast Army standing with guns. Wherever they stop, they are more effective than the local police.

Who doesn’t know the life of Northeastern people?

In order to maintain the order of the large gathering, there were also patrols organized by the Northeast Army. The soldiers had both twenty-shot box cannons and slender rifles.

Anyone who knows anything will know that the gun is a 38-inch gun.

The Chinese do not produce the 38-year-old Gai, and the people in Shandong do not know that the Northeast Army actually bought the 38-year-old Gai from the Japanese army before September 18, so the 38-year-old Gai naturally became The glory of the Northeast Army.

Look, this gun was seized from a small Japanese soldier on the battlefield! We really fight the devils!

Especially the big man walking at the front of the patrol, his face looked young, but his figure was as tall and strong as half a black iron tower, so that when he walked among the crowd, he was obviously half or one taller than others. His head, blocked by the crowd, people who didn’t know thought he was standing on a donkey cart visiting the market!

It stands to reason that since the Northeastern Army has shown strong force, no one should cause trouble at this time for the Northeastern Army to arrest people and establish their authority. But the strange thing is that this happened!

At about nine o'clock in the morning, suddenly there was a quarrel somewhere in the gathering, and then it became extremely noisy.

The person who hit someone opened his mouth and cursed angrily, obviously something happened there.

So the people going to the market gathered around on the three floors on the left and three on the right to watch the excitement.

If the Daji at the foot of Baodu Mountain was a river formed by people, then the place where the incident occurred would have been like a huge red-hot iron piece thrown into the water. There was a lot of movement, as if a pot was boiling.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Damn it, if you don't want to die, just get out of the way!" Finding that something happened there, the patrol team of the Northeastern Army in the market separated from the crowd and rushed there.

Shandong people have loud voices, but the soldiers of the Northeast Army showed off their harsh accents at this time!

The big man from before didn't shout, but even though he didn't shout, he stretched out his hand to grab it!

When his two big hands are stretched out, they are like the bear's paws of a black blind man. Those who block his way can't see how strong they are. The hands just pull and pull, and then the person blocking his way falls to the side. .

Where is this person? This is a bear, or it’s not an exaggeration to say it’s a humanoid tank!

As soon as these Northeastern troops with live ammunition appeared, their momentum immediately overshadowed the place where the incident was taking place. The common people reminded each other and hurriedly retreated aside.

And in the process, he trampled on the stall selling bowls and dishes next to him, knocked over the vegetable basket that the old lady with little feet put eggs in, and knocked over a wonton stall!

Dozens of tall Northeast soldiers arrived at the place and immediately surrounded them, and as they came up, they naturally pushed aside the common people around the incident.

As a result, the people around them couldn't see clearly what was happening in the circle surrounded by the Northeastern soldiers. They just saw that the soldiers of the Northeastern Army were holding the rifles in their hands upside down and smashed into it.

At the same time, an inhuman scream came from the circle surrounded by the Northeast Army!

The screams were so miserable that the people around them thought that those who were beaten by the Northeast soldiers would have their arms and legs broken even if they were not beaten to death!

After a while, the frightening sound finally stopped.

It is estimated that someone was killed by the Northeast soldiers. Just when some people were thinking this, the Northeast soldiers suddenly dispersed around the circle.

Then, the common people saw the soldier, who was as strong as a black iron tower, striding out from inside dragging a person with one hand.

As soon as this big soldier appeared in this image, the crowd roared, and then fell silent.

The sound of "coax" was shock, and the silence was silence.

How strong must this big Northeastern soldier be?

The person he was dragging one hand at a time was a person. No matter how thin or light he was, he would weigh more than a hundred pounds. He was not a kitten or puppy.

But at this time, the big man just gave all the viewers the impression that the big man was dragging kittens and puppies one by one!

And looking at the two people he was dragging, both of them had their faces raised. Their faces were already covered with blood. It was impossible to see where they were injured. Just the blood, it was as if someone had used a blood basin. It's like watering from top to bottom!

This time, there was no need for the soldiers of the Northeast Army to shout. The curious people first looked forward and then squeezed back. They were afraid of getting blood on their bodies, and the soldiers were like dragging kittens and puppies. He walked through the passage forced by the people.

It's just that the power of this Northeastern soldier can scare the people around him, but it may not scare people from all walks of life.

Just as the big soldier was dragging the two men through the crowd, someone next to him suddenly muttered: "These two unlucky guys!"

There was quite a lot of information revealed in what this person said, and he didn't even faint from the **** scene, which shows that he also has some experience.

But at this moment, the man being dragged by the big Northeastern soldier suddenly tilted his head and opened his mouth, and blood spurted out.

It was a coincidence that his mouthful of old blood just sprayed on the face of the person who just spoke!

Who would have thought that such a situation would happen at this time, but it made a Northeast Army soldier following the big man grin: "Fuck, there is another unlucky guy!"

If you don't say anything, don't be rude, that person will be repaid in this world!

The man suddenly got angry when blood was sprayed on his face, but someone from his companions hurriedly reached out to hold him.

At this time, the Northeastern Army soldiers who were following the big man took a step forward, but directly protected him and the people he was dragging outside. Then another soldier ran in front of the big man.

In this way, the soldiers of the Northeast Army captured the two troublemakers, and it was as if they were being paraded through the streets.

But none of the people in the Northeast Army noticed that there was a man among the people on one side who was staring at the man who had just vomited blood. That man was Shuan Wazi, who was leading the way for Shang Zhen and the others in the past few days. guide.

Originally, Shuan Wazi was wary of working as a guide for the Northeastern Army. He was afraid that once he became a guide, he would eventually become a strong man, and then he would not be able to return home.

But he did not expect that UU Reading would only serve as a guide for one day, and the Northeast Army would no longer use him the next day.

Not only was he no longer needed, but he was also given money to be a guide.

This is really beyond Shuan Wazi's expectation.

He was afraid that there was fraud in it, so he didn't dare to ask for it at first, but they gave him the money no matter what, and in the end he could only accept it with gratitude.

Shuan Wazi had confusion on his face. Even though there was blood on the face of the beaten man, he looked familiar to him.

The man had already been dragged over, but he was still stretching his neck to take a look.

Suddenly, why did he feel that the person who was beaten was a bit like the fellow who was a bit awkward in personality when he was a guide a few days ago, but he was also from Shandong?

No way, I saw it wrong, Shuan Wazi thought, he really wanted to catch up and have a look, but then he thought, let's forget it for a while, one more thing is worse than one less thing.

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