The War of Resistance

Chapter 1456: Patrolling the "territory"

Latest website: The distant mountains are colorful in red, yellow, brown, green and purple, and people are farming on the patches of land between the mountains and hills.

This is the southern part of Shandong. It's the end of October, it's autumn, but it's also the season for sowing winter wheat.

A carriage pulled by an old horse came creaking forward, and some people who were working in the fields looked up.

He saw several people sitting in the car.

The five younger ones were all wearing short shirts, and some had white towels tied on their heads. The older one was dressed more modestly. Although his figure was slimmer, his aura seemed somewhat similar. A wealthy man.

Where does this big family come from? How much land does it have to cultivate and how many long-term workers are hired? The common people thought.

When he saw the people on the carriage looking towards him, he avoided looking and continued to sow his wheat seeds.

There was so much work to do that he had no time to worry about things that had nothing to do with his own work.

The carriage walked slowly past his family's field.

But the people didn't know that just when the carriage had gone far enough, a man on the carriage suddenly smiled and said: "Batalion Commander, do you think our king asked me to patrol the mountain?"

The speaker has a small nose and small eyes, but he is a string of money.

And now that Qian Chuan'er has called the battalion commander, naturally Shang Zhen is also sitting in the car.

However, Shang Zhen glanced at Qian Chuan'er who was doing something weird again but didn't answer, still looking thoughtful.

But it was different for people who knew Shang Zhen's identity. A person sitting in front of the car glanced at Shang Zhen and quickly turned his gaze away.

He heard the soldiers call Shang Zhen the battalion commander, but why did the battalion commander look so stupid or at first glance was the most honest and dull person? This made him feel strange.

But no matter how strange it was, he wouldn't say much, because there were six people in the car, but he was the only one who was a real common man.

His name was Shuan Wazi, and he was originally a salesman who walked among households in various villages.

But just yesterday, he was "invited" by these soldiers from the Northeast Army. The reason was that their commander, the battalion commander, wanted to inspect the territory, so he was asked to serve as a guide.

The Northeastern soldiers who "invited" him were polite to him and said they would pay him after he and their commanders inspected the territory.

Shuan Wazi didn't believe what the soldier said at all. He would be damned if he believed those Northeasterners who were so fierce and domineering within a few days of arriving here!

He just didn't dare not to come.

Just the day before yesterday, he saw with his own eyes that a soldier from the Northeast Army stretched out his hand and slapped a civilian who dared to talk back!

Now his only hope is that after he takes these Northeastern soldiers to "travel" all over the country, they can let him go home instead of arresting his own young men.

He doesn't dare to run yet!

The reason is of course that his house has been touched by these Northeastern soldiers. If he dares to run away, God will know whether these Northeastern soldiers will cause trouble to his family.

At this time, Qian Chuan'er saw that Shang Zhen was not answering and was thinking about something, but he didn't take it seriously. Just when he was about to say something again, Chen Hanwen said, "Do you think you are Ba Bo'er Ben or Ben Bo'er Ba?" ?”

"What did you say?" Qian Chuan'er was stunned by Chen Hanwen's answer, and then he understood and said, "Otherwise, you are a semi-scholar, are you the same pair who asked me to patrol the mountain? ?”

A pair of Shuang'er is a Northeastern saying, referring to twin brothers. The so-called Ba Bo'er Ba and Benbo'er Ba Na are both little goblins in "Journey to the West".

It's just that it's obvious that Chen Hanwen, the half-hearted scholar here, confused the story in "Journey to the West".

"Isn't it that pair?" Sure enough, Chen Hanwen, who had only read Journey to the West once in his life, was mistaken.

"Tch, it's Xiao Zhuanfeng, do you know? That little goblin patrolling the mountain is Xiao Zhuanfeng.

Xiao Zhuanfeng is a fairy on land, and the two brothers you mentioned are black fish spirits and fairies in the water.

You think those two brothers are toads and can still go ashore to patrol! Qian Chuan'er said angrily.

When Chen Hanwen heard what Qian Chuan'er said, he couldn't help but reach out and scratch his head. He felt embarrassed.

But Chen Hanwen didn't know who could compare with Qian Chuan'er in telling the story of "Journey to the West"?

I think Qian Chuan'er put a lot of effort into "Journey to the West" to get along well with Li Yajuan.

Chen Hanwen remained silent, but Qian Chuan'er had no intention of letting him go. Besides "Journey to the West", Qian Chuan'er couldn't control other literacy aspects.

"Uncle Wang, do you see that I am outperforming our half-brother scholar!" Qian Chuan'er said with a smile. It turned out that the person dressed as a rich man was none other than Mr. Wang.

At this time, Mr. Wang was looking at the surrounding terrain and scenery. He wanted to find a good place for his wife Ju Hongxia to settle down.

He ignored the bickering between Qian Chuan'er and Chen Hanwen, so he replied casually: "The King Fart asked you to patrol the mountain. Didn't the King let people urinate and occupy the land?"

"Ah?" Qian Chuan'er never expected that Mr. Wang would say such a thing, and he was immediately dumbfounded.

Chen Hanwen didn't expect it, but he immediately showed a gloating smile, but he didn't dare to laugh out loud because he was afraid that Qian Chuan'er would mess with him again.

But someone didn't care, but started laughing "hehehe", and that person was Wu Ziqi, who had a bit of a personality.

When Shang Zhen takes people on a trip, he is always particular about who he takes with him.

Old Mao Wang wanted to find a place for Old Aunt Wang, Qian Chuan'er was a good talker, Shuan Wazi was invited as a guide, and Wu Ziqi was from Shandong, so it was convenient for him to speak with the locals with a Shandong accent.

Only Chen Hanwen happened to hear Shang Zhen say that he wanted to take someone out for a walk, and his half-Laven characteristics came back. He said that he wanted to go out to see the autumn colors. Shang Zhen thought about it and took him out as well. .

Along the way, Shang Zhen was just like the guide Shuan Wazi saw. He didn't participate in the laughter and curses of his group, but he was looking at the terrain and thinking about those messy things.

Originally hearing that the 51st Army was going to Shandong to fight guerrilla warfare, Shang Zhen felt very optimistic. After all, this was what they were good at.

However, since the 113th Division was sneak attacked by Li Tantou's puppet army and what he saw and heard after arriving in Lunan, Shang Zhen discovered that this was not the case at all.

Although it seems that everything is safe for the time being, in the long run, their situation may not be better than before, and it may even be worse!

The reasons are, first, disharmony at the top. Now that he is the battalion commander, he naturally knows more things.

Just the day before yesterday, Yu Xiuzhong, the former commander of the 51st Army and now the commander-in-chief of the Lusu guerrillas, arrived. The chairman of SD Province, surnamed Shen, held a welcoming ceremony, but it ended in a bad mood.

Shang Zhen heard what his teacher Liu Chengyi said, which seemed to involve the issue of who would be in the upper echelons' power struggle.

If there is discord at the top, even if there is even a small decision, my battalion may not become cannon fodder on the battlefield but become a victim of internal strife.

If you really accidentally become a victim of internal fighting, you might as well die on the battlefield fighting the Japanese.

If Shang Zhen was just a soldier, he would never care about these things, but now it's no longer possible. He has a battalion under his command.

Second, the anti-Japanese situation in Shandong is complicated.

The Japanese army has occupied strategic locations and communication lines, and the number of puppet troops is now countless in the country.

It is said that Shandong is the hometown of Confucius and that there should not be too many traitors in terms of etiquette, justice, integrity, and shame. But who would have thought that Li Tantou's puppet army totaled more than 20,000 people.

As for the various bandit armed forces, local armed forces, the Red Spear Club and the Big Sword Club, there are even more.

In addition, it is said that there are various guerrilla groups of the Eighth Route Army.

Now the 51st Army of the Northeastern Army is here again. It not only wants to fight the Japanese, but it is bound to have enemies and enemies with various forces, and even talk about snatching food from the tiger's mouth. It is impossible to stop this messy situation!

Third, just because it is not easy to resist the Japanese here, it is inevitable that some in the Northeast Army will surrender to the enemy and become traitors. Don't let people like you fall into disgrace all of a sudden!

Shang Zhenke has always been a very worried person. If you ask him to do everything lightly, he won't be able to do that!

Fourth, according to Liu Chengyi, UU Kanshu The situation in the entire Northeastern Army is relatively complicated now. Some are closer to the Communist Party, some are only resisting Japan and taking the middle line, some are close to the National Government, and there are even some who want to surrender. Japanese. Now it's just that the 51st Army has not started a big battle. If a big battle does happen, who knows what will happen!

Therefore, Shang Zhen is unavoidably preoccupied now, but the veterans under him have long been accustomed to seeing him thinking. If he doesn't say it himself, who will care about what he is thinking.

Because of this, Shang Zhen, who was worried about the future of people like himself, decided to go out for a walk after thinking about it for a long time to no avail. He would like to know the surrounding human geography and even understand the various forces in the defense zone.

This is how Shang Zhen came out.

Anyone who has experienced war knows the value of peace. Shang Zhen came out with his own purpose, but his soldiers regarded it as a journey.

They just sat in the carriage and drew a large circle around their station. The circle was so large that they returned at dusk.

(End of chapter)

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