The War of Resistance

Chapter 1448: Box cannon, the favorite of soldiers

Latest website: There is still a chance to shoot.

When Xie Chengan and the others rushed up the second hill panting again, this time they saw that the bandits were only more than fifty meters away from them.

The hill was not high but the **** was relatively long. They were all here, and the bandits had only just reached the foot of the slope. As for the hill opposite them, which was still about a hundred meters away from them, it was They were simply ignored.

More than fifty meters, for ordinary soldiers, can they still shoot bullets away? For soldiers who have just learned how to shoot, they cannot kill with a gun, but they can always be wounded.

So with Xie Chengan's "hit", they shot nearly forty people with a platoon of guns.

When the gunfire rang out, the bandits who were still walking in front were all shot and fell down in an instant, and only three or four were still standing.

There are not many bandits in this group. There are only more than 20 people in total. There are nearly 40 people in the Northeast Army. With more people attacking less people and shooting behind the scenes, it is difficult for those bandits to die!

As for the remaining bandits who were still standing, they instinctively wanted to react after this drastic change, but it was useless!

Because in addition to rifles, everyone in the Northeast Army still has a few box guns. Although they are not capable of firing twenty rounds, they can still fire continuously, at least without pulling the bolt like a rifle.

Just as the box of cannons hit "pop", "pop" and "pop", the remaining bandits also fell down.

At this time, the riflemen's second round of shooting started again. The bullets flew down from the hill and directly hit the bandits who had fallen at the foot of the slope.

Not to mention those bandits who had been hit in vital parts, but those who were still struggling after being shot were shot again!

So after the second round of shooting, if the wounds of those bandits were not still bleeding, people would think that they were already dead!

The smoke was still dissipating from the muzzle of the gun, but at this moment a person jumped up from the top of the hill, that was Qingfeng Li.

However, Qingfeng Li once again used the speed of a 100-meter sprint and rushed down the mountain.

Xie Chengan was stunned for a moment, and then shouted an order: "Leave a few people to cover, and the rest go down quickly!"

So, hula la, the soldiers ran down the hill with their guns in hand.

Not to mention that Qingfeng Li ran fast, but when the others reached the foot of the slope, Qingfeng Li had even thrown away his rifle, and he was taking the Kowloon that he had ripped off a bandit and put it on himself!

After putting on the Nine Dragon Belt, he hurriedly picked up the bandit's twenty rings.

What a coincidence, the wooden box that can be used as a gun stock is still installed on the gun handle.

Why did Qingfeng Li run so fast? He didn't come here for those two mortars.

Although the mortar was good, it was still a cannon. Li Qingfeng didn't want to carry the barrel of a cannon that had some weight, but he came for the bandit's twenty-ring box cannon.

The Mauser short gun, the C96, the Jilaite, the speed machine, but none of them are as domineering as the name "Box Cannon"!

The gun is a short gun, but it is called a cannon when held in the hand, which shows the status of the box cannon in the minds of the Chinese.

Qingfeng Li finally got what he wanted, the twenty-ring box gun he wanted, and it was captured by himself. Looking at the gun, it was still a seedling box, and he felt happy now!

Qingfeng Li is young. Although he has abilities far beyond his years, he still has the mentality of a child.

Now that the twenty-ring box gun was in hand, he casually opened the bolt head of the box gun, then used the gun box as a **** against his shoulder, then held the gun with both hands and aimed forward. action.

To say this is like a soldier getting his favorite weapon, or even the itchy feeling a child feels when he gets his favorite toy.

But when he closed one eye and made this aiming action, a figure appeared in his field of vision!

He was pointing his gun at the top of the hill in front of him, and he saw someone appearing on the top of the hill, and it wasn't even a person!

Even though Qingfeng Li reacted very quickly, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

You must know that when they were on the top of this hill, they were only about a hundred meters away from the hill opposite. Now that they have run down, how far is that?

At this moment, Qingfeng Li could see clearly that the color of the other party's clothes was neither that of the Northeastern Army nor the Japanese Army. He even felt as if his eyes were colliding with the other party's!

Seeing that the people on the opposite side who had reached the top of the mountain were already lying down,

Qingfeng Li suddenly had an ominous premonition!

He instinctively pulled the trigger, "bang bang bang bang", but the sound of the gunshot shocked Li Qingfeng himself.

If he hadn't pressed his shoulder against the wooden box that served as the **** of the gun, the bullet might have gone somewhere.

Qingfeng Li was so frightened that he quickly let go of his index finger on the trigger. He glanced down and noticed that the speed switch on the left side of the gun was in fast gear!

A speed machine is naturally divided into fast and slow gears.

Pulling the trigger in slow gear means short bursts of fire, and three or two rounds of bullets will be fired. If you don't release the trigger at this time, the remaining bullets will not be fired.

But that's not the case with fast gear. If you hold the trigger without letting go of your index finger, the bullets will pour out. A twenty-shot box cannon is equivalent to twenty bullets. It only takes four seconds to empty the twenty bullets. !

Four seconds can be called an extremely short period of time. During the battle, regardless of whether you are nervous or not, if you accidentally pull the trigger, the magazine will be emptied of bullets.

Of course Li Qingfeng had used box cannons in ordinary life. Even when there was only one twenty-gun Shang Zhen left in the whole company, he couldn't put it down and played with it. It's just that he didn't have the chance to fire live ammunition. But that kind of semi-automatic box cannon He has shot cannon before.

Precisely because he had experience with box cannons and was a martial arts practitioner, he had extremely quick reactions. When he saw the bullets shooting out like water, he subconsciously stopped shooting.

Even so, the shot just now probably left only half of the bullets in the magazine.

The box gun is easy to use and can fire continuous rounds, but the bullets in the magazine will always be empty during battle.

Experienced veterans often remember how many bullets are left in the magazine during combat.

Otherwise, if you face the Japanese at the critical moment, they will be rifles and you will be box guns.

Once you pull the trigger and the bullet is gone, it's too late to change the magazine or press the bullet.

And if the recruits still have such questions, why doesn't the gun go off? He probably subconsciously pulled the trigger a few more times out of habit, and his heart was burning with anxiety, and his mind was racing with thoughts, why didn't it go off?

It's a rifle. UU Reading is only slower than you in pulling and pushing the bolt. When shooting a rifle at close range, as long as it is pointed at the person opposite, it will definitely be shot. There are no exceptions. Although the rifle is slow, it can shoot. How can the stability be compared to that of a dozen box cannons?

There is only a fine line between life and death. If the key is to carve off the chain, then you are really tricking yourself to death!

But having said that, Qingfeng Li's super-long shot by mistake was just the right time.

The mound on the opposite side was not far from their place. Just as Qingfeng Li fired, someone rushed to the top of the mountain.

Based on Qingfeng Li's marksmanship, this shot actually made him shoot higher. He was hit by those who were running to get down. However, those behind him rushed up and hit Qingfeng Li before they could fall down. On the fired bullet!

Of course, the bandits who rushed up the mountain did not expect to be caught off guard as soon as they rushed to the top of the mountain. Qingfeng Li's gun rang out, and Xie Chengan also raised his head and shouted: "Quickly retreat! Li Tantou's people are coming. Got it!"

(End of chapter)

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