The War of Resistance

Chapter 1446: Hunting for guns in the dark (2)

Latest website: The fire in the village has burned out. Some villagers ran out of the burning house crying and tried to carry water to put out the fire, but it was of no avail. In the end, they could only escape in vain because the fire was too strong. It's so roasted that people can no longer lean forward.

But no matter what, when the fire breaks out, the enemy will be divided. The Li Tantou bandits, knowing that their side has few troops, can only force their way outside the village.

So the gunfire was still chaotic under the firelight, and bandits wearing civilian clothes but holding guns were shot and fell to the ground.

And in the firelight, Shang Zhen, who was now in a safe area, didn't look good. Under the firelight, his face looked cloudy and uncertain.

Division Commander Liu Chengyi and the entire division are already safe, but more than a dozen houses in the village have been burned. And this is because most of the houses in this village are built with local stones, otherwise they are likely to be burned down. Camp.

Listening to the cries of the burned people, how could he be in a good mood?

This was the first time that Shang Zhen put the safety of his teacher before the suffering of the common people.

If we really engage in guerrilla warfare in the future, how can we possibly target people’s houses at every turn?

But Shang Zhen knew that he could only keep this kind of thing in his heart and never tell others. Who would take the common people seriously now?

How about waiting until tomorrow and asking the soldiers to help the people rebuild the collapsed houses? I'm afraid the military situation is urgent and the division commander can't agree.

"Alas." Shang Zhen sighed heavily.

Now he really hoped that the breath he sighed was like the wind blown out by Princess Iron Fan with her banana fan, extinguishing all the fire at once, so as to reduce the guilt in his heart.

Just then, he heard the sound of artillery in the distance again, followed by the whistle of mortar shells flying in the night sky.

Shang Zhen's body trembled but he stood there without moving. Then there was a "boom" dozens of meters away from him. It was a shell hitting a house.

"Damn cannon, let's send someone to kill it!" Old Mao Wang's voice rang out, and he came from behind.

"You don't need us, why do you still need us with so many troops?" Shang Zhen shook his head.

At this time, the cry of a child came from the place where it had just been shelled.

"Go save the children. If you can help the people put out the fire, then put it out. By the way, don't say we ordered the house." Shang Zhen said this with a bit of sadness.

But at this time, in the darkness in the distance, Xie Chengan was already cursing in a low voice.

How could it be so easy to find those two mortars in the dark night?

There is no need to deny that the Chinese army is not as good as the Japanese army in combat effectiveness, but compared with the bandits under Li Tantou, the Chinese army becomes an official army again.

The bandits who controlled the two mortars moved the guns farther away, but this time they fired two more rounds into the village. Amidst the sound of the cannons, Xie Chengan, Li Qingfeng and the others suddenly turned around, only to realize that the two mortars were far away. They are still more than a mile apart.

Obviously, the bandits also knew that their sneak attack had failed, but the bandits who controlled the two cannons were unwilling to do so. They probably guessed that the Northeast Army would come after them, so they started fighting with the two mortars. A guerrilla!

"Now I believe they are bandits, as slippery as loaches! Keep chasing them!" Xie Chengan said angrily.

So in the dark night, those who wanted to destroy the mortar went to the place where the sound of the gunfire came from.

But this process is still not fast.

Just imagine, the bandits all guessed that the Northeast Army would look for them before attacking their guerrillas, so they were also afraid of being ambushed by the bandits during their advance.

However, even though it was only a few hundred meters away, it took Xie Chengan, Li Qingfeng and the others more than half an hour.

And when they arrived at the place where the bandit's cannon was fired in their memory, they began to wait quietly again, but this time the cannon stopped firing.

They were not Japanese soldiers, and they did not have the support of flares. Even if the two mortars were nearby, they would not be able to detect them without making any noise.

So they could only wait quietly, but they couldn't speak, so they could only endure it there.

And they waited like this for more than an hour. Just when they were about to lose their patience, the cannon sounded again, but if the village was used as a reference, this time the cannon sounded moved back again. A few hundred meters in front of them.

In the darkness, the soldiers looked back at the village and saw that the two shells hit the village again.

It was obvious that these bandits were really causing trouble and were just using mortars to vent their hatred.

It was true that the bandits had hatred in their hearts, but at this time, Xie Chengan and the others also felt hatred in their hearts.

These bandits are too thieves. They really just change places after two shots. How do they capture each other's position in the dark?

The weapons they used to harass the Northeastern Army were mortars that could shoot in a curved direction rather than guns that could shoot in a straight line.

Mortars can hit both far and near. If it's a thousand meters away, it's not a problem. If it's close, it can hit a few hundred meters. Doesn't it mean it can run around in the dark?

"Are we still chasing?" Liu He asked a little discouraged.

Qingfeng Li remained silent. Xie Chengan pondered for a moment and said, "Do you want mortars?"

Xie Chengan's words directly hit Liu He's "vital gate".

Who doesn’t want a mortar? Now that their battalion has set up a grenade platoon, if there are two more mortars, even if they only have a few rounds, they will be of great use at critical moments!

"I want it!" Liu He was immediately stunned by Xie Chengan's words.

"Then why are you hesitating? Let's go!" Xie Chengan said.

So, they went on the trip again.

This time it took them nearly an hour to reach the approximate location where the cannon was fired.

The bandits all retreated, which undoubtedly showed that the bandits were on guard.

The Shandong thieves and the Northeastern beards were both gangsters, and they were both using gangster thinking. Xie Chengan and the others were naturally cautious, and they were determined not to steal a chicken but lose a handful of rice instead.

And when they arrived at that location, they still couldn't find the bandits, so they could only continue to wait. After more than an hour of waiting, the two mortars never fired again.

"Fuck!" This time it wasn't just Liu He, but several Northeastern soldiers who used foul language.

They really lost the patience to look for these two mortars anymore.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Xie Chengan, who had become discouraged, said: "Go back!"

Everyone was speechless and walked back with their weapons in hand. However, after walking for a while, Qingfeng Li, who was walking at the front, suddenly said "Hey".

"What's wrong?" Liu He asked.

"Take two steps forward and put your feet down." Li Qingfeng said.

Liu He stepped forward in confusion, but after only taking a few steps, he felt a hardness under his feet. It was an extremely solid feeling.

"Are you on the road?" Liu He woke up immediately.

People in the Northeast are accustomed to calling roads "roads". For example, people in the Northeast later called roads "line roads", which means roads that run straight like a line.

They have been wandering around in the dark night for a while, but they are all walking in the wild.

In the wilderness, even though it is an open area with grass and shrubs, it cannot be that flat, so walking is naturally very tiring.

But now, as soon as I suddenly hit the road, I naturally feel comfortable and tight under my feet.

"Little Taoist priest, what do you think?" Xie Chengan asked.

"I think we should go ahead along this road. Maybe we can leave the bandits behind, so we can just wait for them in front." Li Qingfeng said.

Qingfeng Li's words ignited the fire of hope in the hearts of the soldiers, but then a recruit raised a different meaning: "How do you know those bandits can walk?"

"They must be familiar with this place. If they want to evacuate, they will reach the road sooner or later. As long as we go far enough and in a good direction, I think we can definitely stop them." Li Qingfeng answered quickly, obviously he had already thought about it. .

"I think it's okay, that's it anyway, it's worth staying up all night to get two cannons!" Xie Cheng'an said casually.

Although they belong to different divisions, they are all from the Northeast Army, and Xie Chengan is the highest-ranking person here. Since he said what others said, he would no longer object.

Therefore, this time they did not look for the two mortars, but followed the unexpectedly discovered road into the distance.

(End of chapter)

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