The War of Resistance

Chapter 1424: rescue battle

After Shang Zhen asked the two traitors for their confessions, he ran to the river desperately. He was finally rewarded for his efforts.

The moment he rushed across the hill blocking his sight by the river, he noticed two black spots on the river.

The black spot couldn't be said to be very big or small. It was about six or seven hundred meters away from him.

But Shang Zhen knew that the "chugging" sound came from those two black spots.

That's a motorboat.

Shang Zhen didn't know where those two motorboats came from, but he knew that those **** motorboats belonged to the Japanese!

What were the Japanese motorboats doing on this river?

At this time, Shang Zhen saw the two wooden boats that had disappeared from his sight.

Shang Zhen knew that the Japanese motorboats came to these two wooden boats.

Shang Zhen has already run thousands of meters.

Although he couldn't always maintain the speed of a 100-meter sprint, he was already out of breath and his thighs and calves were swollen.

But so what? At this time, Shang Zhen still had to rush forward!

And just as he started a new round of running, he heard gunshots coming from the river.

That was the "ta-ta-da" "ta-ta-ta" sound of the Japanese machine guns firing.

As Shang Zhen ran, he got closer and closer to the two wooden boats. At this time, he could see clearly that the boat that was rowing in front was now spinning in the river.

There is no doubt that the helmsman of the ship was knocked down by Japanese bullets. No one could control the direction, and the ship could only spin in place.

The boat behind them was also deviating from its original route in the middle of the river and was approaching the shore on their side.

As Shang Zhen ran forward, his vision became clearer and clearer. At this time, he saw that the end of the spinning boat was covered with water, and the people on the boat were jumping into the river one after another.

And then the gunshots became noisy.

This time it was not just the Japanese machine gun fire, but also the crackling sound of countless box artillery fire.

Shang Zhen had already seen these two boats when people disembarked at the dock. They were all carrying short guns.

Now they are ambushed by Japanese troops on a motorboat.

They must have had long guns on board, but it undoubtedly had no effect.

The wooden boats were definitely not as smooth as the Japanese motorboats, and they were attacked again. The long guns failed to work. The only thing they could resist now was box cannons.

But after all, the box cannon is just a short gun. Even if it only has twenty shots, how can a person in the water compare with the Japanese light machine gun?

The ship was no longer in control, and the Japanese bullets must have penetrated the side of the ship.

The hull of the ship was flooded, and the people on board had no choice but to jump off. However, regardless of whether they could take the water or not, they would eventually become targets of being shot by the Japanese army.

Before dying, if they did not use the box cannon to shoot at the Japanese army, even if the shooting was blind, then what would they be willing to do as soldiers?

Shang Zhen ran forward a few steps and finally climbed behind the ridge of a mound. At this time.

The boat heading for the shore had already reached the shallow water, only sixty or seventy meters away from him. UU read www.uukanshu.comm

Shang Zhen pulled out the box cannon from his **** and quickly put the wooden box back on it.

When he aimed forward with the wooden box as a gun butt, the people on the wooden boat jumped into the water with a splash.

Then a crowd of people surrounded a person and ran to the shore amidst the splashing water. As expected, most of them were wearing military uniforms and were originally hiding in the boat canopy.

Shang Zhen had already anticipated such a thing. He only glanced at his own people and pointed his gun at the Japanese motorboat that was getting closer and closer.

At this time, the two Japanese motorboats had already reached the wooden boat spinning in the water.

Shang Zhen was about to shoot when he suddenly saw someone in the water raising his hand, and a black dot flew onto the Japanese gas, and then Shang Zhen heard an explosion.

At this time, Shang Zhen was about a hundred meters away from the motorboat. He couldn't figure out how the Chinese soldiers in the water did it. How they managed to hold up under the fire of Japanese machine guns until the Japanese motorboat approached, and then were able to throw it hard in the water. A grenade.

It's a pity that it was just a grenade after all, and it was not enough to sink the Japanese motorboat. But even so, a Japanese light machine gun on the motorboat was still silenced.

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