The War of Resistance

Chapter 1396: panic

The two young men ran over, and one of the younger ones ran and asked, "Brother, are they really Japanese?"

"What are you talking nonsense? Run!" The other older one replied.

It's just that although the two of them ran fast, the person behind was even faster. The elder brother who ran behind felt bad, and when he turned around, he saw that a person had already jumped on him.

He didn't even notice whether the opponent was tall or small, or whether his face was ferocious, and it was impossible for him to notice, because he saw that the black bayonet that the person was holding was already piercing head-on!

After all, he is young, his point of attention is right!

He instinctively avoided the bayonet with a wrong step, and the bayonet pierced against his shoulder.

It's just that his dodge was only to dodge temporarily, at this time the second person who caught up with him arrived again.

And when the second person arrived, the guy in his hand also arrived, this time it was a dagger gleaming coldly in the morning sun!

If you dodge any more, you will be unable to dodge. The young man instinctively raised his hand to grab the opponent's wrist.

He also grabbed the wrist, but when the opponent's wrist turned, the sharp dagger edge cut through his forearm.

He couldn't help but let go of the opponent's wrist because of the pain in his arm.

And at this time, the guy on the opposite side stretched out his left hand and grabbed him by the neck. It is estimated that the guy wanted to grab his collar.

At this time, the guy who imagined this time was wrong.

This young man has been doing rough work since he was a child.

In the period of the Republic of China, a literary teacher wrote that the literate and well-educated cultural talents only wear long gowns with collars, but where does he get the collars when he wears a round-neck sweater?

He could only follow the trend, so the young man who was already unsteady was pushed to the ground, and he also threw himself down. As for the dagger that was still holding the cold light in his right hand!

This time it's over, the young man thought, it's too late for him to reach out and block.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a "pop" sound coming from behind him.

It was so close to him, and it sounded so loud, that he didn't even realize it was a gunshot.

It was only a moment after the gunshot, and then he was thrown to the ground, and the guy who was about to kill him also lay on top of him.

It's over, I'm dead, thought the young man.

But then he heard the sound of "cracking", "cracking" and "cracking" like "firecrackers" sounding around the New Year, and mixed with the sound of "crackers" were Chinese and It was an afterthought that he had never heard that it should be a Japanese yell.

Huh? If I can hear the sound, then I am still alive!

The young man suddenly realized.

Those who thought they were going to die closed their eyes and then opened them again.

But when he opened it, what he saw was a ferocious face, staring blankly at him with a pair of dead fish-like eyes.

This is the guy who almost stabbed himself to death just now, right?

Frightened, the young man didn't know what kind of movement he used and how much strength he used. As soon as he exerted his strength, he pushed the guy lying on top of him up.

With the force of the top, he moved to the right bone and pulled out his hand.

And when he stopped and looked at the place where he fell just now, he saw that guy was still lying there, but the dagger that made him tremble just now was still in the guy's hand, but it had been pierced. On the ground, there was already a pool of blood under that guy's body.

It turned out that the guy who raised the knife at him just now was beaten to death!

Still thinking about the source of drinking water, the young man subconsciously tilted his head to look behind him, and then he saw a man a little older than himself lying on the ground with a box cannon in his hand and shooting forward.

That person was very close to him, that is, more than ten meters away, so he could see clearly.

As soon as the gunshot was fired, a puff of white smoke burst out from the muzzle of the gun. The man turned the muzzle of the gun and the gunfire continued, so the white smoke in the front was exhausted and the white smoke in the back was born again.

And that person's expression was flat but revealing a certain kind of determination, absolutely not like my panic when I first saw a Japanese with make-up entering the city.

He is also a Chinese, no, he should be a Chinese soldier, although he is wearing the clothes of ordinary people.

At this moment, the young man suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of security!

So amidst the hail of bullets, he actually had the time to look into the battlefield.

And when he saw it, he was shocked again.

As a commoner, he didn't notice that group of people when he first entered the city, but when the group pulled out their guns, he noticed something was wrong.

He is not stupid, of course he can think of it, don't look at the Japanese army pressing hard outside the city, but after all, this city is still our Chinese people's world, so what if this sneaky gun goes to a place where the Chinese army can't see it? Good guy maybe?

That's why he told his younger brother to stay away from these people.

But who ever thought that he was almost stabbed to death in the end!

In his understanding, those who used short guns were all officials in the army. Could it be that the Japanese who entered the city were all officials?

But there can't be so many officials in the army! As an ordinary person, he couldn't understand it.

Just when he turned around and ran towards this end, he certainly knew that there were still a lot of Japanese pretending to be ordinary people.

But now when he looked over again, he saw that there was no one standing on the street in front of him, or those who squatted and shot at both sides were still alive, or those who were lying on the ground were thrown aside. , that is dead.

And when he looked at the streets on both sides, he saw Chinese soldiers emerging from the window next to the roof door and shooting towards the middle of the street. .

It took a lot of effort, and there are very few Japanese on the street who can stand up and fight back!

And isn't that what fighting is all about?

If the number of the enemy and the enemy are equal and they all guard their respective positions and shoot at each other, there will be no winner or loser for a while.

But when one party is on the bright street, while the other party hides himself in the houses on both sides of the street or on the roof, is there any need to ask which group has the greater advantage?

But the group of people on the street is still small, so as the number of people decreases, they will die faster and faster. This is of course due to the relative ebb and flow.

In the beginning, eighty guns hit you with thirty guns, but then it became eighty guns and you hit ten guns. Then your ten people will die faster!

So it was only for a moment that this young man saw him as a bystander, and no one on the street shot back anymore.

At the same time, many soldiers with rifles on their shoulders rushed out from the houses on both sides of the street.

And it's really unforgiving for them to attack. Seeing the people falling down on the street, as long as there is a gun by their side, no matter if it is dead or injured, they will shoot it straight away!

Why do you still fight when you're dead? The young man felt puzzled inside.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a crying voice from the front: "Stop beating, that's my son, he's dead, why are you still beating him?"

Hearing this, the young man was startled, he suddenly realized something, he quickly got up from the ground and turned around to look.

And at this time, he was surprised to see that just a few meters in front of him, another young man, that is, his younger brother, had also fallen down, and beside him was the boss with a pool of blood!

After the young man felt a "buzz" in his head, he rushed forward and shouted: "Two cows!"

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